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Results 59501-59510 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
I beg leave to introduce to you Mr. Joseph Daviess the district attorney for Kentuckey, he is a man of merit, and one who has the strongest claims upon me for all the good offices that I can do him, from the extraordinary attention that he has paid to the interest of My brothers family, there is nothing I cou’d do for Mr. D. that wou’d be so acceptable to him, as making him acquainted with...
Letter not found. 8 May 1801. Acknowledged in Ellicott to JM, 20 May 1801 . Offered for sale in Sotheby Parke Bernet, Fine Americana: Manuscript and Printed (25 Nov. 1975), item 408, which notes that the one-page letter, in JM’s hand, “informs Ellicott attempts will be made, in about twelve or fourteen days, to settle accounts due him for ‘… running the Southern Border .’”
On my arrival here to take charge of this department, I received several letters from you, urging the settlement of the accounts of the commission for running the Southern Boundary. I regret, that the weighty business, which has engrossed, and continues to demand, the attention of the head of this Department, has retarded the settlement. It is much to be wished, that you should be present,...
Looking over the Records I find that Your premium of $89.80. is not paid yet. When I had the honour to wait on You, You mentioned that You thought that it was unjust to demand Interest of the delinquents—I represented the Case generally at the General Meeting—the reply was that it was the fault of the delinquents and not of the Society and that therefore under the Law they ought to pay it—I...
By Mr. Polanen who returns to his residence as Minister from this Country to ours, I take the liberty to convey to you my regret in finding that the Memorial I caused to be presented to Congress in course of last Session had not met with the desired Success, which (from the expressions made use of in the report of the Committee on that Subject) I am induced to think was rejected from a...
Upon receiving the certain, tho’ not official, intelligence of your having been elected to the Chief Magistracy of the U.S.; I offer my sincere & ardent vows to Heaven, that your Administration may be highly useful to your Country & glorious to yourself. In Septr. last I had the honour of addressing a letter to you by Mr Henry Preble , recommending him as a suitable Character to be named...
I have the pleasure to inform you that I have lately recieved a letter from your brother mr Lewis Littlepage dated Jan. 17. 1801. at Altona in Holstein where he intended to await the approach of spring & then to return to his native country. consequently he may be daily expected. accept assurances of my friendly esteem & respect. PrC ( MHi ); at foot of text: “Carter Littlepage esq.”; endorsed...
Your favor of the 2d. has been duly recieved. it will be a subject of real regret if the regulation we have adopted does not meet your wishes, & the more so as it is too far gone to be changed, acceptances having been recieved . I explained to you in my former letter the principles on which it was done, to wit, 1. to train for public service in future such subjects as from their standing in...
Your favor of the 8th. Apr. found me at Monticello on a short visit to make some arrangements preparatory to my removal here. I returned on the 30th. and have taken time to examine into the state of our furniture funds. after procuring all other more essential articles I think there will be about 4000. D. which might be better invested in plate than in more perishable articles. if therefore it...
Assurances of attachment & support from any description of my fellow citizens are accepted with thankfulness & satisfaction. I will ask that attachment & support no longer than I endeavor to deserve them by a faithful administration of their affairs in the true spirit of the constitution, and according to laws framed in consonance with that. the sentiments expressed on my undertaking the...