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Results 62851-62900 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
Agreably to your Request I now inclose you a Certificate of your Services as an Officer in the...
From the bottom of a heart that has never, since our parting, ceased to glow with the purest...
The bearer Mr Alexr Moore, having had considerable connections with our late house of Robert Cary...
Having been directed by my worthy uncle Elias Boudinot Esq r (now Presid t . of Congress) to...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Cover missing. Docketed by JM, “Apr. 19. 1783.” I have not the...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Thomas Meriwether. Addressed to “Virginia Delegates...
This will be handed you by M r Fitch a Gentleman, tho’ not well known to you, is by the Mother...
Je Suis tres Sensible a la part que votre Exc: veut bien prendre a la revolution inopinée et...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Le desir que javois Monsieur davoir une Correspondance avec...
AL : American Philosophical Society M. de Pio a reçu avec le plus grand plaisir La Medaille, dont...
62861General Orders, 20 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Putnam Brig. Qr Mr 1st Massa. Brigade The 1st Massachusetts...
In consequence of a Resolution of Congress ordering Arrangements to be formed by me & the...
I beg leave to Congratulate your Excellency upon the returning smiles of peace, and the happy...
Not till yesterday was I honored with your favor of the 14th of January. I delay not a moment to...
I had the honor to receive your Excellencys favor of the11th Inst. by Capt. Hapleton By Mr...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of...
Englishmen surely are possessed too much of the Spirit of Commerce, & are too perfect Masters of...
Upon the receipt of the provisional Articles & a subsequent account brôt by a Vessel dispatched...
Report of a Committee to whom was committed the letter from His Excelly The President of the...
Copy: Massachusetts Historical Society; ALS (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript:...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. le Mis. de brancas prie Mr. franclin de lui faire dire a...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr le prince de deuxponts desire Mon respectable amis d’avoir...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mrs. Izard presents her Compliments to Dr. Franklin, &...
62874General Orders, 21 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
The third Massachusetts regt gives the Guards of the 2d regt the fatigues tomorrow. Lt Henry...
I have the satisfaction of inclosing to your Excellency a Proclamation which I have received from...
The cessation of hostilities having been now proclaimed, you will permit any Citizens of the...
Permission is hereby granted for Lt Col. Humphrys, Aide de Camp to the Commander in Chief to...
In answer to your private letter of the 16th I can promise no more than a disposition to promote...
I have the honor to present Your Excellency with my thoughts on a peace Establishment for our...
Upon the receipt of the provisional Articles and a subsequent account brought by a Vessel...
I arrived here in very good health yesterday morning at about 6. o’clock, after having spent some...
Enfin je puis vous féliciter de l’arriveé de Mr. votre fils en parfaite santé. Nous eumes cette...
I did not receive your letter of the 15th. till after my return from Ringwood, where I had a...
The Committee to whom was referred the letter from His Excellency The President of Pensylvania to...
[ Philadelphia ] April 22, 1783 . On this date Hamilton offered a motion, seconded by Hugh...
The Committee on the letter of the 14th instant from His Excellency Sir Guy Carelton submit the...
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; AL (draft): American Philosophical Society M. Märter,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I return your Excellency my most sincere and hearty Thanks...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ay L’honneur de vous adresser cy joint Un memoire du Nommé...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Permettez Monseigneur La Liberté que je prends De Vous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I Received with an innexpressible gratitude the pretious...
62892General Orders, 22 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigadier Genl Patterson B.Q.M. 2d Massa. Brigade The Hampshire regiment...
In March, I was honored with the receit of your Excellencys letter of the 10th of January—and the...
I with much pleasure congratulate your Excellency on the happy conclusion of the War the...
I have received, and thank you for your Sentiments of a Peace Establishment for this Country—and...
I did not receive your letter of the 15th till after my return from Ringwood, where I had a...
There are ten prisoners of war in the provost. would it not be propper to Set them at liberty? if...
I do myself the honor to transmit to Your Excellency some late resolves of Congress. I have the...
I have been honored with your two favors—dated the 12th & 15th of instant. In Consequence of the...
Major McHenry—formerly an assistant Secretary to me, & afterwards Aid de Camp to the Marqs de la...