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Results 62701-62710 of 184,431 sorted by author
I have Nothing in Charge from Congress at this Time, but to transmit the enclosed Resolves, to which I must refer your Attention. General Sullivan’s Expedition on Staten Island having ended in the Loss and Defeat of a considerable Number of the Troops under his Command; the Congress have directed a Court of Enquiry to be instituted relative to the Expedition. You will please to order Colonel...
I do myself the Honour to enclose sundry Resolves, to which I must entreat your Attention. The Congress, you will there find, reposeing the most entire Confidence in your Judgment, have left the Disposition of the Troops at New York, the Flying Camp, and Tyonderoga, wholly with you; being fully assured, you will make such an Arrangement, as in your Opinion, will conduce most to the Public...
By a very intelligent person just arrived from London we have certain intelligence that a large number of Brass cannon from 24 to 4 pounders are preparing at the tower and were to be sent to Boston immediately, that 400 of the train of artilery were to be sent with them; that transports were taken up by Government to carry several regiments from Ireland to New york, that 17 of the transports...
The Congress have received your letter of the 19th Instant, and highly commend your prudence and zeal in applying to the Governments of New Hampshire Massachusetts bay and Connecticut to raise forces for the service of Canada at this exigency. They have fond hopes by the zeal and alacrity of those Colonies troops will be forwarded with such expedition as will not only succour our friends but...
Your favour of yesterday’s Date, with its Inclosures from General Schuyler I duly Rec’d, & laid before Congress. We have no kind of News, nor have I any thing in Charge from Congress to communicate, further than to Inclose you several Resolutions of Congress, to which I Beg leave to Refer you, and am with the utmost Esteem, Sir Your very hume Servt ALS , DLC:GW . The enclosed resolutions,...
Your favr of yesterday’s Date I have just Rec’d by the Return Express and shall be laid before Congress to morrow morning. I have only time to Inclose you sundry Resolutions pass’d in Congress since my last, to which I Request your Attention, I also inclose you a Letter from the Come of Congress. I have the Honour to be with Esteem, Sir Your most Obedt Servt I have Sent four Bundles of printed...
Your Favour of the 23d, containing the agreeable Intelligence, that the Enemy had retreated from Brunswick, I had the Honour of receiving yesterday Afternoon, and shall, this Morning, with the greatest Pleasure, lay it before Congress. Give me Leave to congratulate you very sincerely upon this Event; as it must be principally ascribed to the Prudence and Wisdom of your Operations, which had so...
I am this Minute honored with your Favour of the 6th Inst.; and am to acknowledge the Receipt of your several Favours to that Date. The Congress, concurring with the Proposal of exchanging Generals Prescot & McDonald for Genls Sullivan & Stirling, have authorized the Board of War to send the two former to you for that Purpose, as soon as possible. In Consequence of the Message which Genl...
I am to acknowledge the Receipt of your Favour of the 19th of April enclosing several Papers: all which were immediately laid before Congress. The important Intelligence they contain, makes it necessary that the most vigorous Measures should be adopted, as well to defend our Troops against the Canadians themselves, as to ensure Success to the Expedition. The Congress being determined on the...
I do myself the Honour to enclose you sundry Resolves, by which you will perceive that Congress having taken your Letter of the 2d Inst. into Consideration, came to a Resolution, in a Committee of the whole House, that no Damage should be done to the City of New York. I have sent Expresses to order the Battalions up to Head Quarters agreeably to the Resolves herewith transmitted; & likewise to...