Thomas Jefferson Papers

Notes on Personal Finance, 4 May 1805

Notes on Personal Finance

estimate May 4. 05
bk US. Short 500 .
Jones & Howell 144 .47 644 .47
Lemaire 600
Daugherty 65 .465
Latrobe 178 .25
Rap. & Conr. 11 .
Claxton for cyder 100 .685
Treasury 40 .
995 .40 995 .40

Hope 263 .33
Price 4 .
Frithey 10 .
pocket 22 .67 300
1939 .87
Carpenter 100
Polkinson & Hall  17 .77
Lilly— 175 .
Hazard 231 .09
Cheetham 25 .805  Irwin 8
March 88 .50
taxes 24 . 662 .165
J. Barnes 1023 .505
La Bille 16. 3625 .54

MS (CSmH); entirely in TJ’s hand; written on address sheet with “The President of the United States” in an unidentified hand; notes by TJ on his bank accounts, [February 1806], on verso.

Rap. & Conr.: Rapine, Conrad & Co.

Having obtained 100 bushels of coal from the Treasury Department “for the use of the President’s household” on 3 Apr., Dougherty paid $40 to the department a month later (MS in MHi; in John Woodside’s hand and signed by him for payment received 3 May; endorsed by TJ: “Treasury. coal. pd May 4. 05”).

Price: that is, William Pryce, paid on 3 May for the book he sent TJ in March (MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1152; Pryce to TJ, 9 Mch.).

On 2 May, barber Edward Frethy (Frithey) sent TJ a receipt for two months “Dressing” at $5 per month (MS in MHi; in Frethy’s hand, signed by William Connor acknowledging payment; endorsed by TJ).

postponed: among those who waited until TJ drew funds on 7 May and asked John Barnes to pay them were editor Peter Irving (Irwin) for subscription dues and Mrs. John March, the bookbinder (Statement of Account with Mrs. John March, printed at 7 Mch.; MB description begins James A. Bear, Jr., and Lucia C. Stanton, eds., Jefferson’s Memorandum Books: Accounts, with Legal Records and Miscellany, 1767-1826, Princeton, 1997, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Second Series description ends , 2:1153).

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