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I have little to add to the letter of which I Send duplicates the absence of the First Consul & Minister, has Suspended all business, & I availed myself of the circumstance to make a tour in France, not chusing to go to England least any thing Should turn up that would require my attention, & particularly the return of the ratification which we are impatiently looking for. The decree of which...
The last papers announce the nomination of Alexander Wolcott Esqre. as an associate Jud⟨ge o⟩f the Supreme Court of the United States, & that the nomination ⟨has⟩ been submitted by the Senate to a Committee for inquiry & consid⟨eratio⟩n. It is conceived, as this commitment was not of course, that ⟨it is?⟩ indicative of opposition & delay, if not of obloquy to be heaped on ⟨the?⟩ Candidate, &...
[ New York, August 7, 1800. On August 9, 1800, Stockton wrote to Hamilton : “I have had the pleasure to receive your favor of the 7th.” Letter not found. ] Stockton, a New Jersey lawyer and Federalist, was a member of the United States Senate from 1796 to 1799.
6424th. (Adams Papers)
Snow’d all night, and this forenoon. I attended meeting all day: Mr. Hilliard preached, but not in his best way. The meeting was very thin. It cleared up this afternoon, and the evening is very cold.
I have the honor to enclose a letter from Mr Read Senator from South Carolina, containing an application for the appointment of midshipman, for the Son of Mr Izard. Altho there are midshipmen enough from So. Carolina, I presume it will be proper to gratify the wishes of so respectable a man as Mr Izard. I have Just recd information of the Arrival of Capt Bary at Newport, the 12th. Inst. which...
I feel myself highly flattered by the notice you were pleased to take of my Oration, in your letter of July last. Your speculations, on the study of the Classicks, meet my own views on that subject; and the method, you recommend, is exactly the one I adopted. I have seen many an ingenious young man, after a course of Classical reading in the manner you propose, become well versed in most of...
The letters to Mr. Hammond & Mr. Pinckney appear to me proper, according to the facts stated in them. The object of that to Mr. Genet also appears to me desireable; but I am not wholly without scruple as to the proposition going from the UStates. ALS , Thomas Jefferson Papers, Library of Congress. For background to this letter, see Jefferson to H and Henry Knox, June 25, 1793 . H’s reply was...
Monday July 19th. The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved, That it is the duty of the Chairman, from time to time, to lay before the Faculty all such information as, in his opinion, the interests of the University may require, and promptly to bring to their attention all such offences against the laws as he may deem proper for their animadversion; especially all such as he may think...
I left New York on Friday morning with Augusta, and proceeded in M rs : M c :Vickar’s Carriage to this place which, we reached early yesterday morning. M rs : M c :V. not finding it convenient to leave Town as soon as we did, waited till Saturday when she embarked on board the Steam Boat with Maria & with M r : & M rs : John M c :Vickar. Maria had intended to land here, & remain with us till...
By the inclosed paper I presume there are arrived for me on board the packet three small boxes of seeds or plants, and a large box, the contents of which I know not. I will beg the favor of you to pay for me the freight and other expences, and to send the three small boxes by the Diligence. As to the large one, I conjecture it may contain bones and other objects of Natural history which should...
I have made an arrangement to forward by express the result of the convention of New Hampshire to Springfield in this State, from which place Genl. Knox has engaged a conveyance to you at Poughkeepsie. Those who are best informed of the situation of the Question in New Hampshire are positive that the Decision will be such as we wish, and from the particular Facts which I have heard, I can...
In Consequence of a Recommendation from the Governor & Council of the State of Connecticut—Permission is hereby granted to Miss Marian Moore to proceed by the port of Dobbs Ferry to N. York, to visit her parents in that City. Lieut. Colo. Huntington is permitted to attend Miss Moore, and to return immediately. Given at Head Quarters in Newburgh 12th April 1783. DLC .
I received the honor of your Excellency’s letter of 11th inst: Mr Caldwell being at Philadelphia I confered with Colo. Jaques of the Militia of Essex County on the Subject of the Signals established for allarming the Country: I here inclose a Copy of them in all the parts of this State, I understand that those hereabout though neglected are not much impaired, I will take care to See them...
Your letter of the 4th of March remains yet to be answered. The question there stated is in substance, whether a Citizen residing out of your state, coming to Boston, and there purchasing a Vessel, must necessarily take and subscribe the oath or affirmation required by law, before the Collector of the District where such Citizen usually resides , in order to obtain a certificate of Registry...
The accounts of the reciepts and expenditures during the year ending on the 30th. day of Sep. last, being not yet made up, a correct statement will here after be transmitted from the treasury. in the mean time it is ascertained that the reciepts have amounted to 17,950,000 near 18. millions of Dollars, which with the eight millions & an half in the treasury at the beginning of the year, have...
I am now to acknowledge the receipt of two of your favours, during the session of Assembly, but there being little to communicate to you, and that, being a busy time with me, has prevented my doing it sooner. The Assembly rose on Monday last; their only act, which can shortly aid our army, was one for raising a regiment of horse, which, I think, will be raised as fast as it can be accoutred....
AL : American Philosophical Society I wrote to you upon my arrival in Liverpool as did my Friend and Relation Mr. Benjamin Rush, we also sent you some Letters from your Friends in Philadelphia in our favour, the design of which Letters was that you would be so kind as to write to any of your Friends in this place in our behalf, as I am somewhat apprehensive you have not received those Letters,...
78[Diary entry: 10 June 1773] (Washington Papers)
10. At home all day alone.
I Should have Long Since wrote your Excellencey was there any thing in this Quarter worth Ingaging your attention. I found upon my Journey Home that there was not the Least probability of the Enemys attempting to Rescue Genl Burgoine & Army: I therefore went to New Hampshire where I tarried about twelve Days upon my Arrival here I found no Troops worth mentioning & by the Inclosed Return your...
Valley Forge, February 13, 1778 . Orders Haskell to rejoin regiment. Df , in writing of H, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress. Haskell, Fifteenth Massachusetts Regiment, was in Massachusetts on furlough.
81General Orders, 14 July 1779 (Washington Papers)
Congress have been pleased to pass the following resolve. Resolved—That in consideration of their extra-duties and service, the officers in the Army of these States, serving as Sub and Brigade Inspectors be allowed, the former three rations a day and forage for three horses and the latter two rations a day and forage for two horses, in lieu of all former rations and forage both as officers in...
The last litigated question relative to titles here was decided yesterday. I have the pleasure to add that the form of our report is the only thing of consequence now engaging our attention. I have the honor to be Sir, respectfully your obedient servant, DNA : RG 59—Territorial Papers—TP, Michigan.
MS : The Royal Society; also copy: American Academy of Arts and Sciences At the reading of this paper Mr. Watson took notice, that several of Mr. Franklin’s experiments were new and very curious; but, besides that Mr. Watson is not quite master of part of this gentleman’s reasoning, there are two things therein more particularly to be attended to: and these are, first, that when this gentleman...
I am favd with yours of the 25th instant from Fort Mifflin. Before this reaches you Lt Colo. Smith will have thrown himself into the Fort with two hundred Continental Troops which are all that I could possibly spare. I very much approve of your calling upon Govr Livingston for a Reinforcement of Jersey Militia and I think you had better call in the few Men that are at Billingsport and if there...
Be pleased to accept my cordial thanks for the inquiries you have made as to an engineer for this state. I am obliged to Mr. Latrobe for the information he has given it is very satisfactory and will be useful. Before I wrote to you I took the liberty to enclose to the Secretary of State a letter to Mr. Adams, and to request the Secretary to have inquiries made through our ministers, as to the...
Harriet Welsh writes me that George and you intend to visit Mrs. de Wint during the vacation and that if your father grants you permission you intend to go on to Niagara—I had made a partial engagement to accompany Mr. & Mrs. de Wint to Niagara this fall but I do not feel quite sure that I shall be able to accomplish this purpose as your father tho’ he says I may go always appears to have...
You are intrusted with a Command of the utmost Consequence to the Interest & Liberties of America: Upon your Conduct & Courage & that of the Officers and ⟨Soldiers⟩ detached on this Expedition, not only the Success of the present Enterprize & your own Honour, but the Safety and Welfare of the whole Continent may depend. I ⟨charge⟩ you therefore and the Officers & Soldiers ⟨under⟩ your Command...
Th: Jefferson incloses to Genl. Dearborne the draught of his message to Congress, of which he asks his careful examination & to be favored with the alterations which may occur to him on a separate paper. H. Dearborn has looked over & considered the enclosed, without observing any thing that he can consider as a difect, or requiring alteration. DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
25 January 1802, Bremen. Reports that nothing material has occurred since his 13 July dispatch. Encloses list of vessels in port during the last six months. On 20 Nov., received through Pitcairn at Hamburg JM’s 1 Aug. circular letter and is pleased to have directions regarding registers and sea letters. Has notified the duke of Oldenburg, who oversees quarantine regulations on the Weser, of...
Copy: Library of Congress I am glad you have settled your affairs to your Mind relating to the Fayette. I hope She will now soon be at L’Orient. M. le Marquis de Castries, desired to know of me if your Request of a Passport for the Arms was agreable to my Views. I answered yes, & that he would oblige me by granting it. I suppose you will receive it by this Post. I wish You to send, either by...