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Results 62851-62900 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I am afraid of having done a very foolish thing. We have been oblig’d to leave at Luzarches...
I inclose a letter for M r Brockenbrough for your satisfaction—The letter for M r Purking or...
an apology is due to you, for as I promised to write you, while in Service; & a sick family,...
Immortel Premier des hommes fideles aux principes Divines de Gouv. repres—que jamais aucun...
With a view to public good and with the desire of serving a worthy stranger, I beg leave to...
Per soddisfare al desiderio, e del onore delli Stati Vniti, il quale io scrivo, in questi due...
The subject of this Letter will, I trust, plead my apology for the liberty I now take in...
The Letter you did me the favour to write on the 11th: ult: had been left at my lodging by the...
Philadelphia, 27 Mch. 1802 . Latrobe takes the liberty to offer ideas on the canal intended to...
I should have acknowledg’d the receipt of your Note covering the draft on Mr Peyton for tuition...
I herewith enclose a Letter for Count de Vergennes, and also a Copy of it for your Perusal and...
I take the liberty of forwarding to you for acceptance the 3 d of a sett of Exchange dated...
Your letter of the 28 th Ult o was received yesterday , after I had forwarded mine of that date...
I cannot suffer my engagements in business, to interfere with a reply to the observations, with...
Since writing to you this afternoon at four o’Clocke I have received the inclosed Intelligence...
It does not seem that, under existing laws, any difference can be made between a Haytian and any...
Your esteemed letter of the 24th. last month I received, and I confess the sentiments therein...
Lisbon, 7 Jan. 1793 . He has received TJ’s letter of 6 Nov. 1792, with postscript of the 7th,...
On my return from an excursion to the eastward I received your letter of the 8 th inst. inclosing...
Je profite de la permission que vous m’avez donné de vous adresser mes lettres pour l’amerique....
Madrid, 30 May 1787 . Since he has received no reply to the letter he wrote on his arrival in...
Towards the end of the last session of Congress, & after your interview with Hoge on the subject...
Several circumstances, in relation to the University, have come to my knowledge, which, under the...
Will you be pleasd to indulge me with the freedom of a friendly Address. the Circumstance that...
In Consequence of the Conversation we had on the subject of Banks I made application (without...
Mr. Hammond presents his most respectful Compliments to Mr. Jefferson, and begs leave to assure...
Having sent thee my little pamphlet on Wheel-Carriages, & being anxious to have the principles of...
RC (Virginia State Library). Written by Theodorick Bland and signed by Bland and JM. Docketed by...
I intend to set off for Nelson tomorrow, and expect to be from Home about a week; but before I...
Mr. Cathalan’s respects to his Excy. Th. Jefferson Esqr. The State of the Purchase appears to me...
In a letter received on last Saturday, Mr. Hugh Ferguson of Philadelphia, requested me to mention...
In our Republic great men become so identified with the nation that they are too much regarded as...
Le petit Livret que vous trouverez ci inclus m’a été donné, & moi je l’envoye à celui à qui il...
I had an inclination to address you for some time, I know So much of the Manœuvres of the p....
The inclosed Letters and papers from Mr. Dumas were received last Wednesday—a number of French...
The enclosed were forwarded to me by Dr. Tucker from Washington, & found me at this place, which...
The Hermit of Rose Hill sees it confirmed by Yesterdays post, that you have actually Resign’d...
I write this from gen. Wilkinson’s Quarters, who has been pleased to show me a Draught of a road...
The Hague, 20 Sep. 1792. Since the receipt of TJ’s letter of 3 June on 26 July, he has tried to...
Having heard Several members of Congress express that the President delighted much in hearing of...
I am just favoured by your note without date covering two letters for Paris . I conclude from...
J’ai l’honneur d’envoyer à votre Excellence un Connoissement contenant les objets qui sont...
I enclose a number of papers relative to the removal of   Banning Collector at Oxford Maryland....
Boston, 22 Dec. 1791 . He recalls with pleasure his visit with TJ in Paris with the...
I had yesterday the honor of receiving from a Committee of the Agricultural Society of the Seine,...
I had the honor of addressing you on the 20 th of march , announcing the death of m r mazzei .—...
I take the liberty to commend to your kindness Mr. B. A. Gould of this city. He has been for ten...
Edward Livingston sailed two days since in a vessel bound to Philadelphia , & from whence he...
Your favor of the 10th inclosing 150$ is received.—I some time since procured & forwarded a hhd...
Permit me to return you my sincere thanks for the very polite Letter I had the pleasure of...