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Results 62801-62850 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I have received your letter of the twenty first instant enclosing the petition of a soldier for...
I have been honoured with your two letters of the 26th. February ul. & the 6th. instant, received...
I am duly favoured with your letter of the 18th instant covering an extract of a letter from...
From the solicita tion —— Cadwell a Man of some resp —— the County of Hartford, I am ——— to your...
From a desire to promote the happiness of a Family, I am induced, to address to you this Letter,...
A copy of the Proceedings of the Senate of the United States, in relation to a publication in...
Mar. 24. mr Perez Morton of Mass. tells me that Thatcher , on his return from the War-Congress,...
In complyance with the wishes of Captain Babbit of my Regiment as will appear by the enclosed...
I understand it to be the intention immediately to complete the Fourth Regiment which you...
By the request of our friends take the Liberty of writing to you in favor of young Harry Collins,...
I have the honor to inform you that I yesterday received a letter from Lieut. Col. Butler...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your Letters of the 18th. and 20th. inst. I will...
Mr. Dallas, Mr. Duane and myself met to day, and after canvassing the most expedient method of...
I received Your Letter yesterday. I know from what I Saw and heard whilst I was at home that...
I received Yours yesterday. it should have been two Days earlier, but the Roads are at the worst,...
New York, March 22, 1800. “I have received your letter of the eighteenth instant. It has been...
The resignation of Lieut Spring is accepted, and will be considered as taking effect on the 31st...
I received your order of 18th Inst which shall be duly attended to. I received an order from...
It is very extraordinary that you should, after receiving my letter of 12 November, which directs...
That your petitioner, the unhappy wife of Morris Gary is burdened with three small Children,...
Your order of the 18th. I have this moment received, respecting the assembling my Recruits. I am,...
Your Excellency will excuse me for again brining my name to view in application for some...
William Allen Esqr. who was a Major in the Rhode Island Regiment in the Revolutinary War, a Brave...
The report concerning Mr Evans, whh you intimated to me had operated in in your mind to prevent...
We have had the honour in obedience to your commands maturely to consider the papers and subject...
62826General Orders, 21 March 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
It is in future directed that general court martials not only investigate and ascertain the time...
Though from repeated reflection and action upon the subject my opinion was well made up when I...
I received yesterday your favour of the 6th Instant. I have lately written pressingly to the...
I have received a letter dated 14th. instant from Major Walker requesting a furlough for five or...
A letter which I have just received from the S of War contains the following paragraph. “Mr....
The articles specified in Mr Mangins letter are very proper to make up an assortment, but as in...
I have received your letter of the eighteenth instant, and written the enclosed, in consequence,...
I have the honor to inclose a letter from Mr Samuel Davis, and request your instructions...
the enclosed letter and papers were sent me by General North I am induced to consider the charge...
The enclosed letter of which the enclosed is a copy has been sent directly to Major Rivardi, the...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter which I have written to the Secretary of war relative to the...
I have received your letter of the 14. instant and have referred the application contained...
I transmit you a petition from a Soldier of the 10th Regiment, praying for a Discharge from the...
In compliance with an order from the Honble. Secretary of War I came to this post in Decr. 1798...
I have the honor to enclose you a copy of my last Letter to General Wilkinson— I am Sir with the...
I recieved last night your favor of the 14th. and now inclose you a copy of your letter. I was...
Mar. 21. mr John Marshall has said here that had he not been appointed minister to France he was...
I have the honor to inform you, agreable to a rule of the Society for the promotion of...
I beg leave to ask your opinion on the following point ie. whether a soldier who deserts, is...
I enclose to you a letter which I have received from Mr. Titcomb Cadet in the second regiment of...
I have received your letter of the eleventh instant—Your name stands first of on the list of...
I have understood that the relative rank of the Officers of your regiment has not yet been...
I have the honor to inclose you a Copy of my last letter to Gen Wilkinson, I have the honor to be...
The REGENTS of the University respectfully report— THAT during the last Year the annual Provision...
My occupations & avocations here not permitting me to read any thing with that close attention...