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Results 60751-60800 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
By a Resolution of Congress of the 7h of August, there is to be, upon the 1st of January next, a Reform of all Regiments in the Continental Army which do not, at that time, consist of at least 500 Rank & File—But this being left somewhat at the discretion of the Secretary at War, he would wish, before he carries the Resolution into execution, to give those States, whose Corps are not a great...
Long have I Considered if I Should or Shoul not undertake to Trouble your Excellency with a Letter of so Small Consequence, Since I Know that your Excellencys Thought have affairs of much Greater Inportance than be Pleas’d with my Writing. But Som Necessity have no Law, and Poverty, Missery, Sickniss, and Infirmity of Body Forces one to Appley to a Judge who can be Depended on which I no where...
I have this moment been honored with your Excellency’s Letter of the 10th Instant, in obedience to which I shall immediately repair to the Towns proposed for the Winter Cantonments of my Regt, & after inquiring into the State of the Forage at those places, I shall immediately report the same to your Excellency. I am already satisfied that no forage can be procured in Danbury or Ridgfield, as...
Our little Army had embarked on board the fleet of Mr the Ms. de Vaudreuil without any accident and in the greatest order but from contrary Winds and other accidents which retards the referation of the Ships—I do not think the fleet will be able to Sail before the of this Month. From what the Chevalier de la luzerne writes it seems you have no doubt of the evacuation of Charlestown . If you...
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). See Notes on Debates, 4 November 1782 , ed. n. Mr. Howell verbally acknowledged himself to be the writer of the letter from which the extract was published in the Providence Gazette. At his instance the subject was postponed untill Monday. JM inserted the last five letters of “Howell” long after he wrote the original draft of his notes. See Notes on Debates, 6...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Docketed by JM, “Decr. 13. 1782.” Unless otherwise noted, words or parts of words italicized in the present copy are encoded in the Randolph cipher. See Randolph to JM, 22 November 1782 , and n. 1. Nothing, I think, need be apprehended from the conveyance of the cypher in an unsealed letter. The curiosity of the postmaster or any...
We have the pleasure to meet your honors upon a very important Contest. You are now to decide a territorial controversy, which with other nations would have been decided by the sword. This being a court of the first impression in any part of the Globe and the present subject of litigation being of considerable value, I hope the honorable Court will pardon the tedious discussion I am now to...
60758December 14. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
December 14. Saturday.
Thanks be to God, my dear Gerry, that our Tom Cod are Safe, in Spight of the Malice of Ennemies the Finesse of Allies and the Mistakes of Congress.— The Fisheries were attacked through my Sides, but they have not been wounded. We have obtained an explicit Acknowledgment of our Right to all the Fisheries, and the most unlimited Liberty to catch Fish, and Liberty to dry them on Nova scotia,...
There is more matter than time to write at present. The King of Sweden has done the United-States great honor, in his Commission to his Minister here to treat with them, by inserting, that he had a great desire to form a Connexion with States, which had so fully established their Independence, and, by the wise & gallant Conduct, so well deserved it; and his Minister desired it might be...
We have the honour to congratulate Congress on the Signature of the Preliminaries of a Peace between the Crown of Great Britain & the United States of America, to be inserted in a definitive Treaty so soon as the Terms between the Crowns of France & Great Britain shall be agreed on. A Copy of the Articles is here inclosed, and we cannot but flatter ourselves; that they will appear to Congress...
LS : National Archives; AL (draft): Massachusetts Historical Society; copies: American Philosophical Society, Library of Congress, Massachusetts Historical Society; transcript: National Archives We have the honour to congratulate Congress on the Signature of the Preliminaries of a Peace between the Crown of Great Britain & the United States of America, to be inscribed, in a definitive Treaty...
Copies: Connecticut State Library, New Jersey State Library, New Hampshire Division of Records Management and Archives, Delaware Public Archives Commission, National Archives I received duly your several Letters of Septr. 25th. 27th. 28th. and 30th. October 1st. 5th. 7th. all by Capt. Barney, and October 27th. since. I immediately made the Application so strongly pressed by the Congress for a...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je ne puis m’empêcher de vous exprimer le plaisir que j’ay ressenti lorsque j’ai appris que l’Angleterre venoit de reconoitre l’Indépendance des 13. Provinces unies de l’Amérique; je partage bien sincérement celui que doit vous causer un événement aussi glorieux, et qui termine touttes vos peines et vos inquiétudes. Je prie le seigneur qu’il daigne...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library J’ai l’honneur de vous adresser le sr. saudot auquel vous pouvez remettre les deux alphabets que vous voulez bien me prêter. Je me ferai un grand plaisir de vous offrir ce que j’ai de mieux en vignettes mais Je desirerois savoir de quel genre & de quelle grandeur. Si vous pouvez, monsieur, être utile à l’honnête infortuné que je vous adresse vous ferez...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library En conséquence de votre conseil, le Sr. Schneider habitant de Germantaun, a payé au Sr. Richard Bache votre gendre 200 l.t. en especes, faisants la valeur de 1200 florins, et celui-ci en a délivré la quittance, ci-jointe en copie. Le Sr. Auer Ministre de l’église d’Ebingen dans le Wirtemberg, a eu l’honneur Monsieur de vous en donner avis, dès le mois...
60767General Orders, 14 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
Officers for tomorrow Colonel J. Vose, Major Graham. For duty tomorrow the 7th Massachusetts regiment. One Captain from the first Massachusetts brigade to attend the Courtmartial of which Colonel Greaton is President in the place of Captain Hastings absent by leave. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I recollect subscribing, when I was in Philadelphia last Winter, twenty or twenty five Guineas towards the support of the Children of the late Revd Mr Caldwell. No person has called upon me since for this money—I therefore take the liberty (as the Subscription paper was in your hands) of asking you to whom I am to pay this Sum? Mrs Washington who is now with me, offers her affectionate...
I felt too much to express anything, the day I parted with you; A Sense of your public Services to this Country, & gratitude for your private friendship, quite overcame me at the moment of our seperation—But I should be wanting to the feelings of my heart, & should do violence to my inclination, was I to suffer you to leave this Country without the warmest assurances of an affectionate regard...
In the course of a few days Congress will, I expect, receive an Address from the Army on the Subject of their grievances. This Address, tho’ couched in very respectful terms, is one of those things which tho’ unpleasing, is just now unavoidable. for I was very apprehensive once, that matters would have taken a more unfavourable turn, from the variety of discontents which prevailed at this...
I have the Honor to Inclose your Excellency a Letter from Lieut. John M. Greene of my Regmt wherein he expresses a desire of leaving Service on account of his Indisposition, as this young Gentleman has greatly Impair’d his Health in the Service, and from a Conciousness off his merriting every Indulgence the public Can bestow, I am Induc’d to Interest myself in his behalf, and take the Liberty...
I cannot, My dear Genl, permit you to depart from this Country without repeating to you the high sense I entertain of the Services you have rendered America by the constant attention which you have paid to the Interests of it. By the exact order & discipline of the Corps under your command—and your readiness, at all times, to give facility to every measure which the force of the Combined...
I was Yesterday made happy by Your Excellency’s very obliging Letter of the 10th instant—Nothing could have given me so much Satisfaction, under my late Disappointment, as the Sanction which Your Excellency has been pleased to put upon my Conduct; and to insure a Reputation, I only wish to deserve Your Excellency’s Confidence & Esteem. I shall not fail to Communicate to Capt. Brewster Your...
We have the honour to congratulate Congress on the Signature of the Preliminaries of a Peace between the Crown of Great Britain & the United States of America, to be inserted in a definitive Treaty so soon as the Terms between the Crowns of France & Great Britain shall be agreed on. A Copy of the Articles is here inclosed, and we cannot but flatter ourselves, that they will appear to Congress...
From our Preliminaries and the Kings Speech the present Disposition and System of the british Court may in my opinion be collected. Altho’ particular Circumstances constrained them to yield us more than perhaps they wished, I still think they meant to make (what they thought would really be) a satisfactory peace with us— In the Continuance of this Disposition & System too much Confidence ought...
I wrote to you my dearest sister the other day but as Cap n . Barney still waits dispatches from Doc tr Franklin I must again trouble you tho’ nothing new has occurred at least of a domestic nature— Our public affairs indeed wear a different aspect— Let us my dr. Kitty rejoice together & bless God! for the prospect of approaching Peace. I already begin to enjoy in imagination some delightful...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Thomas L. Savage. Addressed to “Virginia Delegates in Congress.” You have Mazzeis Letter which was left out of mine by mistake now enclosed. I am anxious to know what he has written to Mr. Adams as he seems to think it a Matter of some Consequence to America. I congratulate you on the good news you will find in the enclosed paper, which I think may...
6077815 Sunday. (Adams Papers)
15 Sunday.
Since my Arrival here 26 October, untill the 30 of November, We had a constant Scuffle Morning noon and night about Cod and Haddock on the Grand Bank Deer skins on the Ohio and Pine Trees at Penobscat, and what were worse than all the Refugees. The Denouement of the Plott has had in it as much of the sublime and Pathetic as any Part of the Piece. It was comical too as you shall one day know in...
I intended to have wrote largely by this Opportunity, but have been confined ever since last Sunday night to my Bed and Chamber, with a most violent Cold, a kind of Punishment for Pride and Curiosity. I was last Sunday at Versailles, the day was extremely cold and foggy, much was to be seen, and but little time for the purpose. I drove about without Hat and with thin Shoes all day long, gave...
I have the Pleasure to congratulate you, upon the provisional Arrangement of our Affairs with England. The Terms are as good as we could obtain, and much better, considering all the Difficulties and Dangers we were in, than could have been expected. The Fishery I think is so well secured, that we have no cause to complain, and as soon as Peace is concluded you may revive your long neglected...
This goes with the Preliminary Treaty between the Crown of G. Britain and the United States of America—it is not to be in force untill France and Great Britain Shall agree and sign. When this will be is not yet known, it is Supposed that the principal Points remaining are Spanish or Dutch. The great Interests of our Country in the West and in the East are Secured as well as her Independence....
Messieurs Willem & Jan Willinck Nicolas & Jacob van Staphorst & De La Lande & Fynje en me remettant Quatre cens mille Livres m’en faisoient espèrer autant, mais par une Suivante ces Espérances Se Sont évanouies: Je n’ai pas cru, Monsieur, devoir insister, mais seulement me borner à leur représenter que la privation de ces fonds pourroit gêner les opérations de Monsieur Morris.— En effet, j’ai...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères I have the honour to acquaint your Excellency, that our Courier is to set out to-morrow at Ten aClock, with the Dispatches we send to Congress by the Washington, Capt. Barney, for which Ship we have got a Passport from the King of England. If you would make any Use of this Conveyance, the Courier shall wait upon you to-morrow at Versailles,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I went again yesterday to Mr. de Beaumarchais but found, what had not been told me before, that he is at Bourdeaux, & therefore it will be impossible for me to obtain the Certificate Mr. Deane desires until his return— I must therefore write Mr. Deane to day & wish to inclose in my Letter a Line or two from you importing something, or so much as you may...
ALS : American Philosophical Society It is hoigh time that I make you my Complements on your having obtaind Peas, & puting your Contery at Liberty; to which wee may Justley say, your Manly Conduct, & Supereor Judgment, has don the Business. May you long Live my Good friend, to Injoy the Sweets of it, which is what I wish from my very Soule being most sincearly attached to you, & the Causes you...
AL (draft): Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Je puis etre surpris, Monsieur, après l’Explication que j’ai eue avec vous et la promesse que vous m’aviez faite que vous ne presseriez pas l’obtention d’un Passeport Anglois pour l’expedition du Paquet bot le Wasington, que vous me fassiez part que vous avez reçu ce meme passeport et que demain a dix heures du matin votre courier...
60788General Orders, 15 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
Officer for tomorrow Colo. Tupper, Major Pettingill For duty tomorrow 4th Massachusetts regiment. By the order of the 6th instant respecting uniformity of cloathing for the army the General did not propose that the coats should all be made in the same mode; on the contrary he wishes Commanding officers of the different lines and corps would agree among themselves on such distinctions as may be...
Agreeably to the promise contained in my Letter of the 6th to your Excellency, I immediately made application to Sir Guy Careton for the Passport you requested;which he made no hesitation in forwarding with a very polite Letter to me, and which I have now the pleasure of enclosing.I have the honor to be Sir Your Most Obt &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
In my last of the 20th of Octobr I informed you that the armies were about quitting the field, & that the French Troops were going to the Eastward—they have since embarked at Boston—(except the Legion of Lauzen which is at Burlington)—for the West Indies; and by a Letter which I have recd from the Marqs De Vaudrueil, will sail about the 20th Instt. The Count de Rochambeau—to whose care I...
I had, last Evening, the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of the 11th and immediately forwarded the Packets for the Marquis de Vaudreuil and Monsr de L’Etombe. I am happy to hear that your Excellency has recommended a plan for the protection of these Coasts, it will be of infinite advantage to the common interest, should effectual measures be taken to cover them from the depredations...
Mr & Mrs Lloyd present their best respects, and thanks, to His Excellency General Washington—and are extremely obliged to General Washington for the packet of Letters, which came by last Fridays post. Mr Ll: hopes General Washington will excuse the freedom taken, in inclosing a letter for N.York. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
The Minister of War informing me he intended paying a visit to your Excellency on the Subject of the new arrangement, I take the liberty of communicating what past between us, respecting the 4th Regiment of Light Dragoons. By the returns it appears that Regt is reduced to two Troops, one mounted, the other not, These are to be commanded by one Field Officer two Captains & the proper number of...
60794Advertisement, 15 December 1782 (Jefferson Papers)
THE Subscriber having occasion to be absent from the State for some time, has confided the care of his affairs to Francis Eppes, Esq; of Chesterfield, and Col. Nicholas Lewis, of Albemarle, to whom, therefore, he begs leave to refer all persons having business with him. Printed from Hayes’ Virginia Gazette, or American Advertiser (Richmond), 28 Dec. 1782.
That the Secretary at War report to Congress on friday next the number of additional promotion of Brigadiers requisite to the service of the ensuing Campaign; and the names and dates of Commissions of such Cols & Lt Cols Command[an]ts as stand next in order of promotion; and that Congress then proceed to the election of the necessary Brigadiers. AD , Papers of the Continental Congress,...
60796Dec. 16. Monday. (Adams Papers)
Mr. Fitsherbert and Mr. Oswald, Mr. Laurens &c. dined with me.
The Committee to whom was referred the letter from The Honorable William Bradford Esquire speaker of the lower house of Assembly of the state of Rhode Island containing under three heads the reasons of that state for refusing their compliance with the recommendation of Congress for a duty on imports and prize goods, after having maturely considered the same beg leave to report. That your...
LS : American Philosophical Society Captain Casson of the Ship Washington arrived here last night from Philadelphia, which place he left the 20th November. He brought the Inclosed Packet for you Just in the Condition which I send it. I do not hear that he brings any News of consequence, except a report of the Evacuation of Charlestown. All the Public Goods that were at Brest are now on their...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Altho no person occupies so much of my thoughts or after whom I make so frequent enquiries as your self, yet knowing the importance & weight of public affairs on Your hands, I purposly avoid troubling You with uninteresting correspondence, but I now take the liberty of introducing to Your acquaintance Lady Juliana Penn, whose character in every point of...
60800General Orders, 16 December 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Lieutenant Colonel Hull, Major Morril. For duty tomorrow 3d Massachusetts regiment. A Board of General officers consisting of Major Generals Gates, Howe and Knox and Brigadiers Patterson and Hand, to meet at Hortons near Murderers Creek on thursday next at eleven o’clock A.M. to decide the dispute respecting numbering the regiments of Connecticut in the reformation of that...