62151From George Washington to Marinus Willett, 5 March 1783 (Washington Papers)
I have been favoured with your Letter of the 19th of Febry—announcing the failure of your Attempt against Oswego. Unfortunate as the Circumstance is, I am happy in the persuasion that no Imputation or reflection can justly reach your Character; and that you are enabled to derive much Consolation from the animated Zeal, fortitude & Activity of the Officers & Soldiers who accompanied you—The...
62152To Thomas Jefferson from La Valette, 5 March 1783 (Jefferson Papers)
C’est a moy, Monsieur, a vous faire des remerciments de m’avoir favorisé de votre bonne et agreable compagnie, pendant votre sejour a Baltimore; elle a fait mon agrément et mon bonheur: je me rappellerai toujours avec plaisir ce tems heureux, il me donne infiniment de regrets de la préference que vous venés de donner a philadelphie mais il faut scavoir faire des sacrifices aux personnes qu’on...
62153From Benjamin Franklin to John Coakley Lettsom, 6 [or 17] March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
Reprinted from Thomas Joseph Pettigrew, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of the Late John Coakley Lettsom … (3 vols., London, 1817), I , 171–2 of second pagination. I received your favour of September last. It found me labouring under a painful disorder, which continued long, and put me much behind-hand in my correspondence. I thank you for the valuable publications that accompanied it,...
62154To John Adams from C. W. F. Dumas, 6 March 1783 (Adams Papers)
En com̃ençant par le plus pressé, voici une Lettre de Son Excellence le Ministre Plenipo: de cette rep. auprès de nos Et. Unis. Il m’a chargé en outre de vous demander les Eclaircissemens suivants. 1 o. Quels Meubles & fournitures il lui convient principalement d’emporter avec lui d’ici, plutôt que de les acheter & faire faire à Philadelphie? 2 o. S’il devra faire une Entrée publique, ou S’il...
62155To John Adams from Henry Laurens, 6 March 1783 (Adams Papers)
Nothing but a persuasion of duty to my Country & my friendship to you could have prevailed on me to transmit the Letter which will accompany this; it was originally intended an Address to M r. Jenings, but after it was finish’d, doubts arose in my mind, whether it would work any good effect upon him, as well as whether I ought in honor to myself to hold a further correspondence with that...
62156Continental Congress Report on the Memorials of Pelatiah Webster and William Judd, 6 March 1783 (Hamilton Papers)
The Committee to whom was committed the report of the Grand Committee on the memorial of Pelatiah Webster & William Judd in behalf of the deranged officers of the lines of Massachusettes & Connecticut submit the following resolution: That the accounts of the officers who have retired on half pay at different periods of the war [or their representatives] be settled on the same principles with...
62157To Benjamin Franklin from the Conde de Aranda, 6 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
AL : American Philosophical Society L’ambassadeur d’Espagne ne pouvait point oublier l’invitation de Mr. Franklin pour samedi, il desirait meme le moment d’y concurrir avec la plus grande satisfaction. Mr. le chevr. del Campo profitera egalement de ses bontès. A l’egard du jeune Mr. Campos s’il etait de retour pour ce jourla, puisqu’il est atendu d’un jour a l’autre il sera bien flatè du...
62158To Benjamin Franklin from William Hodgson, 6 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society I wrote you a few days ago on the Subject of our Ship to America craving your Advice & Assistance wh. I hope you will be so obliging as to favor me with a speedy Answer— I now inclose you the Draft of a Bill now in the House & which no doubt will pass into a Law, for restoring Trade betwixt this Country & America it is formed upon liberal principles & will...
62159To Benjamin Franklin from Henry Laurens, 6 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : Library of Congress; incomplete copy: South Carolina Historical Society Hitherto, since my arrival on this side of the Channel I have had nothing worth your attention, to offer, indeed five or six last days excepted I had been confined at Bath. Mr. Oswald said to me yesterday, he was going to the proper place for learning, whether he should be soon, or when required to attend upon the...
62160To Benjamin Franklin from Laval & Wilfelsheim, 6 March 1783 (Franklin Papers)
ALS : American Philosophical Society Il y a 15. Jours que nous avons remis a Monsieur Grand le pere une Lettre pour votre Excellence qui nous est venue de Bremen. L’Amy pense qu’elle ne nous est pas parvenue, & nous en demande des Nouvelles. Nous supplions votre Excellence, de nous rendre le Service, & de daigner y faire une Reponse, le Courrier part deman. Nous avons l’honneur d’etre avec...