Alexander Hamilton Papers

To Alexander Hamilton from William S. Smith, 31 March 1800

From William S. Smith, 31 March 1800

Major General Hamilton

Union Brigade march 31st. 1800.


Agreably to your request, I have had Abner B. Chapel of the 13th. mustered, and enclose the necessary Certificate Signed by the surgeon and the officer Commanding the Regiment, it is arranged I believe conformable to the Contents of your Letter of the 26th. supposing you might wish to file the original papers, I return them and have the Honor to be with great respect—Sir, Your most Obedt Humble Servt.

W. S. Smith Lt Colo. of ye. 12th.

(ALS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress), enclosing certificate of Joseph Trowbridge, March 31, 1800 (ADS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress); certificate of John Ripley, March 31, 1800 (ADS, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).

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