Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Jacob Ray, 16 May 1806

Prison—City of Washington
16th. May 1806

To the President of the U. States

The second Petition of Jacob Ray most respectfully sheweth.

That your Petitioner has now been nearly two years confined in the Prison of Washington County in the district of Columbia, under a sentence of the circuit court of said county, “to be confined at hard labor for seven years,” on a conviction of being concerned in passing, as true, a false or counterfeited note on the Bank of the U. States.—

That the Bearer hereof is the wife of your Petitioner, who has travelled all the way from Georgia alone, & left behind her, five small & helpless daughters on the precarious support of charitable friends, in whose families they are distributed, to join with her husband in prayers for Mercy—

That if your Excellency will for this once, pardon & restore your Petitioner to liberty, & the arms of his distressed family, He most solemly declares, that his whole future life shall be strictly guided by the laws of his country & the duties which he owes to society—

That your Petitioner humbly prays & hopes the Hon. Court & Jury who found him guilty will also join in his prayer to the Executive for pardon.

And as in duty bound he will ever pray, your Petitioner—

Jacob Ray

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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