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Results 59501-59510 of 184,431 sorted by author
I request that you will invest a further sum not exceeding Forty thousand Dollars in the funded Debt of the united States, bearing a present Interest of six per centum, upon the same principles mentioned in my letter of the 14th instant. The Office of Discount & Deposit will furnish you with the sum, upon the enclosed Letter. I am Sir   Your obedt Servt LS , Lloyd W. Smith Collection,...
I have reason to believe that in my letter of yesterday No. 11, certain words were omitted in copying, necessary to the sense of the clause. The clause alluded to probably stands thus. “The laws authorizing the loans, passed the 4th. and 12th. of August. As early as the 28th. of that month, the acceptance above mentioned was communicated. So far no time was lost more than could not have been...
Several propositions were now canvassed in a desultory manner, for getting over the motion for amendment; and it was agreed, that the committee should rise and report; they had made some progress, which was agreed to; but first Mr. Hamilton said he would reserve himself on this subject until it came again properly before the house; when he hoped to be enabled to use such argument as would...
The Secretary of the Treasury, pursuant to an Order of the House of Representatives of the 17th. of January 1791, referring to him the petition of Daniel Ellis and John How, Executors of Samuel How, late of the City of Burlington, deceased, respectfully reports. That it appears by the Petitioners own shewing, that the subject of their claim, which is payment for supplies furnished to a...
Yours of the 25th came to hand last night. Since my last addressed to Mr. Morris, the enemy have been trying a second experiment to tempt us to an engagement, on equal terms of ground. Under the supposition of their intending to evacuate the Jerseys immediately, in order to keep up the idea of a persuit, and to be in a posture to take advantage of any critical moment that might present itself...
The enclosed letter from Major Ford was sent, thro’ misapprehension to you — me instead of you yourself. You will doubtless As to the return, you will doubtless inform Major Ford that his returns should be sen addressed to the Deputy Adjutant General in your district who will make out an abstract and send it include them in the abstracts which he sends to the Adjutant General. The charges...
Treasury Department, February 12, 1790. “Your letter of the 31st. of December came duly to hand. A vessel partly the property of Citizens of Rhode Island can neither be registered as, nor admitted to the privileges of an American bottom.…” Copy, RG 56, Letters to Collectors at Small Ports, “Set G,” National Archives. Letter not found.
New York, March 31, 1784. “I have considered the Patent to Mr. Woolley and am in doubt whether it is valid or not so far as it gives an exclusive right of ferriage; as this may be construed into a monopoly.” ALS , Bank of New York, New York City.
I have transmitted the accounts enclosed in your letter of the 27 Ultimo to the Auditor of the Treasury. The stock which you fund in the Massachusetts office you will cause to be transferred to the Treasury, and for this purpose you will make application to Mr Appleton, the Commissioner of Loans. As the loan office certificates can be funded at the Treasury, it will be best that you transmit...
Enclosed is a copy of a letter from Major Tousarde. I think this It is probable that this officer can now be employed in superintend with more advantage to the public in superintending the fortification of this harbour, than in any other occupation service. As And as he is the oldest officer of Engineers, except Col. Burbeck now in the Western country, there is a propriety in his being...