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I See By the papers that there is to be a road Cut out from Nashville to Natchez M.T. and you are to have it done: and I Suppose there must be Some person to atende to it and as I am out of Business I Would be very thankfull to you for the Burth of atending to it and every thing on my Part Shall be atended to to have it done Well I am Sir your very Humble Servant DNA : RG 59—LAR—Letters of...
A true Statement of the Bad Earth Between Fort Stoddert & Pearl River From Fort Stoddert to Dog River very good; on the West Side of Said river 1 quarter of a mile Which is Bad thence on to the paspergolar very good Escept some small streams Which will want Bridging; on the west Side of Said river 5 Miles very Bad which will want coswaying & Bridging nearly all the way; from thence to Bog...
When I took the liberty of addressing you on the 5th. Instant, Relative the Captured American Brig, with my Property on board, I could not doubt but that some enquiry would have been made, as to the Propriety of the Capture and the objects either Condemned or Acquitted; it is not necessary to prove that I suffer serious Inconveniencies, and disappointments, by the Detention of my Property (for...
The Peculiar disagreableness of the business I am at present entangled in and the Extraordinary chain of Circumstances attending it equally injurious to me and offensive to the Neutrality of this Country, obliges me to seek refuge through your Medium from that Power which dispenses equal justice to all. I beg leave to refer you to the Accompanying Documents for the Particulars of a Capture...
At a meeting of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia , held on the 27 th ultimo Thomas Jefferson of Monticello was duly elected a Corresponding member. The object of this institution being the promotion of all the various branches of Natural Science, especially the investigation of the natural productions of the United States , we shall be happy to receive, and communicate any...
The ACADEMY of Natural Sciences OF PHILADELPHIA HAVE ELECTED Thomas Jefferson a Correspondent of their ASSOCIATION this Twenty Seventh day of January 1818 W m Maclure , President Reuben Haines , Corresponding Zaccheus Collins Secretary Vice Presidents Will m
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je Vous offre aujourd’hui L’hommage De Mon ode à L’illustre Corps Dont Vous êtes L’âme Eclairée et Vertueuse. Je Souhaiterois ardemment que Vous trouvassiez Cette ode, et Les Deux précédentes pièces, Dignes D’être présentées en mon nom par Votre Canal à Votre immortelle République. Si Chacune Séparément ne Dit pas tout, il Me Semble que Les trois Réunies...
d’Acary ler Lieutenant Colonel du 15e Regiment d’infanterie française demende a Son exellence le General Washington la permission de lui aller offrir ces respectueux homages et prendre ces ordres pour france ou il va Se rendre et come le Navire Sur lequel il S’embarque part demain il desire que Son exelence veuilt bien lui accorder un moment d’audience aujourdhuit. AL , DLC:GW . This document...
[ Rouen, 29 Aug. 1786 . Recorded in SJL as received 2 Sep. 1786. Not found.]
We have received the Passeport your Excellence has been so good as to send us. Your two Cases are on Board of the Diligence L’Adelaide and we hope they will Come Safe in the hands of your Excellence. Here inclosed is a note of our Expences which have been paid to us by the Master of the Diligence to whom we beg of your Excellence to reimburse them. We are most respectfully Your Most obedient...
Bayonne, 29 Nov. 1788. Submits to TJ, as “Dépositaire des droits des Etats Unis et des faveurs que les traittés avec la france leur assurent,” a complaint concerning the importation of whale oil. The king’s arrêt of 28 Sep. last concerning the importation of foreign oils was sent to the port authority for Bayonne without any specification that an exception was to be made for the United States;...
Herewith we transmit you the Address of the subscribers, Democratic Republicans, of the Town and County of Washington in the State of Pennsylvania—in whose behalf / We are, Sir / your Obdt. Servts. MHi : Adams Papers.
I addressd. your excellency a few days ago on the rumourd. defeat and Surrender of Genl. Hull’s Army. Since which we have recd. the detail and it appears that the British have got possession of the important post of Detroit in the usual way. Can any faith be held with a Nation So lost to every principle of honor, and So degenerated as to employ no other weapons but bribery, corruption , and...
Alarming intiligence which we have Just recd. induces me to call upon the attention of your excellency. Express messengers have arrivd. who bring the dreadful information that Genl Hull and his Army ; have been Captured by the British and Indians after a battle, in which 500 of the brave ohio Volunteers were left on the ground to the Scalping knife of the Savage. The immediate causes which led...
Inclosed you have a letter and a document addressed to you from Lancaster by the Members of the Pennsa. Legislature, on the subject of the Federal road, which by some error or mistake came to this Town last Mail and was put into my hands with a request to enclose and forward the same, And having so favourable an oppertunity you will pardon my giving you my opinion of this important Subject, a...
As secratary of the Committee of Corespondence for Washington County (Pa) I have the honor of transmitting you the free and unbiased Sentiments of the Democratic Republican Citizens of this County as expressd by their delegates in the enclosed Resolutions and address on the 21st. Instant, this tribute of thanks they Considered Justly due to their Venerable Chief Magistrate about to retire from...
At a meeting of Officers of the 14th Division, Penna. Militia, held at the house of Richard Donaldson, in the Borough of Washington, on friday the 20th Instant, for the purpose of considering and suggesting some amendments to the militia System: Genl. Thomas Acheson, was appointed chairman, and Maj Andrew Sutton Secretary. After which the following preamble and resolutions were introduced,...
I have been these four Months in this city without having the Honor of addressing you, about five weeks ago I delivered to the Minister of State a Letter containing a true statement of my Misfortunes & present Situation to be Laid before You. The Spanish ambassador having been kind enough to provide for my Passage to Spain &a, I must in complyance with his orders Set out to Morrow Morning for...
ONE great advantage resulting from a republican system of government is, the unrestrained privilege of scrutinizing public measures, and candidly investigating the conduct of those men, who are entrusted with the management of public affairs. No character, however dignified, no measure, however important, can possibly escape the exercise of this invaluable right. It is unnecessary, at present,...
The Times Are much Altered Since your Administration, Thousands are released from hard Taxes, And the Union at large are eased of many thousands of Dollars, by your Justice, may you long live to Administer Justice to all your fellow Citizens— But there is one thing more in Justice you Ought To Do, humanity Calls loudly on you & the rest of the Rulers to do (And that is the FREEDOM of the...
Letter not found : from Abraham Ackerman, 5 Oct. 1779. On 9 Oct., GW wrote Ackerman: “I have received Your Letter of the 5th Instant.”
an unfurtuanate Man addresses You with these Lines though Scarsly worthy of Your Notice on account of its Iregular stile & Compossure—But would most Humbly begg pardon for the Intrussion & wish You to exuse me for attempting to trouble You with so lenghty a Scrawlling & so poorly Connected & spelled Sir I embarked in the Earliest Day of the American Revolution went with the faithful Genl....
[Philadelphia] Gazette of the United States , June 4, 1792. Part of the column devoted to correspondence in the June 4, 1792, issue of the Gazette of the United States is attributed to H by Philip Marsh (“Further Attributions to Hamilton’s Pen,” The New-York Historical Society Quarterly , XL [October, 1956], 353–54). No other evidence, however, of H’s authorship has been found.
I have the opertunity of Informing you that I have had the misfortune to loose my Schooner which was Captured By the British on the 26 of Sept Last Being loaded and Bound for Baltimore and sir I hav Bin on Board the British with A civil othority and they informd me that she Dradg her anchors and went on Shore in lin haven Bay in A gaile of wind and that the Virginiaans Stript hir and Cut Away...
The Students of Dickinson–College, assembled again after the usual vacation, embrace the earliest opportunity of making a public and explicit declaration of their sentiments and resolutions, at this important crisis. Believing that unanimity is of infinite importance to the Citizens of these States, and that the most unequivocal proofs of such unanimity should be now given by the Citizens at...
I take the liberty to inclose to your Excellency, a letter, which was entrusted to my care by Sir Edward Newenham of Dublin, who desired me to deliver it in person, an honour which I should certainly have done myself, had I not been detained in this part of the Country by business, & by the contagious fever, which, I am extremely sorry to find, prevails at Philadelphia. As I am thus under a...
I had the honour of receiving your favour in course of post, and as I did not know of any person going to Philadelphia, with whom I could entrust your model, I delivered it to Mr. Remsen, informing of the precautions necessary to be observed in forwarding it, and I hope that before this time you have received it in perfect safety. The greatest care was taken, on board the Ship, to put it into...
I have the honour to inform you, that I have just arrived here in the Ship Amsterdam Packet, after a passage of 68 days from London. Mr. Pinckney did me the honour to entrust to my care several packets addressed to you, two of which you will receive by this post, and I also send by the Coach two parcels of Newspapers, from Mr. Pinckney, and one, of which I wish to request his Excellency the...
Although I have Suffered, (by the hand of lawless power,) Injurys in my person, my reputation and my property; Injurys to me irreparable though unmerited; Yet as an American firmly and unaltrably attached to my Country; and capable of distinguishing in my Judgment and resentments betwixt its Government, & those who may for a time be entrusted to Administer it: I shall always feel it my duty,...
The Petition of John Adams, humbly Sheweth, That your petitioner hath been convicted at the Circuit Court of the United States for the district of Pennsylvania, of smuggling a small quantity of Coffee, for which Offence he hath agreeably to Law been sentenced to pay a fine of four hundred Dollars, all which will more fully appear to your Excellency, by the Certified transcripts from the...