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Results 59401-59450 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
No two branches of science have been so much improved the last two centuries as chemistry, and...
Having occasion for the first time to adress you in my individual capacity since your elevation...
The undersigned, A Native Citizen of the State of Pennsylvania, begs leave to offer his service...
General Smith has so far enabled us to get along with the navy department, by undertaking it’s...
My past misfortunes and the straitness of my present circumstances induce me to trouble You with...
I Received the second part of the bills this post, for which I am much obliged to you, I wrote...
May 16. Murder commd by Moorhead & Little, British subjects on a person within the limits of the...
The Liberty I am about taking of addressing the Chief Magistrate of my Country will I trust to...
Presuming on the Congressional acquaintance I had the pleasure of forming with you some Years...
Having written at different times, a number of letters to your predecessor in office Mr....
15 May 1801, London. No. 17. Reports that Lord St. Helens has sailed for negotiations with...
15 May 1801. “It has been cause of surprise that the Schooner 3 sisters a british privateer sho’d...
Seeing in a paper of this City, some sketches of a Tornado , said to have fallen out at...
I should have waiting upon you early—this Morning (had the weather permited.)—to have presented...
The reign of Terror being over, and an Era commenced in which Men may think, & act freely, &...
Shall the squadron now at Norfolk be ordered to cruise in the Mediterranean what shall be the...
I enclose you a paper, which contains the Sentence referred to in my last, passed upon the...
I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of a Letter from the Honorable Levi Lincoln Acting as...
Tis now more than Two Years Since I arrived in this port, with a commission of Consul of the...
Mui Señor mio: Me hallo informado haber nombrado Mr. Adams en los ultimos meses de su...
14 May 1801, Commissioners’ Office. In reply to JM’s 13 May letter [not found], notifies him that...
14 May 1801, Frederick Town, Maryland. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 19 Apr. , in which he promised...
Letter not found. 14 May 1801. Referred to in Yznardy to JM, 6 June 1801 . Requests Yznardy to...
A deux pas du désèspoir, comment m’oroit il été possible de vous remercier aussi dignement que...
Your favor of the 12th. inclosing $:50—on my private account is received. I have to-day received...
Your favors of Apr. 20th. & 23d. had been recieved and the commission made out for mr Potts...
I take up my pen merely because I have not written to you since my arrival here, and simply to...
I have received your letter of the 25th. ult, and regret, that the state of preparations for the...
I beg leave to address you on a subject which perhaps you will feel no interest in only the...
13 May 1801, Department of State . Inquires when full cargo will be ready for the George...
13 May 1801. Discusses plan to move post office to “the left wing of the buildings for the...
If the above recommendation is such as entitles the Subscriber to the Notice & Confidence of the...
Yours of the 3d. of this Month has been recd. with great pleasure—The answer to our address, has...
I duly received yours of the 7th inclosing 4 half bills of the U.S. bank; it gives me pleasure to...
J’ai eu l’honneur de recevoir votre lettre par Mr. Dauwson , y trouvant les expressions de votre...
In writing to you, on the present Occasion, I have to express my Concern that I am disappointed...
I transmit herewith copies of sundry documents relating to impressed American seamen, whose names...
During the winter I was rendered uneasy by the too well founded complaints of Congress, for want...
My Letter which I addressed to you dated the 4th. Ulto: has been Since forwarded to Mr. Lincolin...
I presume you have received The dispatches I forwarded by The Brutas Captain Brown which left...
The late Secretary of State General Marshall applied to me by a letter of the 4th of February in...
Give me leave to offer you my best congratulations on your arrival at Washington, and on your...
12 May 1801, Department of State. Encloses copies of documents in cases of Samuel Gawler and...
12 May 1801, Berlin. No. 193. Encloses original letter of recredence. Speculates on European...
12 May 1801, Bristol. Wrote last on 21 Apr. , since which he has received no letters from State...
12 May 1801, Philadelphia. Discusses order to prepare the George Washington to carry cargo to...
Letter not found. 12 May 1801. Acknowledged in Pichon to JM, 17 May 1801 . Relays president’s...
We beg leave to inclose to you by chancellor Livingston a Copy of a Protest and Condemnation of a...
I transmit herewith copies of certain documents in the cases of Samuel Gawler and Daniel Clark,...
I had the pleasure of writing to y ou on the 21s. Ulto. ⅌ the Brutus, Via New York, with...