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Results 62701-62730 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
AL : American Philosophical Society M de Segur a Reçu La medaille que Monsieur franklin Lui a fait L’honneur de Lui envoyer, il le prie de vouloir bien en recevoir ses Remerciments./. The Libertas Americana medal.
62702General Orders, 11 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Major Pope B.Q.M. Jersey Brigade For duty 1st Massachusetts regiment. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I shall be obliged to you for some of the Plaister of Paris, or that white powder with which you take (in wax) the Model of the Mouth for your false teeth—and directions how to mix, & make use of it—When you have done this, I can then give you such a Model as will enable you to furnish me with what I want. Mr Pierce, Pay master Genl who is the bearer of this, & will return immediately back to...
Captain Hurlbutt—an Officer of this Army who was dangerously wounded about two Years Since, wishing to Return to his home and being Still unable to bear the fatigue of a conveyance by Land—I have to Request the favor of your Excellencys Passport fir a small Vessell to convey him by Water to New London—Captain Hurlbutt will be accompanied only by another Gentleman & the small number of Persons...
I wrote you a short Letter on the 7 th . Ins t . certain Intelligence has since arrived from England, that the Duke of Portland is first Lord of the Treasury, M r Fox & L d . North Secretaries of State, and L d . John Cavendish Chancellor of the Exchequer. It is also said that Lord Stormont is Presid t . of the Council and the Duke of Manchester Embassador to Versailles. I hear that M r ....
62706Notes on Debates, 11 April 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . This day was spent on discussing the Proclamation which passed. Mr. Wilson proposed an abreviation of it which was disagreed to. The difficultys...
In a letter which I did myself the honor of writing you by the Chevalr. de Chastellux I informed you of my being at this place with an intention of joining you in Paris. But the uncommon vigilance of the enemy’s cruisers immediately after the departure of the French fleet deterred every vessel from attempting to go out. The arrival of the preliminaries soon after shewed the impropriety of my...
Congress forced Us, into a situation, which obliged Us to venture upon a Piece of Indiscipline, in order to Secure a tollerable Peace, So that you may well Suppose We are anxious to know how it is received among you, and what is to be our Fate. Whether We are to be approved, excused, justified or censured. The most curious and inexplicable Part of the History is Franklins joining in the...
Recollecting the Correspondence, which passed between you & me in the Year 1775, I have been sometimes in hopes you would have revived it, since you have been in Congress.— A Multitude of things have been transacted in Congress, the Grounds, Motives & Objects of which have never been explained to me; so that I have been frequently at a loss to regulate my own Conduct— I have been somewhat...
What would I have given to have been your Doorkeeper for a few days while you had under Deliberation the Dispatches We Sent by Barney, that I might have listened with my Ear at the Key hole and overheard your Debates. I fancy Some Members will be of Opinion, that they have committed a Mistake in committing the Lamb so unreservedly to the Custody of the Wolf.— If Congress are not betrayed by...
ALS : American Philosophical Society J’ai reçû, Monsieur, La Médaille que vous avés eû la bonté de m’envoier, je suis trés sensible à cette marque d’attention de votre part, je vous prie d’en agréer mes sincéres remercimens et Les assurances, de la parfaite considération avec laquelle j’ai Lhonneur d’être, Monsieur, votre trés humble et trés obeissant serviteur Who continued until November to...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il y a bien longtems que je n’ai rendu mes devoirs à votre excellence. Ce n’est de ma part ni defaut de zêle, ni de reconnaissance de toutes vos bontés, mais j’ai été attaqué d’une maladie longue et cruelle. Je desirerais avoir le dessein des medailles frapées par ordre du congrès et ceux des mausolées érigés par vos soins, vous me rendriez service de me...
AL : American Philosophical Society Le Duc de la Rochefoucauld a l’honneur de faire tous Ses remercimens à Monsieur franklyn de Sa belle Médaille, en attendant qu’il ait le plaisir de les lui renouveller de vive voix; il le prie de lui envoyer le plutot qu’il pourra, le Traité avec la suede , et la Préface , S’il le juge à propos; l’Imprimeur attend après. A Libertas Americana medal. As La...
62714General Orders, 12 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Colonel Vanscaick B. Q. M. York Brigade For duty the Hampshire Battalion. Application is to be made to the Assistant Clother Genl for another distribution of Shirts—also Returns to be given in to him of the men who have not received Hatts for the last year. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
You can only judge from your own feelings on this occasion, with what peculiar joy I congratulate your Excellency and the Army on a constitutional cessation of hostilities by the public Act of Congress, I have the honor to enclose. Thus far we may truly say, that we have passed thro’ the wilderness by a series of Miracles, which nothing short of the own ruling Providence of God could ever have...
In Consequence of a Recommendation from the Governor & Council of the State of Connecticut—Permission is hereby granted to Miss Marian Moore to proceed by the port of Dobbs Ferry to N. York, to visit her parents in that City. Lieut. Colo. Huntington is permitted to attend Miss Moore, and to return immediately. Given at Head Quarters in Newburgh 12th April 1783. DLC .
I congratulate your Excellency most sincerely upon the cessation of hostilities which you will learn from the enclosed proclamation—You have doubtless heard directly from Genl Carleton on this subject, so that it will not be necessary to trouble you with the substance of his letter to me—Congress will this day on my report take into consideration the propriety of discharging the prisoners &...
The Commandr in Chief directs me to inform you, that, having attended to the Justification of your Conduct as represented to him in your Report of the 6th instant—and, being disposed, from his former good Opinion of you as an officer, to think the best, is willing to look upon your going into N. York with Mr Morris as a Step of Inadvertence—which, altho in its first aspect, it wore a very...
Taking it for granted the principle is generally understood, that an Officer holding a Commission in the Line of the Army of a superior grade, to that he possesses in a particular Corps, is to roll on all general duties agreeably to his Commission in the Army, and to be considered in the Line of the State to which he belongs, according to the rank he holds in Corps of that State; the following...
62720Notes on Debates, 12 April 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (6 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . A letter of the 16th. of Decr. O. S. was rcd. from Mr. Dana, in which he intimates that in consequence of news of peace taking place & independance...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Addressed to “The Honobl. James Madison of Congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “Apl. 12. 1783.” The Auditors, to my great surprize, excuse themselves from issuing Warrants on Account, to the Delegates in Congress, unless their respective Accounts are first transmitted; so that I have only the Certificate sent me in your last as my Voucher for the payment of the...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Thomas Meriwether. Addressed to “Virginia Delegates in Congress.” Severe rheumatic Pains prevent my doing more than acknowledge the receipt of yours favor of the 1st. Instant and informing you that I shall lay it before the Assembly if you desire it but I really do not know what they can do more than is already done, the Treasurer is directed to Pay...
I have in some late Letters opened to You in Confidence the Dangers, which our most important Interests have been in, as well as the Opposition and Jealousy and Slanders, which your Ministers have met with, from the vain, ambitious and despotic Character of one Minister, I mean the C. de Vergennes— But You will form but an imperfect Idea after all of the Difficulties We have had to encounter,...
L : American Philosophical Society M le Mis de Castries a l’honneur de prévenir Monsieur franklin que la flûte la Pintade va être Expédiée pour l’Amérique septentrionale. Il le prie de vouloir bien lui envoyer ses Paquets s’il en a qui ayent cette destination. The Pintade would carry back to France the last of Rochambeau’s army, sailing from Baltimore on Oct. 5. Some 1,000 officers and...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr delisle home tres honette tres Aimable et qui a Lhoneur de Vous conoitre mon respectable amis Mais qui Na pas encor eut Celui de diner chez Vous, sest Mis sous ma protection pour Venir Vous demander a diner aujourdhui, Comme il est tres Lies avec Nous et avec La pluspart de Vos amis jai penséz mon cher amis que Vous Ne desaprouveriez pas que je Vous...
LS : American Philosophical Society Je Suis tres flatté que Mes Services Pour la Liberté americaine, m’ayent merité Les Temoignages flatteurs que Votre Republique a Bien voulu m’en donner Par l’Envoy De la médaille que Vous avez eu la Bonte De M’addresser Comme son Ministre aupres de sa majesté. Je m’estimeray toujours heureux D’avoir formè & Executé Le projet De la Conquette D’Yorck-town qui...
LS : American Philosophical Society J’ay Reçu la Médaille que son Excéllence Monsieur franklin ma fait L’honneur de menvoyer; Je Suis infiniment Sensible à Son attention et Je Supplie Son Excéllence d’en agréer mes Remerciments. J’ay L’honneur de lui renouveller en meme tems Les assurances de mon Respectueux attachement./. He undoubtedly received one of the Libertas Americana medals in...
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. de Walterstorff is very sorry he cannot have the honour of dining to-day with Dr. Franklin, owing to his being previously engaged; but will have the pleasure of waiting on Dr. Franklin sometime this forenoon, if possibly he can. Walterstorff (1755–1820), currently chamberlain of the king of Denmark, had met BF during a visit to Paris in 1782: BF to...
62729General Orders, 13 April 1783 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lt Colonel Brooks B. Q. M. Hampshire Brigade For duty the 7th Massachusetts regiment. The Commander in chief is extremely anxious to have the settlement of the accounts of the Army expidited as much as possible—He hopes and expects the regimental pay masters will use their greatest diligence in compleating the accounts which have been called for by the paymaster Genl, and...
Supposing all possible expedition, it will be a very considerable length of Time before the Dispatches forwarded by Sir Guy Carlton to Genl Haldiman, & which passed through this Place yesterday Evening, announcing Peace and directing Hostilities to cease can arrive at Quebec and be communicated from thence to the British western Posts and much Mischief may be committed in the interim. I would...