George Washington Papers

From George Washington to Matthias Ogden, 19 April 1783

H. Qr Apl 19. 1783


Agreably to your Request I now inclose you a Certificate of your Services as an Officer in the Army of the United States.

You mention in your Letter that tho your business in France is of a Mercantile Nature, it is your intention to travel in Regimentals—on this I cannot help Remarking—that there may be an impropriety in your appearing in a Military dress when The war shall have ceased and the United States shall no longer have an Army existing—and besides—to those acquainted with the Country you are going to, it is well known that the Military & the Mercantile Character is there totally different & inconsistent with each other, and however respectable the latter may be here, in France it is even deemed disgracefull for an Officer to engage in Commerce of any kind.I wish you a pleasant Voyage and Safe Return and am Sir Your most Obed.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.


19 April 1783

I do Certify that Colonel Matthias Ogden, entered the Service of the United States of America, as a Volunteer, at the Commencement of the War with Great Britain—that he was employed on the arduous Enterprize which was attempted against the City of Quebec at the close of the year 1775—that after a series of Services, he was appointed to the command of one of the Regts of the State of New Jersey, & that he hath supported with dignity & reputation the Rank of a Colonel in the Army, of the United States, through the various vicisitudes which have attended the present Revolution, until the happy termination of the Contest & the restoration of general tranquility.

Given at Hd Qrs Newburgh April 19th 1783.

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