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Results 62801-62850 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
Permit me Sir to offer you the sincere Acknowledgments of a heart penetrated with the most lively...
your letter of the 16th. May inclosing Two Letters from Mr. Gantt was receivd in due Time; I am...
In the want of insult or aggression made on our Government and country from any quarter, I am so...
Inclosed is my petition with the Certificate of the Honl. Geo: Blake Esq. Atty. for Massa...
United States, 16 Mch. 1792 . Transmits by the President’s command a copy of the Senate...
A dysenteric attack at Georgetown with its effects retarded my journey so much that I did not...
¶ To Thomas Jefferson. Letter not found. 21 November 1823. Acknowledged in Jefferson’s Epistolary...
I Sottoscritti riconoscano di aver Ricevuto dal Sig re Tommaso Jefferson di Virginia negli Stati...
By the Mail of saturday, I was honored with your communication , covering a letter to M r Warden...
Inclosed you will find the smallest representation, of our departed patriot, Gen l George...
I have this moment come to my banker to enquire if the post of this morning brought me any letter...
On my return to Boston on the 20th instant , I had the honour of receiving your letter of the...
J’ai Reçü par M. de Laye Les trois volumes du cultivateur americain que vous avéz Eü La bonté de...
It is painful to me to trouble you at this period, when you are so much occupied with the...
Gibraltar, 24 Feb. 1792 . He wrote to TJ yesterday. A vessel just arrived from Tangier brings...
The event which I expected, has terminated the life of my friend Dox , & vacated the office of...
Voicy, Monsieur, ce qu’il vous faut pour M. Izard. Je vous l’envoie double pour que Vous puissiez...
Mr. Hamilton presents his Compliments to Mr. Jefferson, requests to be informed, if there are any...
I have the honor of inclosing you a letter that Mr. Mazzie formerly sent to me, and which having...
On a former occasion I took the liberty of submitting to your inspection in manuscript, some...
Le Congrès ayant pris une resolution concernant notre convention Consulaire, il dependra...
Since my appointment I have been extremely occupied in a variety of respects. I had likewise...
[ Paris, 10 Apr. 1785 . Joint entry in SJL under this date reads: “Mr. Carmichael at Havre. Mr....
With the other papers herewith inclosed is an answer to Mr. Erskine’s letter of the 1st. instant....
John Ott has formed the Extract of Bark into pills of five grains each, four of the pills are...
The President orders T. Lear to return to the Secretary of State the letter from Mr Pinckney—the...
On Sunday last there appeared Several large Ships Just within the Capes and from their Movements...
Your letter of the 26th. inst: is before me. My reply to it would have been of an earlier date,...
The intelligence which you communicated to me the evening before I left home, of a vote having...
It hurts me to intrude on you, with nothing new or interesting, but what you must receive from...
Je m’empresse—de Vous accuser la reception de Votre Lettre du 25 avec incluses—qu’on vient de me...
Note on the act of the President of the United States of the — of — 1801. relative to the...
I take the liberty of introducing to your Acquaintance Charles Sigourney Esq r of Hartford...
On the 28th. Novemr. last I communicated to you some particulars respecting Col. Burr’s...
By the Brig Missoury arrivd yesterday from Philadelphia I received Letters from our friend Mr....
I take the liberty of presenting to you M r William S Archer of Amelia. He represents that...
I had the pleasure of receiving your letter of the 11th. and agreeable to your directions have...
A length of time has elapsed since I had the honor of seeing you, yet the impression of your...
I have the honor of herewith transmitting you, a certified copy of a Talk, lately received from...
Your favour of the 4th inst. is received. I have examined the windows you wish finished with...
Nous attendions pour avoir l’honneur de vous ecrire, que nous puissions vous donner des nouvelles...
Permitt me to mention to your Excellency that a very large quantity of nails will be wanted for...
Permettez-moi, je vous prie, de vous présenter M. Troost , hollandais, Medecin naturaliste et ami...
I have in my possession one of your letters inclosed to me on the 12th. instant , the other has...
It is my misfortune to feel the necessity of addressing you this letter, without being personally...
In consequence of the conversation I had the pleasure of holding with you at the time you...
M. de Rayneval a l’honneur d’envoyer à Monsieur Jefferson le passeport qu’il a demandé. Les...
1817  M r Thomas Jefferson In A/c with R. Perry . To  one pair Stock Brick moulds @ $13.00 1818...
I am under the necessity from my own feelings to inform your Exelency of the destressed situation...
I beg leave to inform you that Mr. Gallatin had left New York before your letter was received in...