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Results 61-70 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I beg leave to refer you to the foregoing statement of the organization of our Society, and of its objects; and also, respectfully to ask leave to present your name, at our first quarterly meeting, (on the first Monday in March,) as an Honorary Member. Yours, &c. RC and enclosures (DLC) . Enclosures are printed documents from the American Historical Society of Military and Naval Events.
I have received fellow Citizens, your letter inviting me to a public dinner, at Cincinnatti, on the 4th. of March, to celebrate the expiration on the preceding day, of the Charter of the U. S. Bank; and requesting from me, if unable to attend, an appropriate sentiment to be given in my name, by the Company. Retaining as I do, my convict<ion> heretofore officially, and otherwise expressed, that...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. instant. The number relating to my religion addressed to me from diversified quarters, led me long ago to adopt the general rule of declining correspondences on the subject, the rule itself furnishing a convenient answer. I will not however withhold the expression of my sensibility to the friendly interest you take in my welfare here and hereafter; and your...
In attempting to write the Life of my Father in law, the late Chief Justice Ellsworth, I am under the necessity of resorting for materials to the small remnant yet with us, of that venerable band of Patriots and Statesmen who were colabourers with him in the organization of our Government—For that purpose I take the liberty to address you at this time—And were it not for the great distance...
In acknoledging the receipt of your letter of January 30. and thanking you for your kind wishes, which are sincerely returned, I comply with your request of an autographic line. Being written near the close of my 84th. year, with fingers crippled by Rheumatism, my name is added, as familarly written previous to the causes of the change. RC (owned by H. Spencer Glidden, Andover, Mass.); draft...
J. Madison has duly received the Copy of the President’s Message of the 8th. inst., enclosed by Mr. Van Buren and respectfully thanks him for the interesting communication. FC (DLC) .
Private I have just received your letter of Feby. 4th. The petition to Congress was returned with my signature two days ago. I think the postponement of the public invitation of plans for the Monument was very proper for the reasons you give. I doubt the expediency of the proposed application to the Legislature of Virginia without more knowledge than I have of its dispositions on the subject...
I have received your letter of the 3d. Instant, enclosing a copy of your speech on the right of petition &c; which certainly contains very able and interesting views of the subject. I do not wonder at your difficulty in understanding, the import, of the passage cited from my speech in the first Congress, under the present Constitution, being myself at a loss, for its precise meaning, obscured...
I feel extremely obliged to you for the polite manner in which you have been pleased to notice my letter. I will further add I was induced to address you on the subject as the President of the society, not thinking at the moment I was addressing one of the framers of the Constitution, although a moments reflection would have told me that was the case, which makes your silence on the subject...
Permit a friend & relative, though a stranger, to address you upon a subject deeply interesting to every child of Adam. Before entering upon it, I would remark as a part of my apology that I am by profession a minister of the Gospel of the Presbyterian Church, & a little allied to your family. My mother is a sister to Col. James Madison of Prince Edward now in the legislature, with whom I...