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Results 62701-62730 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
The President of the United States requests of the Secretary of War, immediate information, whether the commissions have been sent to all the officers of the army or not, and if not, how many remain to be sent. MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
The President of the United States requests the Secretary of the Navy to take immediate measures for carrying into execution the resolution of congress of the 29th, for presenting to Capt Thomas Truxton, a golden medal emblematical of the late action, between the United States frigate Constellation of thirty eight guns & the French ship of war La Vengeance of fifty four, in testimony of the...
The President of the U.S. requests the Secretary of the Navy to employ some of his clerks in preparing a catalogue of books for the use of his office. It ought to consist of all the best writings in Dutch, Spanish French & especially in English, upon the theory & practice of naval architecture, navigation, gunnery Hydraulicks, Hydrostatick & all branches of mathematicks, subservient to the...
I nominate John Brooks of Massachusetts to be a Major General in the army in the place of Henry Knox who has declined His appointment DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The Secretary of War in compliance with the desire of the President communicated through the Secretary of State, has the Honour respectfully to submit the following facts and opinions in the case of Captain Levin Jones, against whom a bill has been found by a Grand Jury for Murder. It is respectfully conceived that the Prerogative of granting a nolle prosequi ought not to be exercised but with...
Union Brigade [ Scotch Plains, New Jersey ] March 31, 1800 . “I have had the honor of receiving yesterday your Letter of the 26th. enclosing the project for the formation of a Regiment for exercise and Battle. I feel a diffidence in revising it, but … I will however endeavour to overcome that diffidence, and give the subject my earliest attention conformable to your wish.…” ALS , Hamilton...
I have enclosed an abstract of my payments from the 21. December to the present date Amounting to 198.293. 12/100 dollars. The warrants necessary to those payments, are also enclosed, numbered from 91. to 150 inclusive, which I wish you would be pleased to sign, and return, to be filed with the vouchers for the last quarter. I have the honor to be with very great respect Sir Your most obedt...
I have been honored with yours of the 18th Instant which came by the last Mail. The Mail which was to come in last week has not arrived. I have Ordered the Recruits to be marched to this place leaving one Officer at each Rendezvous untill I receive your further Orders—I have taken the Liberty to Order Lieut Richmond to New York with orders to Report himself to the General he will give every...
Agreably to your request, I have had Abner B. Chapel of the 13th. mustered, and enclose the necessary Certificate Signed by the surgeon and the officer Commanding the Regiment, it is arranged I believe conformable to the Contents of your Letter of the 26th. supposing you might wish to file the original papers, I return them and have the Honor to be with great respect—Sir, Your most Obedt...
Your’s of the 22d. came to hand by last post . the dates of my late letters to you have been of the 4th. 7th. 9th. 11th. the last only of these is acknoleged in yours, on which day I sent on 1000. D. to mr Jefferson . on the 13th. I inclosed him 400. D. and on the 19th. 470. D. making up the whole sum of 1870. D. of the two first sums I have recieved his acknolegement, & expect the last. the...
In your’s of the 21st. you acknolege mine of Feb. 17. since that I wrote to you on the 16th. and 25th. inst: the last was merely to inform you of the departure of a box of plants and 4. casks of plaister of Paris. I would have Fagg’s plank immediately sorted by mr Perry . what is fit for flooring to be kiln-dried directly, that not fit for it to be spread by way of floor in the loft of the...
A Letter which I had a long time wished for, I at length received from my Affectionate Sister. Every day I had been thinking I would write. But the round of duties that called for my unremitted exertions, left me too weary, or too inert to take up my Pen, for the company which our Boarders attract, demand polite & respectful attentions, from me, by their own obliging behaviour— And I thought...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 27th Febry last, indulging me with leave of absence, for the recovery of my health; for which I beg you to accept my most grateful thanks— I have the honor to be Sir your most obedient Humble Servant (Copy) (Copy, Dickinson College Library, Carlisle, Pennsylvania).
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your very obliging letter of the 23d inst and beg you to believe that I shall ever highly appreciate this testimonial of your friendly attention— When I last wrote you I despaired of any thing like the slightest personal accommodation in this quarter, and determined to suffer in silence untill the proper opportunity should have occurred to gratify...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 4th. instant, which I received yesterday. Capt. Huger and his Company will sail from Charleston on the 6th of next month—The surplus men he will leave with me; are most of them unfit for Service, I shall, in obedience to your orders make you a circumstantial report so soon as I know the names of those he will transfer. I shall...
I am favourd with your letter without date, & will attend to your observations relative to the post office—as some new arrangements are to be made, & Wyatt I learn is about to quit it is to be hopd that the evils of which you complain may be cur’d. I hear with much pain that you will not again go into the legislature—accounts from the different parts of the Union are favourable to the crisis...
I mentioned in a former Letter , that a Meeting of the Visitors of this College was expec[ted] on the 25h. Inst. & that I would communicate to them Mr. Smith’s Proposition; or rather, your Recommenda[tion] of that Gentleman.—A Meeting was obtained, but Not[hing] of Consequence was done. Some preparatory Steps we[re] taken for a full Discussion of collegiate Business, [on] the 4h. of July. I...
On the petition of David Steward & other respectable citizens of Baltimore, praying the President to order a nolle presequi in the case of Captain Levin Jones, late master of the American Brigantine called the David Stewart, who has been indicted for the crime of murder committed, as alledged on the body of William Davis one of his crew, on the high seas. The Secretary of State, in obedience...
We take the liberty to address you in behalf of Maurice Gary who has lately been tried by a Court Martial at Fort Mifflin and Sentenced to hard labour for desertion from the Army of General St Clair during the last Indian War—Although we cannot excuse the offence, yet the length of time which has elapsed since its Commission, the good behaviour of the Man for Several years past, and above all...
I have received your letter of the tenth instant, and have written to the Pay Master General and Superintendant of Military Stores to furnish you with money and clothing sufficient for two more full companies. The circumstances you mention i nd uce me to consent to the change of your quarters from Bennington to Westminster. You did right in giving orders on the Contractor for the...
I have received your letter of the thirteenth instant. It appears to me that four pair of shoes are quite few enough not more than sufficient for the year taking into view active service, and that these ought to be of good quality. I do not think, therefore, that it would be proper to substitute three in the place of four. The quality and workmanship of the shoes ought to be as good as — but...
I have the honor to enclose to your Excellency—sundry Copies, and a Certificate, relative to my having been appointed and done the duty of Pay Master to the Troops, at and near Staunton, for the purpose of Obtaining a Certificate which is required by the Secretary of War; agreeably to the 2nd. Article of the Regulations respecting extra allowances, before I can obtain compensation for...
I have no occasion to say to you any thing more relative to the payments of the several instalments of Mr. Wayles’s debt due to Mr. Welch’s house—Your conduct as to this affair has been such as I expected, & for his sake I could wish the other creditors could feel the same sentiments which have actuated you—For myself I have to repeat that whenever your convenience will permit it, without...
Your sisterly kindness to me my dear Madam induces me to believe that to hear of our welfare will not be uninteresting to you. We were blessed with fine weather every day until the last from Newhaven here when the wind at NE produced a violent snow storm that night (the 28 of Feb y ) & the next day, when we considered ourselves very fortunate beings in arriving here before it took place. The...
I nominate Robert Starke—of Virginia—to be a surgeon’s Mate in the Navy. Sterling Archer—of Virginia—to be a surgeon’s Mate in the Navy. Thomas G Price—of Virginia to be a Surgs. Mate in the Navy DNA : RG 46—Records of the U.S. Senate.
The Secy of the Treasury in obedience to the command of the President of the US requiring the opinion of the Heads of the Executive Departments, on the Memorial of sundry Citizens of Baltimore, praying that a pardon may be granted to Levin Jones late Master of the American Brigantine David Stewart, respectfully submits the following Report. It appears that the said Levin Jones is charged in a...
62727General Orders, 28 March 1800 (Hamilton Papers)
The following regulations have been adopted by Major General Hamilton and are to govern Officers whom they may concern, in the transmission of their different returns. All Muster and Pay rolls and all returns of Clothing on hand and wanting are to be sent to the Deputy paymaster General for the District within which the troops, to which they relate are stationed or to his nearest assistant or...
By the last post, I received from the Ajutant General, your orders to stop the recruiting service of the twelve Regiments. As the Fifth Regiment hath but very few men, if any, as I have not heard they have yet commenced recruiting, as the sixth Regiment has not I think 150, and as the Seventh Regiment has only about two hundred, (the returns being at my Quarters at Shepherds Town, I cannot...
Oliver Emerson, Cadet in the fifteenth regiment, has applied to me for a discharge from the service. You will deliver the enclosed to him accordingly. Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How and H, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Emerson to H, March 19, 1800 (listed in the appendix to this volume).
I send you the enclosed letter of Captain Tillinghast, and you will act in the case as the good of the service may require. It is proper that Officers should apply to me thro their commandant. Having then his remarks I shall be better able to judge of what is proper to be done. You will take care that this be made known. It is very desirable that the Officers should be with their regiments...