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Results 60351-60400 of 184,431 sorted by author
It may not be amiss to hint that some sentences have been passed in persuance of this resolve,...
Your letter of the 14th. instant enclosing Regulations respecting certain Supplies and objects of...
I am much obliged to you my dear Sir for your two letters of the 16th and 23d. In haste I snatch...
I send you two extracts from Col. Bentley’s letter of the twentieth of October. As the directions...
Albany, August 30, 1783. Asks Canfield to sell a farm which belongs to John Carter and is located...
Since my arrival here, I have written to my colleagues, informing them, that if either of them...
Lieutenant Laidlie will shortly receive orders to repair to Vermont for the purpose of being...
[ Philadelphia, April 28–29, 1794. On May 2, 1794, Hamilton wrote to Seton and referred to “mine...
I have just received your letter of the 27th of April. Yours of the 6th of the same month also...
Treasury Department, October 10, 1790. “The purchase of a Boat such as is generally described in...
New York, October 22, 1785. Requests information concerning several cases in which Hamilton was...
In pursuance of the intimation in a former letter I am to request that you will pay to Messrs...
This letter contains the first references in Hamilton’s extant correspondence to what proved to...
I have recd your letter of the 20th. inst. Lt. Wilson is appointed P. Master to the Detachmt....
Hurry of business prevented an earlier reply to your letter of the 31st. of March last. You say...
[ n.p., n.d. “… Pray resolve my doubts. For a man in my situation ought at least to take care how...
The letter, which you did me the honor to write me of the 4th. instant came to my hands too late...
Your letter of the 14th of November duly came to hand. A temporary absence from this place, some...
I send herewith an answer to the joint letter of Mr. Mughlenberg and yourself. It appears to me...
I have to reply to your letter of the 26th ultimo. I take it for granted the parties alluded to...
Sometime last fall when I spoke to your Excellency about going to the Southward, I explained to...
The Secretary of the Treasury on the letter from the Minister plenipotentiary of France to the...
I request that henceforth immediately at the close of every quarter, you will furnish me with a...
Mr. Hamilton wishing the President a happy New-Year & presenting him his affectionate respects,...
Congress having appointed a committee consisting of Messrs. Maddison Osgood, Wilson, Elseworth...
I have the honor to send you a report on the communication from the Minister plenipotentiary of...
You will be pleased to furnish Messrs Dannecker and Young with the further sum of Five thousand...
I received in due time your letter of the 8th. of April; an early acknowlegement of which has...
I have given orders to Capt. Morris to take immediate measures for the purpose of conducting the...
Your letters of the second of December and of the first of January have been received. I leave it...
[ n.p., n.d. “Forward the enclosed with as much expedition and certainty as you can (I don’t mean...
I should be glad as early as may be, after to day, of an interview with the President and...
Let us see what will be the consequences of not authorising the Fœderal Government to regulate...
As I shall have occasion to draw on the several Collectors it is necessary that you should be...
Enclosed you will receive a Letter from Colo. Pickering late Quarter Master General of the Army:...
Pursuant to instructions from the President of the United States, I am to request that you will...
The Secretary of the Treasury respectfully submits to the President of the Ud States a letter...
I received yesterday your letter dated at Baltimore. You will, on reflection, be sensible, that...
I have directed General Stevens to provide for conveying the company, under Lieut. Leonard to New...
Your letter of the 5 of November has recently reached me at this place and found me amongst...
Col. Bentley, in his letter of the eighteenth of this month, writes to me as follows—“When the...
I have duly received your letter of the 25th of May, by duplicates, with the first and second of...
Your letter relative to the cutter was duly received, but it appearing from the information...
The post of to day brought me a letter from you, and another from Mr. ——. I have no doubt but the...
[ Philadelphia ] July [ 12 ] 1794 . “… The items in the inclosed accounts appear … most naturally...
Captain Littlefield has arrived with his company at Fort Jay, and you will be pleased to provide...
I did myself the honor to write you a hasty line this Evening giving it as my opinion that the...
A temporary absence from the seat of Government, & the extra avocations which have occupied me...
Your letters of the fifteenth, the seventeenth, and the eighteenth of this Month have been...
Recruiting Instructions hav e ing not been issued and You will therefore apply to Col: Bentley...