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Results 601-630 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I recd. in due time your letter of the 15th. Ult with the copies of the two pamphlets; one on the...
I have recd. your favor with the accompanying Copies of your Report on Weights & Measures, & I...
The somersets which have been turned here since I last wrote have changed the aspect of things in...
I have received your Letter of the 15th informing me that I have been unanimously elected to the...
I have recd. your letter of the 6th. requesting " for public use, " an expression of my...
I was duly honored by your Letter of the 5 Instant, acknowledging the receipt of the Pamphlet of...
J. M presents his respects to Mr. V. B. & thanks him for the Copy of the Report of the Joint...
I contemplate sailing for Europe in April, with the view of a hasty tour through England, France,...
J. Madison has received the Copy of the Speech of Genl. Dearborn kindly forwarded by him. His...
I rashly offered, when I had the pleasure of visiting you last September, to send you a latin...
I have the honour & pleasure to inform you, that you were unanimously elected to the office of...
I recd. lately thro’ the Department of State, a letter from Mr. Randolph our Envoy to Russia. I...
I recd. Sir, a few days ago your letter of Decr. 15. accompanied by that of Mr. Richardson. There...
Your favor of the 8th. instant, with the paper returned, was safely received. It may not be amiss...
In taking the Liberty to address to You herewith Copies of my Reports upon Weights and measures,...
You are no doubt apprized of the wonderful success which has attended the philanthropic efforts...
I have recd. your letter of enclosing a sketch of numerous amendments which you think are...
January is past, and I am still here, without any immediate prospect of getting away. I still...
I have recd. your communication of the 29. ult, and have read it with much pleasure. It presents...
Yr letter of the 26 Ult: was duly recd. It would give me real pleasure to aid the object you have...
I have recd. your letter of the 22d. Ult: in which you request my opinion of the character &...
Accept my apology, not only for my inadvertence in addressing my last Pamphlet to Charlotte,...
I fear you will dread the sight of a letter from me, inasmuch, as it may lay claim, to the...
I have always understood from Mr. Monroe, that when he left this country he deposited with you,...
By recent information obtained from Washington City, we learn that thro’ our father, (late Majr...
The compilation, of which I have the honour to tender you a Copy herewith, was undertaken from an...
I have recd. your letter of the 19th. inst., in which you ask my assent to the publication of my...
Your opinions on constitutional points are of so much value that when they are given even in...
Yours of the 11th. was duly recd. I am sorry that you could not visit us at the intended time,...
I hope I shall be excused for asking your perusal of the enclosed work upon the Constitution of...