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Results 62821-62850 of 184,431 sorted by author
Letter not found : from Edward Hand, 8 May 1779. GW wrote to Hand on 31 May acknowledging receipt of a letter from Hand of 8 May.
His Excy desires you will please to give him the Former Characters of William King, & John Henny sic, soldiers in your regiment, and under sentence of Death for Desertion, that he may thereby judge which of them mercy may with the gratest propriety be extended to should he find it consistant with the good of the service to pardon either of them. I am Sir with much respect &ca DNA : RG 93—War...
I have this moment recd an Express from Schohory. Six parties are out from that post, no discoveries yet made of the Enemy. By disire of Lt Col. Butler, inclose your Excy the proceedings of a Genl Court Martial, as near the words of the Original as can be drawn from Memory. the Original being mislaid by Genl Stark, Col. Butler prays your Excy may direct what is to be done with the prisoner....
From the weakness of This Garrison and almost Constant Alarms, it is liable to I was Induced to detain a Detachment of the 13th Virginia Regimt also, a few Straglers & deserters from the 8th Pennsylvania & other Regiments Particular returns of which are inclosed for your Excys Inspection. I flatter myself that when your Excy is acquainted with the particular Situation of this Post you will not...
Being anxious to complete the Returns of the Army for the last Month, I called for One from Hazens Regiment, which I could not obtain untill this Moment—I find it introduces a number of promotions before unknown to me, and which as I have reason to believe are not Warranted—for this reason I inclose the Return and request you Excellencies advice before I give them what may be supposed a...
When I wrote your Excy on the 23d from this place I informed you I entended visiting Col. Blain D.C.G. of Purchases to inform myself of the prospects he has of procuring the provision Ordered by your Excy for the Susquehannah—I at the same [time] hoped to see Col. Heartly, but was disappointed, he being at Baltimore—you have Col. Blains report inclosed—and he has given me the strongest...
His Excellency desires you may immediately send an intelligent person to examine the present state of the roads & Bridges from hence to Pompton Plains & from the yellow house in pompton, to the little falls of Passaick, by Ogdens Iron works, crossing the Passaick by the two bridges at the forks, & make report to him as soon as may be, at the same he wishes to be informed if the road which...
His Exy the commander in chief has directd me to inform you that as the pennsa line is at the Southard, he wishes you to write imediately to the Comg Officer of the Southn army and the imediate comg Officer of the Pennsa Line informg them that you are relieved from your command at Fort Pitt, and ready to receive their orders—he at the same time desired me to acquaint you that you had his...
Letter not found: from Edward Hand, 10 Jan. 1779. In a letter to GW dated 15 Jan. , Hand referred to “my letter to your Excellency of the 10th”; GW acknowledged receipt of the 10 Jan. letter on 7 February.
His Exy is much surprized that no Returns of your Line have been transmitted to Head Quarters since the late Arangement of the Army has taken place, he therefore desires me to inform you that it is his positive Orders that a Monthly state of the Jersey Line be transmitted to the Orderly Office, so as to reach it by the 25th—or at farthest by the last Saturday of every Month. I am Sir DNA : RG...
His Exy desires me to inform you it is his Orders that you transmit a Return of the State of your Regt to the Orderly Office as soon as possible, and that Monthly Returns of it may be regularly made out and forwarded so as to reach this Office by the last Saturday in every Month agreable to former Genl Orders. I am Sir &ca DNA : RG 93—War Department.
I recd your Exceys favour of the 1st Instant yesterday. the Troops ordered to Wyoming have recd their Orders, and will move to day. the Upper Road is Certainly the best & Shortest could there be a Boat in readiness to Cross the Wallinpepae But as that is not the Case, & the Garrison at Wyoming is too weak to detach to take up or Cover one, I think it Best to direct the March by Fort Penn,...
when I did myself the honor to address your Excellency on the subject of your queries of the Sixth September last, it was my Opinion that the Southren States should be succoured by detachments from this Army during the course of the approaching Winter. I would be of the same Opinion now was it possible to bring the Auxiliary troops to Act in this quarter as I then expected, but as that seems...
Since mine of the 20th I have been honoured by the receipt of your Excellys favours of the 21st and 24th Current—that of the 16th has not come to hand. I cant at present give you any other Acct of the Country between Chemung & the Seneca Settlements than my letter of the 20th Affords. I every hour Expect an Officer from Wyoming who was taken on the Susquehannah Above that place & Carried to...
From the Complexion of the above order you will see the Necessity of your using every degree of dispatch in your power to complete and forward your return agreeably to the inclosed form. By your late monthly Return I find a number of men returned " furloughs expired " in your next they must be returned " deserted ." The General has ordered me to inform you that it is his positive order your...
I have been honor’d by the receipt of your letters of the 31st August and 15th Septr last, with the returns inclosed. The General orders me to inform you that the aged infirm men you mention on furlough and discribe as persons who merit the pension allowed by congress to disabled soldiers must be imediately called in, as no man can be admitted to that bounty who is not produced in person, to a...
When Congress influenced by your Excys recommendation honored me with the appointment of Adjutant General, I undertook the duties of that important Office with Cheerfulness, nor did I deem it in the least necessary to stipulate for any recompense for the extraordinary fatigues and expences unavoidably attendant on it: having the most perfect Reliance that such emoluments as have been customary...
In Answer to the Queries your Excy has been pleased To submit to the Opinion of the Council on the 16th I beg leave to offer my opinion that the Troops should by All means be held in a Collected state during the Winter, admitting the Enemy to continue in their present Situation. Distributing the Army into Cantonements might be an inducement to the Enemy to Attempt some Enterprise which they...
I have been honourd by the rect of your Excys Favr of the 28th Ultimo—I am Obliged to your Excy for your permission to keep Serjt Delong—he is now at this Post—the Commisary of Musters arived here Yesterday. The day after I recd your Excys leave to Send out the Foraging Party—a Party of the Country People who went up by land unknown to me, returnd, and Brought down on Rafts All the Grain that...
There are ten prisoners of war in the provost. would it not be propper to Set them at liberty? if your Excelly thinks it prudent to dismis them, are they to be Sent to Dobbs’s Ferry & from thence to New York? or turned adrift from the Proveost with a pass to return to New York? in either case are they not to have provision? with much respect I have the honor to be your Excellys most Obedt Hble...
I have the Honour to inform your Excellency that I last Evening arrived here from Fort Pitt & in a very few days intend to wait on the board of war to give that Honorable Body a State of Affairs on the Western frontiers & settle the Accounts of that Departmt during my Command there, in the mean Time shall be happy to receive your Excellency’s orders & am Sir with the greatest respect Yr...
I am ordered by the Commander in chief not to accept, or enter on the Genl Returns, the last return I received of your regiment, as he can not take notice of the promotions mentioned in it, untill they are announced to him officially. The Genl has applied to Congress for information on the subject—I hope his Answer will be such as may give satisfaction to the Gentlemen of your regts I am Dr...
On the 10th I informed your Excellency of the Intelligence I received of an intended Attack on Cherry Valley, and the Measures I had taken in Consequence—On the 13th I wrote your Excellency from Connychary, informing you that the Enemy had reached Cherry Valley the 11th surprised Col. Alden, killed himself, taken the Lieut. Colonel and some other Officers, and after Destroyed the Settlement, &...
Your Excellency having Stated the Enemys force in New York at 9,000 regular and 3,390 irregular Troops Total 12,390 in Charles Town 3,300 Savanna 700 Total in Chs Town & Savanna 4,000. and first, supposing the whole force from N. York to Savanna inclusive 16,390 men assembled at New York. That the Enemy retain possession of the harbour and that they have a naval superiority on the coast....
The exercise of my duty in the Inspectors Department during the last Campain having afforded me frequent opertunities of being a witness to the Ill effects of the present mode of paying The Troops, I think it my duty to communicate my observations on the subject to your Excy and at the same time offer a remedy which I think may remove the inconveniences this branch of the Military System...
His Excellency apprehensive that many of the men returned Sick Absent and in the service of the Hospitals are not now in being or cannot be particularly accounted for, has desired me to request you would furnish him as soon as possible with accurate returns from all the Hospitals under your direction on this side Susquehannah River. specifying the men’s names the Corps they belong to and time...
When I wrote your Excy from Albany 10th I mentioned the information I had of an intended Attack on Cherry Valley, & the Steps I had taken to prevent the Ill effects of it, but unluckily, the Enemys Sudden Approach & our Own Tardiness has prevented a timely relief. The Enemy (in what numbers I cant learn) came on Col. Alden by Surprise the 11th what has Since happend, the Inclosed letters from...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Edward Hand, 22 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Hand on 28 Feb. : “I have been favd with yours of the 17th and 22d instants.”
It appears to us that Effectually to Check the Incursions of the Enemy on our Frontiers, would require a force much superior to that which your Excellency has pointed at in your Letters to us, and a Season less Severe than the present, but we conceive It would render the Savages less Inclined to continue their Hostilities against us, If they should find us Able to penetrate to some of their...
In answer to your Excys Commands of the 6th Ultim: I can only Say that— As it is as yet a matter of uncertainty how far your Excys expectations of reinforcements may be answered it will, (in my Opinion) be impossible to determine any point relative to the Operations of the opening Campain with precision. However, taking it for granted that in a Short time our Operating regular force will...