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estimate May 4. 05 draughts ✓ bk US. Short 500 . ✓ Jones & Howell 144 .47 644 .47 Checks ✓ Lemaire 600 ✓ Daugherty 65 .465
Memorandum. Letters received for me at N. York before the last day of September, to be forwarded to me, by the Richmond post , at Monticello. not meaning newspapers however, which mr. Remsen will know by their covers. of newspapers I wish to receive Fenno’s only, while absent. those letters &c recieved after the last of Sep. to be retained. I must get mr Remsen to decide whether it will be...
thinks it more desirable than probable that on discussing the urgent case of S. C, abstract questions may be avoided; that if not avoided, it is important that the several speakers shd. distinctly understand the meaning of each other, without wch. the debates may become verbal unintelligible & interminable; that it is particularly important to be kept in view that the characteristic...
1805 July 5. after taking up my 2 notes of May to bk US. & Col. = 3600. & payg Colston 400. I have in bank US. 702.33 10. Disct. bk Col. 1583.20 2285.53 ✓ Lemaire 600 ✓ Daugherty 127 .83 US ✓ King 115 .42 US
Compact express or tacit, [begin? bein?] & essence of free Govt. social compact, theoretical, but possible to be realized in [unaccepted?] tendency __________ Majy. to decide, whether a necessary result or an [ ] one _________ Majy. to chuse a Govt. binding on all. __________ Govt. not a party to the compact, but the creature [ ] the compact being among the Governed (sound [construction?...
Being satisfied from observation and experience, as well as from Medical testimony that ardent spirit, as a drink, is not only needless, but hurtful; and that the entire disuse of it would tend to promote the health, the virtue, and the happiness of the community, We hereby express our conviction, that should the citizens of the United States, and especially all young men, discontinue entirely...
Draft (fragment): Library of Congress This fragment in Franklin’s hand is written on what appears to be the top segment of a page of letter paper; a caret in the margin of the first line seems to indicate that it was intended, according to his usual method, as an insertion in the body of what he had drafted on the opposite page. Neither the addressee nor the date is known. The wording suggests...
Adam Gantz of the City of Baltimore respectfully shewes to your Honor that being encouraged by the Honorable Judge Winchester from intimations of relief given to him by his Excellency the President, your Petitioner is encouraged to beg your attention to this his petition and to the enclosures submited with it, The distress and actual suffering of a wife and several helpless Children who are...
Notes for consideration, & for instructions to any armed vessels which may be sent out to protect our commerce on our coasts. Preliminary questions. Do the laws authorise the putting vessels in commission for the protection of our commerce? other than against Tripoli? if they do not, should we not do it at our risk & ask an act of indemnity from Congress? What vessels? the Adams & Baltimore...
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, held at the University on the tenth day of July 1828, at which were present, James Madison, rector, James Monroe, James Breckenridge, Chapman Johnson, John H. Cocke and William C. Rives. Various letters from, and recommendations of, candidates for the Professorships of Antient Languages and of Natural Philosophy, were taken...
Draft: Library of Congress; also copy: Yale University Library; and French translation: The Rosenbach Foundation Both the date and the addressee of this letter have been subjects of much difference of opinion. Each of the three surviving manuscript versions bears a different date line. That on the draft, in Franklin’s hand, has been heavily scratched out, probably long after the letter was...
At a meeting of the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, at the University on Saturday the 10th. of July 1830: Present, the Rector, Mr. Monroe being prevented from attending by indisposition, and Genl. Breckenridge by the sickness of his Family. Ms (ViU) .
ALS : American Philosophical Society By visiting the Quarters of the Men belonging to the first Battallion of the Royal American Regiment with the Mayor, Sheriff, and other Magistrates I found that — — 94 Men laid on Straw And that — — 73 had nothing to lay on and not Sufficient quantity of Covering, the Houses on which they are quarter’d not being capable of containing near the number...
Jan. 26. Colo Burr the V.P. calls on me in the evening, having previously asked an opportunity of conversing with me. he began by recapitulating summarily that he had come to N.Y. a stranger some years ago, that he found the country in possn of two rich families, (the Livingstons & Clintons) that his pursuits were not political & he meddled not. when the crisis however of 1800. came on, they...
Tuesday, July 15. In the intervals of their attendance as members of the Convention in Charlottesville, the Board met, and attended occasionally on the examination. Ms ( ViU ).
Copy: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission We got to Hays’s the same Evening we left you and reviewed Craig’s Company by the Way. Much of the next morning was spent in exchanging the bad Arms for good, Wayne’s Company having joined us. We reachd however that night to Uplinger’s, where we got into good Quarters. Saturday morning we began to march towards Gnadenhutten and proceeded near...
Teusday the 13th. Present the same members who were engaged in examining papers and preparing business for the action of the Board when organized. Ms (ViU) .
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 29, 1756. Wednesday we were hinder’d almost all Day by Rain. Thursday most of the Stockades were set up. Friday all inclosed to the Gate, and Part of the Platform round the Inside made. Saturday the Platform was finished, and two Swivels mounted. Sunday had a Thanksgiving Sermon, hoisted the British Flag, fired three Vollies, and the...
May. 15. 04 State Judge Davies’s enquiries mr Merry’s case Pichon’s memorial he hazards general assertions neither proved nor true the law of nations does not make a nation responsible for acts of individuals out of it’s limits. yet friendly nations do watch to a certain degree. does France watch the atrocities of it’s privateers men with & without commissions it to be assurd. on our part of...
reserved for J. Hemings. All the Chinese railing. Venetian blinds for the Porticos. the 3. remaing. Angular Portals. the Aviary. facings &c of windows of covered ways folds of window shutters. closet of my bed chamber store rooms in the loft. MS ( MHi ); undated; entirely in TJ’s hand; on other side of sheet containing “Work to be done by mr Dinsmore,” dated 24 Sep. (see Memorandum of Tasks...
Report on the University of Virginia We lay before our readers the following interesting View of the condition of the University of Virginia, submitted to the Legislature on Monday last: I have the honor to lay before the General Assembly, the report adopted by the Rector and Visitors of the University of Virginia, at their meeting in July last, and received by me as President of the Literary...
instead of the Venetian blinds before planned for South Piazza , substitute these 62. I. 50. I. 65. I. the height of each blind 4 f. to wit to top of impost, because the lining of the jamb fills up the projection of the impost, and makes all flush. the jamb is but 13. I. thick 2. sashes from floor of Piazza to top of impost = 8 f .825 I. both to slide up. height of sashes. Upper one. upper rail
MR. MADISON’S PAMPHLET. In the Register of the 11th ult. page 193, we copied a paragraph from the Boston Patriot, saying, that a pamphlet now existed, stated by Mr. Jefferson to have been written by James Madison (though published anonymously), in which it is mentioned that " the leading object of the federal convention of 1787, for framing a constitution, to have been, to protect our own...
I II III IV V VI VII VIII Adams – – – – – – – – 0 Anderson +
A sketch never finished nor applied. As the weakness and wants of man naturally lead to an association of individuals, under a Common Authority, whereby each may have the protection of the whole against danger from without, and enjoy in safety within, the advantages of social intercourse, and an exchange of the necessaries & comforts of life; in like manner feeble communities, independent of...
Renominations still to be made. Orleans. ✓ Wm. C. C. Claiborne late governor of the Misipi territory Governor of the territory of Orleans [ James Brown of Kentucky Secretary of the territory of O.] [ Ephraim Kirby of Connecticut } Judges of the Superior court for the terry. of O ✓ John B. Prevost of New York original nomn ✓ James Brown of Kentucky ✓ Dominic A. Hall of S.C. judge of the...
Some taxes are, however, more partial in their first operation than others; and, in some cases, they totally ruin one part of the community in working their way into general diffusion. Others are particularly objectionable on account of the mode of their collection. When they employ too many hands in proportion to their produce, and thereby not only cause a serious deduction from the...
Teusday. July 20th. The Board met according to adjournment. Resolved, That the professor of modern languages will not be required to reside within the precincts of the University and the Pavilion with its adjacent grounds heretofore assigned to him will be applied to such uses, as the Visitors or the Executive Committee may direct. He will be exempt from the duty of attending the meetings of...
✓ James Wilkinson of Maryland Governor of the territory of Louisiana from the 3d. day of July next for 3. years then next ensuing unless sooner &c. ✓ Joseph Browne of New York Secretary for the Territory of Louisiana from the 3d. day of July &c. ✓ Return Jonathan Meigs of Louisiana, } to be judges of the court of the territory of Louisiana from & after the 3d. day of July next. ✓...
Mr. King to mr Madison. N.Y. Dec. 22. 1803. 1. all foreign ministers pay the 1st. visit to the ministers of Engld. by going in their carriage & leaving a card without asking for them. this visit is rarely if ever returned. 2. foreign ministers nor their wives never invited to Queen’s balls, concerts, parties. the king gives none. at king’s levee forn. & domest. ministers, dignifd clergy, Ld....
To the effect of <the> changes intellectual, moral and social, the institutions laws of the Country must be adapted, and it will require for the task all the wisdom of the wisest patriots. *How far this view of the subject will be affected by the Republican laws of descent & distribution in equalizing the property of the citizens and in reducing mutual supplies cannot be inferred from any any...
ALS (draft): Library of Congress We are much oblig’d to M. De la Haye and his Friends for their Offer of Supplying the Americans with Merchandize, and we desire them to accept our Thanks; But it does not suit us to enter into any Engagements of the kind; We as Commissioners from the Congress have no Orders for purchasing other Goods than what are necessary for the Arming and Clothing of the...
 Doctr. Stevens’s case. I consider the annual act which appropriates a given sum to the expences of intercourse with foreign nations, as a sufficient authority to the President (the constitutional organ of foreign intercourse) to expend that sum for the purposes of foreign intercourse, at his discretion. if he abuses that discretion he is responsible for it in a constitutional way. the legal...
July 4. Govr. Claiborne’s lre May 24. 04. St. Julien’s case the local judge should decide if crimes commd under Span. govmt are cognisable under ours & proceed accdly do. May 29. dispute between 2. priests . let their chief decide    French privateer with American prize. do. May 30. his expences . do. June 2. his answer to the impertinencies of Govr. Folch perfect MS ( DLC : TJ Papers,...
Draft (fragment): American Philosophical Society has been blown off that Coast. Our Governor thinks they contain the Commissions for the Officers, and Orders to draw for the Pay of the Troops &c. and therefore directs me to forward them per Express to N. York, that they may overtake the Post. In haste I am &c. [ On back ] { One Month at £45 per Ann. is 3. 15. 0 Hire of Horse 2 Trips at 25 s....
Draft: American Philosophical Society I received your Favour of the 31st of last Month, the answering of which I delayed and [I] should be glad to accompany you from London, in your next Return to Derbyshire; but doubt it will not be in my Power. I am sorry I cannot be certain as to the time of my going into Derbyshire. For on the very day you purpose coming to Town, viz. the 18th of this...
The Board met according to adjournment Resolved, That the Chairman’s private book annually communicated to the Board, be preserved by the Secretary of this Board. Resolved, That Dr. Patterson be appointed Chairman of the Faculty for one year from the end of this session. The Board then adjourned till Monday 8. O.Clock. Ms (ViU) .
The Board met according to adjournment. Mr. Randolph, appointed a Committee at the last session of the Board, for the purpose of examining and settling the Bursar’s and Proctor’s accounts, made the following report:—Th: J. Randolph to whom was referred the examination of the accounts of the Bursar and Proctor at the last meeting of the Board, reports;—That he has employed Mr. Martin Dawson to...
Resources Balance in the treasury Oct. 1. 1803. say 5,888,000. Revenue of 5. quarters to Dec. 31. 1804 @ 10,400,000. 13,000,000  Arrears of direct taxes & other sources 150,000  Louisiana  200,000. 19,238,000  Demands in last In last quarter of 1803  Balance due to 7,300,000 D. approprn. 2,350,000   ¼ of last years estimate for other objects 650,000.   British paiment
1804. May. 26. Present the Secretaries and Atty Genl. What terms of peace with Tripoli shall be agreed to? if successful, insist on their deliverg. up men without ransom, and reestablishing old treaty without paying any thing. if unsuccessful, rather than have to continue the war, agree to give 500. D. a man, (having first deducted for the prisoners we have taken) and the sum in gross &...
University of Virginia Wednesday, October 1st. 1828. Agreeably to the adjournment at the meeting in July last, four members of the Board of Visitors made their appearance—Chapman Johnson, Joseph C. Cabell, William C. Rives, and J. H. Cocke—who were informed by a letter to the secretary from the Rector, that, owing to his very feeble state of body, he found himself unable to attend. In the...
Bill. in 1802. purchased the dower of Eliz. Henderson that John Henderson is digging a race thro’ the lands prays injunction. Answer of J. Henderson. in Nov. 1801. he entered into written contract with the sd Elizabeth relative to sundry matters, & among others that it was agreed that he should have all the sd Eliz’s right to so much of her sd dower lands as might be necessary for the purpose...
Copy: American Philosophical Society I now sit down to give you an Account of Part of the Operations of our Campaign. It will hardly be more difficult for you to understand it than for me in our present Situation to transmit it to you. We marched on Wednesday Jan. 15 from Bethlehem for Gnadenhutten beyond the Mountains in Order to erect a Fort there with Seven Waggons and a Cart escorted by...
Wednesday, July 23. The Board met, present the Same as yesterday. Resolved That the Sum of Two hundred and twenty five dollars be appropriated for the purpose of repairing the exterior coverings of the dormitories of the University. Resolved That the Executive committee be authorized to take off a part of the exterior covering from the lower range of dormitories, to ascertain experimentally...
The apportionment of taxation in the old states of 3/5 for slaves was decided rather from accident, than any accurate calculation. The subject caused much debate in Congress. The east and the south differed. The former was for a high ratio, the latter for a low;—¼, ½, 2/3 were proposed and rejected. At length Mr Madison proposed 3/5, which was accepted, & he still thinks it very near the true...
By the President of the United States. A PROCLAMATION. WHEREAS by the first articles of the terms and conditions declared by the President of the United States on the seventeenth day of October, 1791, for regulating the Materials and manner of buildings and improvements on the lots in the city of Washington, it is provided that “the outer and party walls of all houses in the said city shall be...
Genl. topics the advantages of a peaceful system. that if once our debt is paid & taxes liberated, the surplus (after supportg. govmt) will supply annual exp. of war so that no other tax need ever be laid. removals from office. Philosophy licentiousness of press. MS ( DLC : TJ Papers, 234:41878); in TJ’s hand; undated; Documents III and V are on reverse side of same sheet.
P.S. the Northern boundary of Louisiana, Coterminous with the possessions of England. The limits of Louisiana have been spoken of, in the preceding statement , as if those established to the West & North, by the charter of Louis XIV. remained still unaltered. in the West they are so, as already explained. but, in the North, a material change has taken place. with this however it was...
4. e. The free exercise of religion being placed by the constitution independant of the powers of the Genl. govmt, the acts of fasting praying, thanksgiving, and the times, manner, and matter thereof, are religious exercises, which if free from us must neither be prescribed nor controuled by us: I have left them therefore as the constn found them, under the direction of the state or church...
Extract printed in The Pennsylvania Gazette , January 1, 1756. Governor Morris and the commissioners appointed in the £60,000 money act worked diligently to organize more effective measures against the continuing Indian attacks. By December 4 they had decided to rely chiefly upon a fort to be erected at Shamokin (at the forks of the Susquehanna; now Sunbury) from which ranging parties would be...