George Washington Papers
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General Orders, 19 April 1783

Saturday April 19th 1783

Parole Peace
Countersigns Unity Plenty

For the day tomorrow Brigadier General Dayton

B.Q.M. from Hampshire B.

The first York regiment gives the Guards tomorrow and the 2d do the fatigues.

An officer holding a Commission in the Line of the Army of a superior Grade to that he possesses in a particular regiment or corps, is (if a field officer by his superior commission) to be put on the General Roster, and take his tour on Detachments, Courts martial and as officer of the day &ca. He is also to perform all duties in the Line of the state to which he belongs incident to the rank he holds in a regiment or Corps of that state; And in case the duties should in any instance interfere, the Adjutant Generals Roster is to be obeyed in preference to any other—This regulation to remain in force untill contrary orders shall be given.

To erect a frame for the illumination the several corps in this Cantonment are to square and deliver at the Newbuilding on monday next the following pieces of Timber—vizt the

Pieces Feet Inches
long Square
Maryland Detachment 2 30 7
Jersey regiment 5 30 7
do Battalion 2 30 7
1st York Regiment 4 30 7
2d do 3 30 7
Hampshire do 8 18 7
do Battalion 3 18 7
1st Massachusetts regiment 9 18 7
4 do do 8 18 7
7 do do 4 18 7
do do do 4 19 7
2d do do 8 19 7
5th do do 4 19 7
do do do 8 8 7
8th do do 16 8 7
3d do do 2 14 7
do do do 3 12 7
do do do 6 11 7

Each Commanding officer of a Brigade is requested to appoint an officer to assist Colonel Gouvion in making preparation for the illumination—Colonel Gouvion will meet the officers so appointed at 12 o’clock tomorrow at the Newbuilding.

Lieutenant Smith of the 6th Massachusetts regimt was tried at the General courtmartial of which Colo. H. Jackson is president, charged with conduct unbecoming the character of an officer by inviting several Noncommissioned officers of the 2d Connecticut regiment to his Quarters at Mr Cranes in the highlands, Drinking and gaming with them and by his request detaining them from their regiments at evening and morning Roll call—The Court are of opinion that the charges against Lt Smith are not only not supported but are entirely groundless and they do in the fullest manner acquit him.

The Commander in chief approves the opinion of the Court—Lt Smith is released from his Arrest.

James Smith a recruit of the Newhampshire Line was tried by the same General Courtmartial and convicted of Desertion in breach of Article 1. section 6. of the Rules and Articles of war, and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back.

Peter Miller of the late 4th Newyork regiment was also tried by the same court and convicted of Desertion in breach of Art. 1. sect. 6th of the Rules & Art. of war and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back and be drumed out of the Army.

Caleb Theyer of the 5th Massachusetts regt was tried by the same court and convicted of Desertion in breach of Art. 1. sect. 6th of the Rules & Articles of war and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back.

Stephen Aldridge a Recruit of the Massachusetts Line was tried by the same court and convicted of Desertion—in breach of Art. 1st sect. 6th of the Rules and Articles of war and sentenced to receive one hundred Lashes on his naked back.

The Commander in Chief approves the foregoing sentences and orders Peter Millers to take place tomorrow morning.

DLC: Papers of George Washington.

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