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Results 60401-60450 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
I hasten to inclose the President — agreable to direction— One thousand and twenty five dollars,...
Mr Jefferson O n Account with John Winn To Amt acceptance to E Bacon } $40.00 due in June 1823 11...
From the disposition already manifested, to relieve Philip M Topham from prison; I have no doubt,...
On the 29th. Ulto. I had the honor to address you by an expeditious conveyance. Since which I...
I have the honor to herewith enclose you Vocabularies of the Adaine & Aiche Languages, there are...
Understanding that there is a petition, before Congress, the present Session to have this Port,...
M r Barretts Arrival at Paris, is a lucky Event, and his appointment by the Merchants in Boston a...
I beg Leave to inform your Honour that last Sunday John Kramer went from here for and on the...
Yours by Mr Erwin was delivered by him, safe with the two letters inclosed. I forwarded them by...
I have this moment returned from reconnoitreing the lower Country; while in the Neighbourhood of...
I addressed you a letter, under date of the 10th. Inst., inclosing an extract of a letter from...
Je suis chargé de vous communiquer que Sa Majesté le Roi à donné à l’Institut établi à Amsterdam...
The post having arrived last night after Eleven OC. & the one from below being expected early...
I have for several days been anxious to call on you for the purpose of asking some Information...
The Secretary of State respectfully reports to the President the information requested by the...
je Sais Combien vos moments Sont Precieux et Comme vous Les avez Devouez pour Le Bonheur du genre...
I think I informed you that Mr Latrobe went to Philad. on the 27 Ult. on Account of the expected...
I have lately heard with much pleasure of your return in good health to monticello , to which...
I do myself the Honor to put under cover with this, three Letters for you which were received by...
We have received your favor of the 12th. Inst. enclosing a Bank note for $100—and shall pay Mr....
In month of October 1808, I deliver’d you, on the day after your arrival at the seat of...
Bought of W. and S. Jones Optical and Mathematical Instrument Makers. No. 30. Opposite Furnivals...
Pray accept my warmest Thanks for Your kind wishes and good Counsels which Your very polite and...
I write to you by a special influence while standing at my Desk, I was looking around the world...
a free use of their harbors & waters, the means of refitting, & refreshment, of succour to their...
The proceedings of the Court not having been yet transmitted to me by Mr Jones the Judge Advocate...
T. Munroe presents his best respects to the President. Mr Latrobe has drawn on TM at sight for...
au chateau de vaudreuil par castelnaudarry, le 10e. août 1787 J’ai l’honneur de m’adresser à...
I have now the pleasure to inform you that the Affair respecting the family of our deceased...
I am On a bargain for some Negroes which will come very low. the Am t between us will Answar as...
The Bearer hereof is Major General William Barton of the State of Rhode Island, who is now about...
I expected for some time past to have the pleasure of seeing you tomorrow, but I cannot venture...
I received by Col Franks Your obliging favour and am very sorry to find your wrist Still...
Pray draught a proper answer to the enclosed , approving of what the Director of the Mint has...
An unexpected opportunity to Bourdeaux affords me a chance of contributing to your entertainment...
It is truly painfull to me to trouble you so often on account of those papers which I inclosed to...
Some time has elapsed since Intelligence reached this place that Major Allen Mc.Lane of...
I have the honor to enclose the following papers vizt. 1st. Extract of a letter from the...
This day I have recieved your much esteemed favour of the 11th. Novemr. I am sorry that you...
Lest you may not be Apprized—I inclose the within Notice —as probably I may be called upon, for...
My last was committed in December to Mr. Gouverneur Morris. I was then on my way to Virginia. The...
The rule prescribed by the Secretary of the Treasury in his Circular letter of the 20h. May to...
After writing, and sealing the enclosed, your favour of the 18th. came to hand.—I am much pleased...
Giacomo Raggi has worked, within six weeks of the time specified by contract including the lost...
I tender you my cordial felicitations on the returning blessings of peace, the value of w ch will...
La Bonté avec laquelle vous avés repondu à La lettre que j’ai eu L’honneur De vous écrire L’année...
This will be presented to you by M r Thomas Ragland , one of the Committee of (5) Cadets, whose...
The Writer of the inclosed letter to me, Coll. William Lowry, is an excellent Tactition, has...
I have the honor of stating my ideas on the subject submitted to my consideration by your favor...
The enclosed Letter and Memorial came to my hands yesterday, to which I returned an answer of...