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Results 62781-62790 of 184,431 sorted by author
Your Favour of the 21st Inst. by Mr Bennet with the Enclosure were duely received and laid before Congress, as you will perceive by the enclosed Resolves, to which I beg Leave to request your Attention. Altho the Commissioners have undoubtedly mistaken the Intention of Congress, yet the Terms, in which The Resolve is conceived, viz. “That the General be empow[e]red to employ in Canada a Number...
On the 24th. Ulto. I received orders from Major A Hoops to leave this post and procede, with all convenient dispatch, to Winchester. I immediately wrote to Colo. Carrington on the subject. He has made the necessary arrangements and on the 30th Inst. I shall take up my line of March to the town of Washington; to which place Colo. Carrington has ordered a vessell to embark the troops and procede...
Your letters of the 4th. & 6th. Inst. have both come to hand. The order to march the detachment under my command to Norfolk received in your letter of the 4th. Inst., shall be obeyed so soon as proper barracks can be procured for the reception of the Troops. The new recruiting instructions, inclosed in your letter of the 6th Inst., shall receive my most pointed attention. I must take the...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania As you have Been so good to Premitt Me to have the Honour to Pay you a Visit, Thought it my Duty to Aquint you that I Set out from hence in Two or Three Days. Would Have Come Amatley [immediately] on Recipt of your Letter To Mr. Le Grand only waits for the Arivell of the Englesh Post By which I Expect to Recive Some Letters. Mr. Le Grands Behavour to Me...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Recu de Messieurs Horneca Fizeaux & Cie. d’ordre et pour Compte de Messieurs Les Commissionaires du Congrés La somme de deux Cent florins Argent Court d’hollande fait a double ne Servant que pour une For this prominent Amsterdam banking house, of which the Grand brothers were behind-the-scene directors, see XXVI , 135 n, 338–9 n. Apparently Horneca, Fizeaux...
ALS : American Philosophical Society The Reason I have Presum’d to take the Liberty To Address you, was to Inform you My Motive for Comming with M. Welsh Was By the Advice of many Friends To That Noble Cause you Are Engaged In, to Inform you of those Past Proceedings And Glad to have Your Instruction How to Act for The feauter [future]. Therefore As we Could not give your Honor Any Information...
(I) ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania; (II) AL (draft): American Philosophical Society On the supposition that these memoranda were written on the same day, we are publishing together the petition of Philip Hancock to the American Commissioners and the version Franklin rewrote for him in clear, forceful English. Franklin, like Georges Grand, was moved by the plight of this man of good...
Draft: Boston Public Library Inclosed you have Coppys of Seven note of hand from Sundry Persons who have Since Run away in my Debt, and I am Told are Gon Towards Philadelphia the Jerseys and Penciliania. I have therefore Taken the Freedom per this Opportunity to ask the Favor of you to make Inquiery after the within named Gentry, and if to be found pray Secure them, or Oblige ’em to pay the...
Letter not found : from Brig. Gen. Edward Hand, 17 Feb. 1779. GW wrote Hand on 28 Feb. : “I have been favd with yours of the 17th and 22d instants.”
Notwithstanding the order of the 8th Instant for the relief of all your men on duty at West Point except Artificers, I find you still return 15 at that post, be pleased to let me know very particularly, how they are employed there—you make no mention of the Cloathiers or hospital guards—nor is the same distinction observed between the men on duty g in command, as in other returns, I wish you...