Alexander Hamilton Papers

From Alexander Hamilton to Jeremiah Wadsworth, 12 March 1791

To Jeremiah Wadsworth

Philadelphia March 12. 1791

Dr Sir

Persuaded that there was nothing better to be done with Mr Chaloner, I approve the arrangement you have made as far as Mr Church’s interest is concerned.1

Yrs with great regard

A Hamilton

Jeremiah Wadsworth Esqr

ALS, Connecticut Historical Society, Hartford.

1During the American Revolution Wadsworth and John B. Church had formed a business partnership which had been dissolved in 1785. From the time of his retirement from the Army in 1782 H managed the American business affairs of Church, who had returned to Europe at the end of the war. The property in Philadelphia owned by Church and Wadsworth was handled by John Chaloner, a Philadelphia merchant. When Church returned to the United States in 1785, he disapproved of Chaloner’s management and removed his affairs from Chaloner’s control. This letter refers to the liquidation of Chaloner’s debts to Wadsworth and Church.

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