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Results 59311-59340 of 184,431 sorted by relevance
[ Annapolis, 5 Dec. 1783 . Entry in SJL reads: “Mrs. Tr.—Mad[ison].—Annap.—Mr. Tr [presumably Nicholas Trist, Mrs. Trist’s husband, who is listed in Ford, British Officers , as a lieutenant in 1775]. Mr. Hou.—Browse [Mrs. Trist’s son, Hore Browse Trist].” Not found. There are no further entries in SJL between this date and 11 Dec.]
I have the honor of Your Excellencys favor of the 17 Instant I have made inquirey for a Sett of Queens ware, but am affraid it will be difficult if not impossible to procure them. I will do all in my power to get them as quick as possible—the Candlesticks I hope to procure Tomorrow—the fur is prepairing & will I expect go by the bearer. if not will send it by the Waggon which caries the papers...
It was intimated to me the last evening that You had expressed an intention of making a change in the present imperfect system of administration in regard to the federal City—if such is your intention, & you have no one in view whom you may deem more capable than myself, I would with pleasure undertake the guidance of that difficult & important trust; and hope I may not incur the charge of...
59314General Orders, 23 April 1777 (Washington Papers)
Varick transcript , DLC:GW .
I am going to give you a little trouble because I am perswaded you will excuse it—no good reason you’ll say, but it is the best I have to offer. Interested, as well as Political Motives, render’s it necessary for me to Seat the Lands which I have Patented on the Ohio in the cheapest, most expeditious, and effectual manner. Many expedients have been proposed to accomplish this; and none, in my...
While making the experiments in France and England on Torpedo Attack, they were constantly opposed by the majority of persons interested in the marine, and it needs but little penetration to discover that the gentlemen of the Marine at Washington are not favorable to it. I excuse them as a would a Pope who rejected a profession of faith which might destroy his infalibility; But the nation and...
I have received your letter of the 9th. instant and have no objection to Lieutt. Williams remaining with you until he may receive further orders. with true consideration &c— ( Df , in the handwriting of Philip Church, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress). Acknowledges Jackson’s letter of May 9, 1800. Letter not found.
Th: Jefferson presents his friendly salutations to Doctr. Wistar and incloses him a letter from the Vice President of the Agricultural society of N.Y. on the subject of uniting all the Agricultural societies of the United States by the link of a Central society at the Seat of the Genl. government: to be communicated to the American Philosophl. society. he has recieved Dr. Wistar’s letter of...
I have had the honor to receive your letter of the 7th inst: enclosing an Act of the General Assembly, which passed at my request. This new proof of the confidence repos’d in me by my Country, lays me under additional obligations to it; and I am equally sensible of its favors, and the polite & friendly wishes with which you accompanied the act. If the etiquette of business makes it necessary...
5932027th. (Adams Papers)
Sunday. Mr. Adams dined with Mr. de St. Olympe’s and spent the evening at Mr. Jefferson’s. At about seven o’clock in the evening the Queen, was delivered of a Son, who is Monseigneur le Due de Normandie: this is one of the most important events that can happen in this kingdom; and every Frenchman has been expecting it, as if the fate of his life depended upon it. One would think that after...
I am Sorry that the time does not permit my reflecting any longer, upon the Subject in question, you will therefore be so kind as to content your self with those few remarks, so as they may arise in my thoughts, which will perhaps cause the one or other recollection to appear, that ought to have been placed something Sooner. To encourage and Establish as much as possible the general credit of...
Your favor of the 5th instt with its enclosures, and also one of prior date, forwarding (at the request of Doctr Edwards) a Pamphlet from Sir John Sinclair have come duly to hand. For your kindness in sending these, & particularly for the information given in your letter of the 5th I feel myself very much obliged. The conduct of the French Directory towards General Pinckney is, I believe,...
10 July 1809, Washington. Appoints John Quincy Adams U.S. minister plenipotentiary to Russia. “He will explain to your Majesty, the peculiar position of these States, separated by a wide ocean from the Powers of Europe with interests & pursuits distinct from theirs, and consequently without the motives or the aptitudes for taking part ⟨in⟩ the associations or oppositions which a ⟨different⟩...
I have had the Honor to receive your favor of the 11th. Ult: enclosing two letters for Mr. Pinckney, and one from Mr. Taylor of the same date enclosing a third; also a note from you of the 12th . with a fourth letter for Mr. Pinckney. These letters I put under a cover, and delivered to Capt. Harvey an american, and commanding the Ship Ellice a constant trader from here to London. I thought...
I left town before it was known what Letter Bags might float ashore from the Albion; some having found their way at intervals to London. On my return Mr Rush has informed me that he has every reason to suppose there were Despatches on board her for him; and as two regular Ships have since arrived, I send this merely to apprize you that anything you may have favored me with by that Conveyance...
en arrivant aux etats unis avec ma famille, j avais l’espoir de me rendre bientôt à washington, et je comptais pour beaucoup lhonneur de vous y etre presenté et de reclamer pour madame hyde neuville et pour moi, la bienveillance de votre excellence; obligè de remettre ce voyage à une autre saison je ne veux pas differer plus longtems de vous faire parvenir la lettre que voulut bien nous...
Between the ages of 17 and 20 GW was a practicing professional land surveyor. During that time he made more than 190 surveys, nearly all of them for grants of new lands on the frontiers of Lord Fairfax’s Northern Neck Proprietary. Frontier surveying was a lucrative business in Virginia at the middle of the eighteenth century, as swarms of settlers and speculators laid claim to the colony’s...
59328Sunday June the 24th 1781. (Adams Papers)
Nothing remarkable in the forenoon, Mr. Thaxter din’d at Mr. Sigourney’s; I din’d at home, after dinner I went to take a walk with Mr. Dana; we walk’d someways out of town, in the evening I went to Madam Chabanel’s where I supp’d; got home at about 10 1/2 o’clock. (Continuation from yesterday) From Guthrie’s grammar. Chapter 4th §: 17th. Here follows, on about one page in the Diary, the first...
Apprehending that a mr Furst is making a heavy claim on the treasury under a pretended engagemt of him as Die-sinker to the mint by mr Appleton of Leghorn in 1807. I take the liberty of inclosing you a copy of my answer given him this day to a letter appealing to me for testimony. mr A’s letter therein mentioned will be at your service whenever called for. I enquire always with anxiety of the...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library; copy: Yale University Library I have just received your kind Letter of the 23 Inst. My preceeding Letters will have explained the Affair of the Bills. They were drawn to fall due at 2.. 3.. & 4 Usances because M. de Chaumont so directed, & I suppose he directed so because he imagined it would facilitate the negociation. I can however avoid negociating...
The intelligence which I had the honor to communicate to you in my last Letter respecting a naval engagement between the Spanish and English fleets, began to circulate the moment the English packet arrived, and was believed to have been brought by her, and as it was a matter of great consequence, if true, I lost no time in informing you of it. It is since known that it came from Philadelphia,...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Having had the honour of a Letter under your signature on Bus’ness formerly, I venture to take the liberty to wrte you by my son, to introduce him to your presence, praying you to Afford him your patronage and Advice, his disposition is amiable and I flatter my self he wont discredit the people, that the Benevolent Monarch of France has lately taken into...
I had the honor of receiving your favour of yesterday inclosing a check of the office of Discount & Deposit at Washington on the office here for thirty Dollars in payment of same amount paid by me to Captain Sheppard for the freight and subsistance of two Cub Bears from New Orleans. I have the honor to be with esteem & respect Yr Obt Servt MHi : Coolidge Collection.
E. Randolph has the honor of inclosing to the Secretary of the Treasury all the papers, which General Knox admits himself to possess, respecting the Ship William. E. R. intreats Colo. Hamilton to forward his opinion, together with the other papers; as he is hourly invaded by those, who are interested for the French Captors. LC , RG 59, Domestic Letters of the Department of State, Vol. 6,...
I have to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the fourth of this month— With great conn. ( Df , in the handwriting of Thomas Y. How, Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress).
[ Annapolis, 27 Apr. 1784. Entry in SJL reads: “Genl. Sullivan. Acknol. receipt his letters—glad of further information on Moose-correspondence—Western territory—adjournment Congr.” Not found. The letters of Sullivan acknowledged by this were those of 12 Mch. (received 13 Apr.) and 3 Apr. (received 23 Apr.).]
Philadelphia, August 9, 1790. “The experience I have had of your very polite attention to me, and the disposition to oblige me, which you were pleased to express in Your letter of the 13th. of May, induce me to hope for a continuance of Your kind Offices in my behalf. Permit me, therefore, to acquaint You, that I have written to Mr. Jefferson, offering my services in the station lately...
I have had a good hunt for among my papers for Main ’s recipe for the preparation of Haws: and at length, after almost despairing, have found it in the midst of a small volume of extracts from Brown ’s Rural Affairs. I now send it to you, agreeably to your desire.    I am, dear sir, very respectfully & truly yours RC ( ViU: TJP-PC ); endorsed by TJ as received 8 Apr. 1817 and so recorded in...
I send Brigadier General Starke to your state, to collect and forward the drafts for your batalions, and the levies for three months to the appointed place of rendezvous. The zeal, which the state of New Hampshire has always manifested gives me the fullest confidence, that they have complied with the requisitions of The Committee of Congress in all their extent; though we have not yet heard...
I began a long & confidential letter to you two weeks ago upon the Subject of one of your late letters, but an unusual pressure of business has prevented my finishing it. Judge of my the nature & extent of my engagements, when I add, that after lecturing twice, and visiting my normal number of patients this day, and entertaining some of my pupils at tea, I have since written six Answers to...