From Alexander Hamilton to Lieutenant Colonel William De Hart, [7 May 1778]
To Lieutenant Colonel William De Hart1
[Valley Forge, May 7, 1778]
By command of His Excellency, I am to desire, You will immediately march with your Regiment by the safest and most convenient route into the Jerseys, and there join, and put yourself under the command of, Col: Shrieve.2 You may regulate the march of your baggage, and the transportation of your sick in such manner as shall appear to you most elegible, either by giving them an upper route or making them accompany the Regiment. The former would perhaps be the safer method.
I am Sir Your most Obd serv
Forge May 7th 1778
Lt Col: De Hart
ADfS, George Washington Papers, Library of Congress.
1. De Hart was a lieutenant colonel, Second New Jersey Regiment. At the time that this letter was written De Hart was at Valley Forge.
2. Colonel Israel Shreve, Second New Jersey Regiment.