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Results 62791-62820 of 184,431 sorted by author
Since my arrival here which has been much retarded by deep Snows, heavy Rains and consequently high Waters I have been honoured by the receipt of your Excellencies favour of the 26th Ultimo. I cant find that Count Polaskies Horse can be accomodated so near this place as to be able to afford any assistance—the Forage they have already consumed has distressed the Settlement—indeed the Country is...
His Exy desires me to inform you it is his desire that you Order Returns of the Troops under your Command to be regularly made out and transmitted to this Office so as to reach it by the last saturday in every Month agreable to Genl Orders formerly given. I am &c. DNA : RG 93—War Department.
His Excellency surprised & much displeased that Monthly Returns of the state of your Regiment are not transmitted to the Orderly Office, has commanded me to desire that in future you may be punctual in making and forwarding your returns so that they may reach my Office by the 25th or at least by the last Saturday of every Month—and to assure you at the same time that it is his determined...
It is impossible for me to ascertain the present strength of the Army with more accuracy than the last Return gives it, except by informing your Excellency, that by a Return of the Jersey Line this day received, dated the 10th instant, their total Rank and file exclusive of the command at Wyoming and to the Southward is 426—and that between 60 and 70 Recruits have joined the Massachusetts line...
Having Agreable to your Excy’s desire considered the present situation of our Forces as well in South Carolina as elsewhere, with as much Attention as I am capable of—I beg leave to Offer it as my Opinion that detaching any part of the Troops now assembled in this quarter, Before the Views of the Enemy at New York can be penetrated, would be impropper. 1st. Because no movement from this place...
As the Militia of the United States if well regulated & under good government will at all times be able to repel, or at least check the progress of any sudden invasion it will be altogether unnecessary to keep up a standing Army in time of peace for that purpose, but there are other purposes for which I think it will be absolutely necessary to retain a few regular troops in constant service. I...
Anxious to complete the returns of the Army for the last month I calld for a return from Hazens regiment—on the evening of the 2d Instant I received one signed William Satterlee Major Commanding —as I had not before known Major Satterlee (as such) as his promotion & that of several others mentioned in the return have not been communicated to me through the regular Channels, and as the return...
His Excy is very anxious to know the state of the Pennsa Division, and desires me to request you to order a Return of it to be made to the Orderly Office as soon as may be, and that Monthly returns may be regularly transmitted so as to reach the Office by the last Saturday of every Month, by regiments if its present situation will not admit of comprehending the whole in one Genl Return. I am...
I hope your Excelly will excuse the liberty I take in sending you the inclosed, and believe me to be, with every Sentiment of respect your Excellencies most obedient and most humble Servant ALS , DNA : RG 59, Miscellaneous Letters. Edward Hand (1744–1802) came to America from Ireland in 1767 as surgeon’s mate of Col. William Thompson’s regiment of riflemen. In 1772 he resigned from the British...
In compliance with the Genl Orders of the 16th Instant I beg leave to signify my own and Assistants (Captains John Carlile and Simeon Lord) acceptance of five years full pay in lieu of half pay for life, as offer’d by Congress in their resolve of the Twenty second of March last DNA : Item 149, Letters and Reports from Benjamin Lincoln, Secretary at War, PCC—Papers of the Continental Congress.
I have recd your Excellys favr of the 30th Ultimo as I dont know where Genl Sullivan now is must trouble your Excy to forward the inclosed. the consumption of the Article of Shoes in every other department as well as this prompts me to recommend the Sending some Sole Leather & Some scraps of upper leather Such as the Shoe Makers make no use of, to every regiment together with one or two Sets...
As nothing could give me so much pain of mind as even An Apprehension that any part of my conduct might be viewed in an unfavourable light by you, and as it is possible you may be informed of the negative Ansr I find myself however reluctantly, obliged to give to a question very lately put to me, without being at the same time acquainted with the reasons which influenced me; I take the liberty...
I am perfectly satisfied that your Excys reasons for desiring the continuance of the Genl Officers in Camp for the present are Good. Yet as my Case is somwhat singular and as leave of Absence at any other time than the present, can’t answer the purposes for which I wished to Obtain it, I beg leave to enumerate my most pressing reasons for troubling your Excy at this particular juncture,...
This is but the third day since I had the Honor to recieve your Excys favour of the 23d Ultimo. when I left home I did not expect to go on to Camp, must there fore return to Lancaster. I leave Town to day, & will join you as soon as possible. The Ariel, Captn Paul Jones, Arived at Chester yesterday. from L’Orient. which place She left the 16th Decr last the Captn Came up to Town last night...
His Excelly Gouvernor Clinton having information that the Settlement at Anaquaga is already Destroyed, & that the Enemy has retired to Chemung a Settlement 56 miles distant from thence, on the Cayhuga River, where agreable to Col. Hartleys Account they are fortifying themselves, he has drawn the Outlines of an Expedition against Chemung to be executed this fall or early in the spring as your...
I did myself the pleasure of writing to you the 28th of March last importing his Excellency’s surprize that the Jersey Brigade had not made returns to the orderly Office since the late arrangement took place in the army and desiring that you might be punctual in sending a Monthly state of the Line to the orderly Office so as to reach it by the last Saturday in every Month, yet no return has...
I have it in Command from his Excelly to inform you it is his pleasure that the Non Commission’d Officiers and private men of Capt. Antoine Selin’s Company be incorporated with Colo. Hazen’s Regiment—before the incorporation takes place I think you will do well to have a State of the Accots of the Company signed by Capt. Selin and the men themselves. I am Sir with Regard & Esteem Yr Obedt Hble...
Letter not found : from Edward Hand, 24 May 1779. GW wrote to Hand on 31 May acknowledging receipt of a letter from Hand of 24 May.
Since my last I have Seen the Old Gentleman from Northampton, it is 23 years since he left Chemung, at that time the Tioga Branch was inhabited by Delawar Muncy, Musquathy, and Canai Indians, of which there was many Settlements above Chemung —the first 15 Miles above it, Called Goughpechan , of 30 or 40 houses where the common and best Road to the Seneca Country leaves Tioga, at the mouth of a...
I was duly Honoured by the rect of your Excys Favour of the 13th Ultimo. immediately on the Receipt of It I dispatched an Express to Captn Saml Miller of the 8th Pennsylvania Regimt who Occupied a Small post on the Frontier of Westmoreland County, ordering him here, as Soon As he Arives he with Lieutenant Hughs & Such of the Regimt as are here Shall proceed to join their Regimt some of the...
On the 2d Inst. I set out from this place on a Visit to the posts on The Western Frontier, in order to satisfy myself fully as to their Situation and Supplies At 12 OClock on the Night of the 7th I received the Inclos’d Intelligence from Fort Schuyler, at Cherry Valley, if the Acct be true it is alarming, as Cherry Valley & Schoharry are very Scantily supplied with Provision & Amunition yet...
It appears that when an Invalid Corps was formed it was intended to answer a Twofold purpose—vizt. To Afford a comfortable Maintenance to men who by Wounds received or Disorders contracted in the Service were rendered for ever incapable of serving in the Field or gaining a Livelyhood if discharged the Service entirely; and as a Nursery for the Reception and Instruction of Recruits destined for...
Since my letter to your Excellency of the 10th I recd the Inclosed intelligence from the Susquehanna it justifies your Excellys doubts of the Success of an Attempt on Chemung at this Season —tho I have reason to think from Intelligence from an Other quarter, as much to be depended on, that the Strength of Chemung is greatly exagerated. the Strong parties that infested our frontiers—the last...
From the Remarks your Excellency this Day made when you hond me with a Conference on the Subject of the Adjutant General’s Department it is plain to me that you must have misconstrued the Resolve of Congress of the of August last or that the Tenor of that Resolution is Different from what Congress conceive it to be—I inclose the Resolve from it your Excellency may perceive that the Adjutant...
The very disagreable situation I find myself in as adjutant General prompted me to address your Excy on the subject yesterday, I shall now take the liberty of pointing out in a clearer manner some things I then lightly passed over. Contrary to established rules & my own expectations I am cut off from the least recompense for my past services in that Office—Oconomy is laudable and every Officer...
Since my last I have been honour’d by the rect of your Excys Favours of the 12th 16th & 20th. in that of the 16th I am order’d to Consult Genl Schuyler & others on the Practicability of Offensive measures at this season—Genl Schuyler I have confer’d with at Saratoga—the result of Our deliberations yr Excy has Inclosed, having first communicated it to Genl Clinton —by yr Order of the 20th I am...
In compliance with your Excys Orders of the 6th Unstt I beg leave to inform you, that considering the present situation of the Southren States, & the Apparent danger of their relinquishing the Idea of farther Opposition if not effectually supported in the course of the ensuing Winter—It is my Opinion that our best plan will be to Strain every nerve to do it, & that our present preperations &...
S ir : Being under the necessity of crossing the ferry from New-York to this place, I had a fellow passenger in the boat who talked much and very disrespectfully of our efforts to defend the city; particularly that the British troops would land on Long-Island , march up to York , and destroy the city by bombardment; that there was no doubt but they would, at any time, beat us fourteen to ten;...
On my Arrival here Yesterday I met the Commissary of Military Stores for Carlisle, on his way to Philadelphia, and have taken the inclosed extract from his Return by which your Excy will perceive that I cant be supplied with any Quantity of Flints from that Quarter, nor is there a Single Cartridge, or Conveniency of making one there, loose powder, except a small quantity for Rifles, will...
on the 16th I did my self the Honour of writing to your Excy from Lancaster informing you of the State of the Military Stores at Carlisle, & requesting a Supply of Amunition, & Flints. of the Latter I order’d 4000, Such as they, are from Lancaster. I am sorry to be obliged to inform your Excy that there is not as yet Any provision made on This River for the Expidition, in the Commys...