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Results 59451-59500 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The bearer hereof Mr Alexander Stewart is well known to us—He is a Citizen of the United States....
I take the freedom to beg your Excellency’s assistance. I had the misfortune to Loose my father...
Your Favor of the 3rd. Current was handed me by your friend, Col. Mercer, enclosing Thirty Two...
I have the honor to inclose you a Bill of Lading for two pipes of arruda Wine of the last...
It was with considerable difficulty I prevailed on myself the other day to call on you, believing...
The high respect & attachment which I have always professed and very sincerely felt for you has...
[here found] India ink on the inclosed—as I am a Littal Mortifyed you [Will] Shall the Contents...
It would be proper for me to apologize for this Intrusion on your retirement was it not at the...
In pursuance of my promise I have the honour to inform you that as soon as I recieved my...
Gibraltar, 12 Feb. 1793 . He encloses two dispatches from Humphreys and a duplicate of one he had...
I am honored with your letter of the 17th: instant and take the first opportunity of...
From the following Extract of a Letter I received from General Washington, and which I inclose...
I recd by the last Mail your note fixing the time for your return. The Wash has put herself into...
Excuse the liberty of a Stranger, but feeling a disposition to meet Your Views—from the public...
I should deem myself lost to the best Emotions of the human heart, did I not seize with Avidity...
St. Eustatius, 11 May 1793. He acknowledges receipt of his consular commission for this island...
Your letter to Mr Eppes arrived yesterday from City Point where I imagine from the date it had...
I do myself the honor of transmitting herewith, a copy of the Act , passed last Saturday, by the...
I enclose three letters from the Supervisor of South Carolina which relate in part to a bill of...
I have received your favor of the 26 th Ult o and in conformity thereto have accepted the offer...
Some years ago I have taken the Liberty to offer to Your Excellency my services for the...
I have received your two favors of Ocr. 30 and Novr. 6, the former not in time to be answered on...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de...
I am favored with your much valued letter of the 30 th ult o , & return you my grateful thanks...
I take the liberty of mentioning to you that I am informed Genl. Muhlenberg has given to one of...
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its...
I have Continued As ill as any Person could well be with a Cold, for upwards of 3 Weeks, it has...
   Bougt of Vincent DuComb 2 Dressed wigs    $19—   $38—  Recd the above in full MS ( DLC ); in...
J’ai fait remettre au Stage a Votre Adresse une petite Caisse des Livres Nouveaux, dont...
I am just returned from Kentucky, and have recd. your favour from Monticello . I cannot at...
Havre, 14 Mch. 1793 .A rumor is abroad here that Spain has declared war on the United States. No...
I, D. B. Warden, having been informed, that James Bowdoin Esquire, having, some time since,...
The Commissrs. of the City, without consulting any person on the subject, have offered, to the...
I send for your approval the check of two thousand dollars enclosed; besides several drafts which...
After sincerely wishing you many happy returns of the season, I take the liberty of introducing...
The pressure of weighty publick business under which you have laboured at Washington, has delayed...
Il m’interesse beaucoup, pour l’ordre de mes affaires, de Savoir Si vous avez reçu une lettre que...
I take the liberty of Inclosing Four Small bills drawn by Mr. John Perry for your acceptance....
J’ai Eu le plaisir de Recevoir L’honneur de votre Agreable Lettre du 31 Aoust dernier , et la...
Various circumstances made me receive your kind favour of the 20 Nov. 84. only the next month,...
At the receipt of my claim, in a draft, which, I hope, will be duly discharg’d, I find myself...
j’ai L’honneur de vous adresser 3 brochures que je ne crois pas indignes de votre attention la 1...
From the slight acquaintance I had with your Excellency, at the city of Washington, in June last,...
I have reason to believe that you think favourably of Captain Barney —an intimate acquaintance...
A committee of the Senate on the judicial department, would be happy to receive from you, on...
I am pretty largely engaged in refining and rolling Copper into Sheets bolts &c. I have been...
I should think it advisable to direct correct Muster & pay rolls to be made out of the Militia at...
I am on the road to Philadelphia, and have just Time to acquaint you that I have received Letters...
This moment the President requests me to go below Alex a for four merino sheep, a ewe and ram for...
I have been about writing you for some months back but I was of the opinion Tobacco would be...