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Results 61-70 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
estimate May 4. 05 draughts ✓ bk US. Short 500 . ✓ Jones & Howell 144 .47 644 .47 Checks ✓ Lemaire 600 ✓ Daugherty 65 .465
Memorandum. Letters received for me at N. York before the last day of September, to be forwarded to me, by the Richmond post , at Monticello. not meaning newspapers however, which mr. Remsen will know by their covers. of newspapers I wish to receive Fenno’s only, while absent. those letters &c recieved after the last of Sep. to be retained. I must get mr Remsen to decide whether it will be...
thinks it more desirable than probable that on discussing the urgent case of S. C, abstract questions may be avoided; that if not avoided, it is important that the several speakers shd. distinctly understand the meaning of each other, without wch. the debates may become verbal unintelligible & interminable; that it is particularly important to be kept in view that the characteristic...
1805 July 5. after taking up my 2 notes of May to bk US. & Col. = 3600. & payg Colston 400. I have in bank US. 702.33 10. Disct. bk Col. 1583.20 2285.53 ✓ Lemaire 600 ✓ Daugherty 127 .83 US ✓ King 115 .42 US
Compact express or tacit, [begin? bein?] & essence of free Govt. social compact, theoretical, but possible to be realized in [unaccepted?] tendency __________ Majy. to decide, whether a necessary result or an [ ] one _________ Majy. to chuse a Govt. binding on all. __________ Govt. not a party to the compact, but the creature [ ] the compact being among the Governed (sound [construction?...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from Medical testimony that ardent spirit, as a drink, is not only needless, but hurtful; and that the entire disuse of it would tend to promote the health, the virtue, and the happiness of the community, We hereby express our conviction, that should the citizens of the United States, and especially all young men, discontinue entirely...
Draft (fragment): Library of Congress This fragment in Franklin’s hand is written on what appears to be the top segment of a page of letter paper; a caret in the margin of the first line seems to indicate that it was intended, according to his usual method, as an insertion in the body of what he had drafted on the opposite page. Neither the addressee nor the date is known. The wording suggests...
Adam Gantz of the City of Baltimore respectfully shewes to your Honor that being encouraged by the Honorable Judge Winchester from intimations of relief given to him by his Excellency the President, your Petitioner is encouraged to beg your attention to this his petition and to the enclosures submited with it, The distress and actual suffering of a wife and several helpless Children who are...
Notes for consideration, & for instructions to any armed vessels which may be sent out to protect our commerce on our coasts. Preliminary questions. Do the laws authorise the putting vessels in commission for the protection of our commerce? other than against Tripoli? if they do not, should we not do it at our risk & ask an act of indemnity from Congress? What vessels? the Adams & Baltimore...
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on the tenth day of July 1828, at which were present, James Madison, rector, James Monroe, James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson, John H. Cocke and William C. Rives. Various letters from, and recommendations of, candidates for the Professorships of Antient Languages and of Natural Philosophy, were taken...