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Results 62801-62850 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Hon bl Tho s Jefferson D st To W m John. Coffee To goods Shiped on the 16 of last December 1822 {...
I inclosed you Lieutenant Moseley’s bond who is is the bond of Lieutenant Mosely appointed Pay...
Letter not found: from Robert Cary & Co., 30 Sept. 1765. On 23 June 1766 GW wrote to them : “I...
15 January 1804, Gibraltar. No. 141. Refers JM to his last letters of 4 and 11 Jan. Received the...
62805[Diary entry: 14 December 1789] (Washington Papers)
Monday 14th. Walked round the Battery in the afternoon.
Since the Receipt of your last favor I have delayed Mr: Hanse all I could in the finishing of...
You mention to M rs Adams a Piece of Land adjoining to me, of 56 Acres at 25 s an Acre: but are...
After my Compliments to you I am now to Inform you that uppon Examining the accts of my Husbands...
12 February 1802, Cap Français. No. 20. Acknowledges receipt of JM’s 8 Jan. letter and...
I address this letter to you in your private character. It is merely to inform you of my being...
I have the honor to transmit you the copy of a letter of the 4th instant from Col Taylor. It...
62812[Diary entry: 21 October 1774] (Washington Papers)
21. Dined at my lodging & Spent the Evening there also.
Your Letter of the 6th by Lieut. Rose has been duly received. As the Secrety at War had...
It will give you pleasure to hear that a very commendable Spirit of Industry and Enterprize, has...
62815[Diary entry: 4 March 1767] (Washington Papers)
4. Soft morning. Clear day, & very high wind from No. West but not cold.
I return the Communication of the British Minister relative to the Conduct, of the Post Master in...
You will receive herewith enclosed an Act of Congress of the 11th Instant respecting the State of...
AD (incomplete): American Philosophical Society; draft: Library of Congress; printed in Royal...
The evil which I apprehended from the enlistm⟨ent⟩ of Deserters, as pointed out in my letter of...
I have taken the liberty to send you (by the last post) a little pamphlet on Greek Grammars . It...
If my expression was equal to my sensibility, I should in more elegant language than I am Master...
22 July 1802, Salem. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 12 July [not found] enclosing a commission for...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Even as the peace negotiations were getting under way,...
I coud not leave this place without intimating to you a Circumstance, which gives me some little...
I recieved last night yours of Apr. 1 . that of Mar. 20 . mentioning the refusal of the note of...
The Secretary of the Treasury has communicated to me the report made to you by the British Ship...
Hudson [ New York ] April 21, 1801 . “I enclose you the case, in the cause of Staats & others vs...
I was rejoiced when I found the justice of Congress had made some necessary Provision for the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society <Brest, July 3, 1778: Thank you for your interposition on my...
[ Philadelphia ], 12 Nov. 1791 . Proposes leaving on 16 or 17 Nov. for Richmond and North...
My friend D r Barton for the benefit of his health proposes a voyage across the Atlantic , and a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Connoissant votre bon Coeur toujours disposé à obligér et...
Letter not found : from Major General Stirling, 28 Sept. 1779. On 30 Sept., GW wrote Stirling: “I...
I had the honor of receiving yesterday, Madam, from Commodore Jones, the inclosed letter for you,...
I was yesterday honored by the receipt of your Letter of the 22d April—I am happy to find that...
Notre état politique a prodigieusement changé depuis que vous nous avez quitté. Au lieu de ce...
On considering the business your Excellency laid before the Board yesterday —so many Matters of...
Will you be so good as to consider & direct how the 3000. D. may be apportioned in the details of...
I have made choice of John Q. Adams, one of our distinguished citizens to reside near your Royal...
62840[Diary entry: 1 July 1767] (Washington Papers)
1st. Clear and very Cool. Wind at No. West.
Your favours of 19. Dec r. 18. Jan. and 7. March are all before me.— I am much obliged to you for...
Your favour of the 5th Inst. as also that of the 11th by Baron Kalb, are both to hand —It is not...
Permit me to offer the most sincere congratulations upon your election to the Office of...
At the Bath hotel I received my dear Neices Letter of April. I have told your Sister and other...
I am informed that a vacancy has happened in the Supreme Court for the Western Territory, which...
The discovery of Arnold’s treachery, and the new Bennington Affair in the South, have given fresh...
T Munroe presents his best respects to the President. He has the honor to send enclosed a rough...
I thank you for the curious record inclosed in yours of the 29 th Ult. I did not before know that...
Since my last of the 25th. ulto. sent by the way of Havre I have received the letter which Mr....
AL : S. Howard Goldman (New York, 1976) Mr Franklin presents his Compliments to Mr Searle, is...