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Results 61-70 of 184,431 sorted by author
I See By the papers that there is to be a road Cut out from Nashville to Natchez M.T. and you are to have it done: and I Suppose there must be Some person to atende to it and as I am out of Business I Would be very thankfull to you for the Burth of atending to it and every thing on my Part Shall be atended to to have it done Well I am Sir your very Humble Servant DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of...
A true Statement of the Bad Earth Between Fort Stoddert & Pearl River From Fort Stoddert to Dog River very good; on the West Side of Said river 1 quarter of a mile Which is Bad thence on to the paspergolar very good Escept some small streams Which will want Bridging; on the west Side of Said river 5 Miles very Bad which will want coswaying & Bridging nearly all the way; from thence to Bog...
When I took the liberty of addressing you on the 5th. Instant, Relative the Captured American Brig, with my Property on board, I could not doubt but that some enquiry would have been made, as to the Propriety of the Capture and the objects either Condemned or Acquitted; it is not necessary to prove that I suffer serious Inconveniencies, and disappointments, by the Detention of my Property (for...
The Peculiar disagreableness of the business I am at present entangled in and the Extraordinary chain of Circumstances attending it equally injurious to me and offensive to the Neutrality of this Country, obliges me to seek refuge through your Medium from that Power which dispenses equal justice to all. I beg leave to refer you to the Accompanying Documents for the Particulars of a Capture...
At a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia , held on the 27 th ultimo Thomas Jefferson of Monticello was duly elected a Corresponding member. The object of this institution being the promotion of all the various branches of Natural Science, especially the investigation of the natural productions of the United States , we shall be happy to receive, and communicate any...
The ACADEMY of Natural Sciences OF PHILADELPHIA HAVE ELECTED Thomas Jefferson a Correspondent of their ASSOCIATION this Twenty Seventh day of January 1818 W m Maclure , President Reuben Haines , Corresponding Zaccheus Collins Secretary Vice Presidents Will m
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Vous offre aujourd’hui L’hommage De Mon ode à L’illustre Corps Dont Vous êtes L’âme Eclairée et Vertueuse. Je Souhaiterois ardemment que Vous trouvassiez Cette ode, et Les Deux précédentes pièces, Dignes D’être présentées en mon nom par Votre Canal à Votre immortelle République. Si Chacune Séparément ne Dit pas tout, il Me Semble que Les trois Réunies...
d’Acary ler Lieutenant Colonel du 15e Regiment d’infanterie française demende a Son exellence le General Washington la permission de lui aller offrir ces respectueux homages et prendre ces ordres pour france ou il va Se rendre et come le Navire Sur lequel il S’embarque part demain il desire que Son exelence veuilt bien lui accorder un moment d’audience aujourdhuit. AL , DLC:GW . This document...
[ Rouen, 29 Aug. 1786 . Recorded in SJL as received 2 Sep. 1786. Not found.]
We have received the Passeport your Excellence has been so good as to send us. Your two Cases are on Board of the Diligence L’Adelaide and we hope they will Come Safe in the hands of your Excellence. Here inclosed is a note of our Expences which have been paid to us by the Master of the Diligence to whom we beg of your Excellence to reimburse them. We are most respectfully Your Most obedient...