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Results 59451-59480 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
The bearer hereof Mr Alexander Stewart is well known to us—He is a Citizen of the United States....
I take the freedom to beg your Excellency’s assistance. I had the misfortune to Loose my father...
Your Favor of the 3rd. Current was handed me by your friend, Col. Mercer, enclosing Thirty Two...
I have the honor to inclose you a Bill of Lading for two pipes of arruda Wine of the last...
It was with considerable difficulty I prevailed on myself the other day to call on you, believing...
The high respect & attachment which I have always professed and very sincerely felt for you has...
[here found] India ink on the inclosed—as I am a Littal Mortifyed you [Will] Shall the Contents...
It would be proper for me to apologize for this Intrusion on your retirement was it not at the...
In pursuance of my promise I have the honour to inform you that as soon as I recieved my...
Gibraltar, 12 Feb. 1793 . He encloses two dispatches from Humphreys and a duplicate of one he had...
I am honored with your letter of the 17th: instant and take the first opportunity of...
From the following Extract of a Letter I received from General Washington, and which I inclose...
I recd by the last Mail your note fixing the time for your return. The Wash has put herself into...
Excuse the liberty of a Stranger, but feeling a disposition to meet Your Views—from the public...
I should deem myself lost to the best Emotions of the human heart, did I not seize with Avidity...
St. Eustatius, 11 May 1793. He acknowledges receipt of his consular commission for this island...
Your letter to Mr Eppes arrived yesterday from City Point where I imagine from the date it had...
I do myself the honor of transmitting herewith, a copy of the Act , passed last Saturday, by the...
I enclose three letters from the Supervisor of South Carolina which relate in part to a bill of...
I have received your favor of the 26 th Ult o and in conformity thereto have accepted the offer...
Some years ago I have taken the Liberty to offer to Your Excellency my services for the...
I have received your two favors of Ocr. 30 and Novr. 6, the former not in time to be answered on...
Mde. Doradour a l’honneur de souhaitter le bonjour à Monsieur jeffersson; elle est obligée de...
I am favored with your much valued letter of the 30 th ult o , & return you my grateful thanks...
I take the liberty of mentioning to you that I am informed Genl. Muhlenberg has given to one of...
The view which you have communicated of the condition, relation, & disposition, of Cuba, & its...
I have Continued As ill as any Person could well be with a Cold, for upwards of 3 Weeks, it has...
   Bougt of Vincent DuComb 2 Dressed wigs    $19—   $38—  Recd the above in full MS ( DLC ); in...
J’ai fait remettre au Stage a Votre Adresse une petite Caisse des Livres Nouveaux, dont...
I am just returned from Kentucky, and have recd. your favour from Monticello . I cannot at...