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Results 60241-60250 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Coll fitzgerald mentionn’d to me yesterday that your excellency Wish’d to Know the method I intended to proceed upon in the new office to Which I was appointed. the first stepp, is to take your orders concerning the instruction of the troops the returns of Which Models, are to be sent to the Different Regiments concerning the Cloathing, arms, rations, Regimental pay Books, &c. &c. are not yet...
I expect to leave this on Thursday; but unforeseen business may protract it. I expect consequently to be with you on Sunday or some early day after that. we have nothing to be depended on from Egypt. the Northern difference is probably settled. the K. of England has desired it to be notified to our government that, understanding we were about to send a squadron into the Mediterranean for the...
60243[Diary entry: 30 October 1770] (Washington Papers)
Tuesday 30th. We set out at 50 Minutes passd Seven—the Weather being Windy & Cloudy (after a Night of Rain). In about 2 Miles we came to the head of a bottom (in the shape of a horse Shoe) which I judge to be about 6 Miles r[oun]d; the beginning of the bottom appeard to be very good Land, but the lower part (from the Growth) did not seem so friendly. An East course from the lower end woud...
Should you think it necessary to remove Mr. Hodge the surveyor for Newbury port Massachusetts, we beg leave to recommend Francis Carr Esqe as his successor.— We have reason to believe, from the best information we have been able to collect, that Mr. Hodge does not conduct himself in the most prudent manner. We have understood from good authority that he is a high party man, generally very...
Nulla dies sine linea. I had the honor to send you, by the last regular mail, the insidious article inserted in the Gazette de la Haie by Sir Joseph Yorke and the dispatch from Count de Degenfeld. On the 16th I sent the material that you found enclosed to Leyden. On the 17th the local gazeteer, by order of Baron de Reischach, envoy of the Court of Vienna, with bad grace, sang the following...
Letter not found: to Charles Smith, 10 July 1758. On 20 July Smith wrote to GW: “. . . in your letter of the 10th Inst. . . .”
On the 26 th: last Month only, we received your respected favor of 2 Decbr to our Predecessors, accompanying the Second and Third Volumes of Your Defence of the American Constitutions, to compleat the Setts presented us; For which Mark of your Friendship and Remembrance, Please accept our hearty Thanks.— Your departure from Europe, has been followed by Events of infinite importance indeed;...
I do not hesitate a Moment to answer My Dear General’s Question in the Affirmative, by declaring that now or never, is the Time for Every Virtuous American to exert himself in the Cause of Liberty & his Country, and that it is become a Duty, cheerfully to sacrafice the Sweets of domestic Felicity to attain the Honest & Glorious End, America has in View, & I can with a good Conscience declare,...
¶ From William Dubourg. Letter not found. 19 December 1805. Acknowledged in JM to Dubourg, 21 Dec. 1805 , where it is described as referring to John Payne Todd’s acceptable deportment and lackluster scholarship, suggesting a personal French tutor for him, and enclosing a list of advances made on his account.
General Account of Receipts and Expenditures of Public Monies, Commencing the 1st. of January 1792, and Ending the 31st. December 1792. Dr. Cr. 1792. Dollars. Cts. 1792. Dollars Cts. September 30th. To the amount of Expenditures from the 1st. of January, to the 30th. of September 1792, agreeably to the Treasurer’s Accounts settled at the Treasury, copies of which have been by him transmitted...