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Results 59671-59700 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
I have this moment had your letter of March 22nd. brought to me, which is the first I have received since the 18th. January. I am just in time for the Post, which goes in a few hours for Cadiz, to endeavour to send you this as a private & unofficial letter, by Mr. Wells, who carries my other Dispatches. I trust you have before this received my letters covering Mr. Cevallos’s, informing me that...
59672Notes on Debates, 14 May 1783 (Madison Papers)
MS ( LC : Madison Papers). For a description of the manuscript of Notes on Debates, see Papers of Madison William T. Hutchinson, William M. E. Rachal, et al ., eds., The Papers of James Madison (7 vols. to date; Chicago, 1962——). , V, 231–34 . Mr. Hamilton & Mr. Elseworth moved a call on the States, to fulfil the recommendation relative to the Tories. After some remarks on the subject, the...
I arrived here on the 4th. inst. and found the family at Edgehill all well. we are now all together at this place, and only want the addition of your’s and my dear Maria’s company to be entirely happy. I shall leave it pointedly on the 25th. if not some days before. mr Overton is married & settled adjoining us. Nancy Jefferson is said to be about marrying Charles Lewis. this is our only small...
To remind our friends of their Inattention and Neglect must give Pain. I am almost angry with You. If You are inclined to oblige or please Me write constantly. I found my Lady very ill, but have the pleasure to say she is better, tho’ still very low and weak. An Express from Canada and not one Line to acquaint Me of the Contents. General Sullivan writes Me, that he has the most pleasing...
I directed some days ago the skipper of a vessel bound to Fredericksburg to wait on you respecting the articles you have to send there, but he found you had just left Washington for Annapolis. If I can be of any further service in that respect, you will please command them. Annexed is a memorandum of the few expences paid on the articles already sent, as well as the charges of importation on...
In obedience to your Excellency’s commands I have obtain’d the release of all our Privates in the hands of the Enemy—I am this day to confer with the British Commissary on the subject of your Letter of the 28th ulto relative to the Exchange of General Burgoyne for our Officers, and shall immediately report to you my proceedings on my return from Statin Island the place appointed for our...
As the order mentioned in the enclosed letter may eventually produce a state of War between the U. States and G. Britain, I have to request from you a special instruction as to the answer proper to be sent to Captain Porter— Respectfully DLC : Papers of Thomas Jefferson.
(I) ALS , copy and two transcripts: National Archives; ALS (draft) and copy: Library of Congress; copies: Connecticut State Library, Harvard University Library, Yale University Library; transcripts: University of Pennsylvania Library, Charles E. Feinberg, Detroit, Michigan (1960); (II) ALS : South Carolina Historical Society; AL (draft): Library of Congress My Colleague, Mr. Deane, being...
To our Great and Good Friend His Imperial and Royal Majesty the Emperor of the French, King of Italy and Protector of the Confederation of the Rhine. I have received your Imperial and Royal Majesty’s Letter of the 7th February 1806 announcing the marriage of your much loved son the Prince Eugêne Napolêon with the Princess Augustê Amêlie of Bavaria which was celebrated at Munich on the 14th of...
5 May 1801, Amsterdam. Is disappointed to learn Congress rejected the memorial on behalf of U.S. consuls that he transmitted in fall of 1800. Fears request was misinterpreted, the point being that consular fees ought to be paid according to tonnage of American ships. No fixed salary was sought, and the request was never intended for stipulated fees “by way of Salary from the public Chest.” RC (...
I have just received your letter and am sorry you should have had the trouble of writing in favor of a man who so very little deserves it. Lord Howe gave me at sea, an order to discharge Hugh Purdie as soon as I came into any port in England. We came to Spithead on tuesday evening, and my intention was to discharge him the next morning; but in the morning he behaved in a manner so mutinous...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Mr. Todd presents his Compliments to Dr. Franklin and begs the favour of his Company to Dinner on Friday next at four, to meet Mr. Foxcroft, Mr. Wharton and Major Trent. Mr. Todd will be very happy if this note should find the Dr. returned to Town. Addressed: To / Dr. Franklin / at Mrs. Stevenson’s / Craven Street / Strand. Sir Grey Cooper had offered to...
A seperate Letter my dear Child is due to you, not only as a reply, to one which you have written me, for which I thank you! but to assure you; that the improvements you have made, in your hand writing; and composition, have given me great pleasure. and also to congratulate you upon the arrival of your two Brothers in England, towards whom I hope you will find yourself allied, not only by the...
Printed in Votes and Proceedings of the House of Representatives , 1755–1756 (Philadelphia, 1756), p. 29. After Braddock’s defeat, deteriorating relations with the Indians became one of the most troublesome and pressing concerns of the Pennsylvania authorities and an added source of conflict between the governor and the Assembly. William Penn had established the policy of fair play toward the...
59685[Diary entry: 14 January 1789] (Washington Papers)
Wednesday 14th. Thermometer at 29 in the Morning—32 at Noon and 30 at Night. Variable wind, with a little Snow in the Morning but clear about Noon. The Sleet, or hail that fell yesterday making a hard crust on the Snow to day, I discontinued sowing grass-Seeds as they could not bury themselves, & were liable to be blown of the surface of the Snow and drifted.
The late enquiry into the charges vs Colo Burr, has excited a very great degree of sensibility in this part of the Country, and probably will have the same effect, in all parts of the United States.—The real friends of the administration are universally, anxious for a full and fair judicial investigation in to his conduct and rely with great confidence upon the Executive for taking all...
I addressd a few lines to you by the last mail informing you of the affliction that God has visited us with, to you who know how Severe the pang that deprives a parent of a beloved Child I need not repeat the sensations which occur to all who have experienced the Sad tho natural misfortune but these operations of nature bear not equally hard, when the support of a family is taken how truly...
I congratulate you and myself on your victory over Brockholst. Whether your interest is much promoted by it or not is of small consequence—In the triumph of vanquishing such an enemy. That you know was your principal inducement and I know that you will be willing to pay well for it. I have been deliberating whether to charge you 200 or 100 pounds for my services in this cause. In fixing upon...
In compliance with your resolution of the instant I lay before you a copy of the requisition made by the Minister plenipotentiary of his Britannic majesty that Thomas Nash committed to gaol at Charlestown in South Carolina under a charge of being guilty of pyracy and murder on board the British frigate Hermione sailing on the high sea should be delivered up to Justice in pursuance of the 27th....
I recieved with great pleasure, as I do every thing from you, your letter by Dr. Vaughan , and am thankful to you for making me acquainted with him. it is extremely important to the administration of the public affairs, for me to be on terms of confidence with some persons of dispassionate judgment & integrity in every state, through whom I can obtain a knolege of such matters within their...
I have procured & inclose with the two last Natl. Gazettes, the 1st. No. which compleats your sett. If any that I send from time to time shd. miscarry, I wish you to let me know it and I will supply the loss. The Representation-bill has passed the two Houses, in the unconstitutional form proposed by the Senate, and is now before the Senate. It fixes the number at 120 members & distributes them...
59692[Diary entry: 7 June 1770] (Washington Papers)
7. Raining more or less all day & sometimes very hard. Wind Eastwardly but not very cool.
The late glorious Victory, obtained by Admiral Zoutman over Admiral Parker, is wholly to be ascribed to the Exertions of Amsterdam. Pretences and Excuses would have been devised, for avoiding to send out the Fleet, and indeed for avoiding an Action, when at Sea, if it had not been for the Measures which have been taken to arouse the Attention and animate the Zeal of the Nation. The Officers...
59694July 30th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
All hands carting Earth and making Compost, i.e. 4 hands Billings, Bass and the two Lathrops. Billings is in his Element. Building Wall and making manure are his great delights, he says. He says he will cover all my Clover with green Seaweed. Drop part of a Load on the lower Part and carry the rest up the hill to the Barley Stubble. He will make a heap of Compost too upon the Top of the Hill...
59695[Diary entry: 1–6 August 1763] (Washington Papers)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. } Cutting curing and Stackg. Hay from Creek Meadow. Note. Too late cutting Hay for first Crop this year.
I wrote you Yesterday pr Capt. Buckley—directg you to march with all the Troops you can collect under your Comand & form a Junction at Clapps in Kingstreet, with Colo. Sheldon, who is to be at that Place on the 2d instant.I am now to inform you that you will also be joined at the Same Time & place by the French Legion under the Comand of the Duke de Lauzun, who is a Brigadier in the Service of...
I am happy to inform you that by a Joint Ballot of both Branches of our Legislature, we have this moment elected the within named 10 Electors, who stand pledged to Vote for James Maddison as President and George Clinton as Vice President of the United States— I also inform you, that I was one of a Committee appointed by the Ho. of Representatives to wait upon the Governor, to inform him of the...
New York, April 26, 1796. Asks Hamilton to join with his attorneys, Robert Troup and Brockholst Livingston, in a case before the New York Supreme Court on the following day. States that “The Amount of the Debt is too triffling to ask any interposition of you as Counsel, on the Defendant side, but the Consequences of it’s possible result may involve a Question of the first magnitude to all...
59699[Diary entry: 25 May 1796] (Washington Papers)
25. Wind at No. Et., & fresh with constant rain until 4 O’clock—thick & mistg. afterwds.
A number of your fellow Citizens desirous of expressing the sense they entertain of the important Services you have rendered your Country, have raised by Subscription a Sum of money to defray the expence of a Portrait of you, ⟨to⟩ be executed by Mr Trumbull, and placed in one of our public Buildings. We have therefore to request that you will b⟨e⟩ so condescending as to allow Mr Trumbull to...