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Results 601-650 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
Je fais mon Compliment aux Americains du Choix de President qu’ils ont fait, aiant eté temoin,...
Nothing new. P. S. Opening Freneau’s p⟨aper⟩ this moment I see a peice against the […] impost...
I hope youle excuse the Liberty of this Adress from a Stranger, which I presume to take on the...
I have duly received your favors referring to me the size and execution of the seal for your...
605[Diary entry: 22 October 1788] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 22d. Thermometer at 49 in the Morning 60 at Noon and 60 at Night. Clear all day with...
I have the pleasure to inform you that after a good deal of trouble, I obtain’d a sauf Conduit...
I should not so often intrude, Sir, on your time, if the circuitous route I am compell’d to...
It is often Said in this Country, “We have nothing to gain by this War.” But who is to gain? If...
I take the liberty of enclosing a list of queries which Judge Tilghman has handed to me—Many of...
610[Diary entry: 15 May 1770] (Washington Papers)
15. A Lowery cloudy Morning but clear afternoon & tolerably warm.
Before your communication containing recruiting instructions came to hand, I had—on my...
I have desired Mr Patrick Byrne bookseller of Pa. to send you a copy of my father’s last work;...
In reply to your question, upon what map did the Commissioners trace the boundary line described...
I enclose the Letter just received I cannot guess why it was written to me— MHi : Adams Papers.
Your favor dated June 13. came to me at this place only one week ago. it is probable that mr...
I have yours inclosing a paper of the 20th. inst. which rather weakens than strengthens the...
Printed invitation: American Philosophical Society La R∴ L∴ des Neuf-Sœurs fera sa rentrée,...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Addressed by him to “The honble....
At a meeting of the Creditors of the late firm of Smith & Riddle , Richmond , July 6, 1819.    ...
I shoud be very much obliged to you to give me all the information you can recollect respecting...
I have received the letter which you wrote me on the 11th. inst. by direction of the Committee...
In asking your aid in the following case permit me at the same time to ask the most perfect...
I am this Day honored with your two letters of the 19th. Inst. the contents of which shall be...
The attorney-general of the United States does himself the honor of replying to the questions,...
I received your favor of May 9. just as I was stepping into the barge on my departure from Cette:...
626[Diary entry: 26 April 1780] (Washington Papers)
26th. Lowering & cloudy all day the forepart of it without much wind but fresh afterwards, with a...
I have had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s and the Chevalier des Touche’s joint letter...
628[Diary entry: 23 January 1772] (Washington Papers)
23. Went up to George Town to convey Deeds to Messrs. Montgomerie Stewart & Wilson for the...
You are not unapprised that in order to check the evasions of the embargo laws effected under...
I ought not to have neglected so long to write you an account of the delightful visit I received...
Agreeable to your request have proceeded—at Coryell; the river is C15 L75 wide and five and a...
I have received the Commissions your Excellency has been pleased to honor me with—appointing me...
When my Son departed for Russia, I enjoined upon him to write nothing to me, which he was not...
I had the Honor of receiving your letter on the subject of some seamen Citizens of the U. S....
Enclosed are proceedings of Courts Martial which have been acted upon. The Proceedings in the...
On Thursday October 26. 1775. The Subject again brought on the Carpet, and the same discussions...
I heartily & Sincearly Congratulate on the triumph of Republicanism over the Administration party...
638[Diary entry: 12 August 1770] (Washington Papers)
12. Rid to Belvoir after Dinner to see Sir Thos. Adams who was sick there. Adams’s frigate, the...
From my own knowledge of Majr. Harris’s charactor and services, and from information received...
This will be handed you by Mr. Jesse B. Harison of Lynchburg. He offers himself as Successor to...
The inclosed letters from Cathcart & Mellimelli explain the unexpected & perplexing determination...
As you mentioned your intention of reinvesting the proceeds of the late Sale in lands, I have...
Books sold to Colo. Monroe s Chastellux Felicité publique. 2.v. 13. 6  Helvetius de l’homme. 3.v....
[ Philadelphia, August 30, 1790. On September 23, 1790, Hamilton wrote to Smith : “I duly...
In consequence of the death of Colo. Innes it is probable that a variety of characters will...
Title—a bill supplementary to the act &c strike out the first 11. sections. leave Sect. 12. 13....
I have had the honour to receive your Letter dated the 14th instant and have lost no time in...
64816th. Tuesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went to the court Comedy to see a Russian play. Stormy windy weather.
I had the pleasure of receiving your Letter from Paris of the 18 th. March just before I embarked...
Since my arrival here I have written you two or three hasty letters—being constantly involved in...