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Convention between the Lords the states general of the united Netherlands, and the United States of America concerning Vessells recaptured. The Lords the States General of the United Netherlands, and the united States of America, being inclined to establish some uniform Principles, with Relation, to Prizes made, by Vessells of War and commissioned by the two contracting Powers, upon their...
In your Letter of 5th. March, You ask “whether this Power has entered into any Treaty with France since the War, and whether any such thing is in Contemplation?” They have made no Treaty; but a Convention concerning Re-captures, which You must have seen in the Papers. The East India Company have concerted Operations with France in the East Indies; and the Prince, by the Resolution of the...
I am honoured with your Letter of the 24. of July and feel myself under Obligations to you for it, So much the greater as it contains freer Sentiments than most of my Friends ever write me, and as it is almost the only Letter, I received by that Conveyance, except from my Family. My Friends Sir have almost forgotten me, by Way of Retaliation I Suppose for my Apparent Neglect of them. I have...
I thank You for the Papers and your Card of 22d July. The Letters inclosed I shall send along. My Friends have all become as tender of me as You are; and to save me trouble send me no Letters: so I know nothing about You. I hope You have not been all sick as I have. I hope You have not all quite so much Business as I have to do; at least I hope it is to better effect, and to more profit, both...
I do not ask you to consider this as a letter to you. I have writen so much for several days that I am absolutely beat out; and my health besides begins to fail me. A most constant head ach hangs upon me, and almost stupifies me: Consider this therefore only as a cover of the enclosed letters. I shall probably trouble you more frequently in this way than I have ever done; but it must be upon...
I have received your Favor dated at Albany on the 25th. of last Month, with the Enclosures. I am much obliged by your attention in the Business you allude to, and knowing that your abilities and Zeal to promote the public Good are equal to the most arduous Undertakings I have no doubt but your Endeavours will be successful. I am Sir    Your most obedient Servant LS , Hamilton Papers, Library...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am just requested to pass through your hands the inclosed to Mr Jay I therefore hope for your pardon for the liberty I take it goes round by Antwerp and Consequently its arrival will be later than by the Usual conveyance Which, I am informed, will not be material; will you do me the favour to present my most respectful compliments to that Gentleman,...
AL : American Philosophical Society In a Letter I wrote you a few Weeks past, giving some general Account of our Affairs, I mentioned my Kinsman William Cooper, and Mr Leverett, who I then thought were Prisoners in England, since which they with many others of our Countrymen have happily arrived here. I have been suspicious that our late severe Disappointment in the West Indies by the Defeat...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library En 1778. Vous eutes la bonté de Vous charger d’envoyer en Amerique cent exemplaires de l’ouvrage de Mr. de la faye, et de me promettre de m’en faire payer icy le prix, aprés que la Vente en seroit faitte. J’ai eu l’honneur de Vous en demander des nouvelles il y a environ 15 jours, et aujourdhui je prends la liberté de vous retourner vôtre propre lettre...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé qu’il a été embarqué à Brest, dans le courant des mois d’Avril et May derniers, sur les Navires L’ Achille , Le Maurice et la Marie-Therèse , divers Effets et Marchandises pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionnale, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous faire remettre les Etats détaillés....
LS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania La société Royale de médecine à laquelle j’ai Communiqué le Billet qui m’a été ecrit en Votre nom, a été d’autant plus fachée, d’etre privée de la satisfaction de Vous posséder à sa séance publique que c’est une indisposition qui en a été la Cause. Elle m’a chargé de Vous témoigner toute la part qu’elle y prend et elle desire bien sincèrement qu’elle...
59112General Orders, 6 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Major General Howe Lieutt Colonel Mellen Major Throop Brigade Majer Williams For duty tomorrow 2d Connecticut & 6th Massachts regiments The regimental Surgeons to send the returns of the sick every saturday to the flying hospital where on application they will receive a proportion of bandages and digestive ointment. The Commanding officers of Divisions & Wings are desired...
Je n’ai point eu l’honneur de répondre, sur le champ, à la dépéche qui votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’adresser Le 27. aout dernier, parce que, depuis ce tems, J’ai attendu La réponse de Monsieur Le Marquis Vaudreuil dont le vaisseau est éloigné de 6. miles de Boston. Je veux mille humbles graces à votre excellence de ce qu’Elle a bien voulu faire passer mes Paquets à Monsieur le...
The Commander in Chief having desired our Opinion in what order the Troops composing the Light Infantry of the Army should be Posted. We are of Opinion—That the same Principle which has been adopted for Posting the Troops in the Line of the Army should also govern in the Light Infantry and that the Troops of each State should have their Geographical position the same as is the Line of the...
So much time hath elapsed since I saw you at Albany, that I should suppose you have, ’ere this, made yourself acquainted with the determination of Congress respecting your sollicited promotion. Whether you have or not, I can no longer look upon myself at liberty to suffer you to remain from your Regiment, under your former plea, and am therefore obliged to call upon you to join without delay....
j’ai reçu Les deux Lettres que votre Excelence ma fait Lhonneur de m’ecrive du 3 et du 4 de septembre Le courier etoit pret de partir Lorsque La premiére est arrivé ce que fera que vous recevrés mes deux Lettres at la fois parce que j’ai empîché Le premier courier de partir j’ai Lhonneur de vous remercier des avis que vous avés La bonté de me donner Le dernier est comforme a ce que me mande Le...
J’ai l’h r. , Monsieur, de vous envoier comme vous l’avez desiré, mes idées personnelles sur la manière de terminer vos discutions de limites avec L’Espagne; je desire qu’elles vous paroissent dignes d’être prises en considération. J’ai fait réflexion, M, sur ce que vous m’avez dit hier du défaut de pouvoir de M. l’ambassad r . d’Espagne. Vous ne sauriez, selon moi, mettre cette raison en...
Sur la manière de déterminer et fixer les limites entre l’Espagne et les Etats-unis du côté de l’Ohio et vers le Mississipi Il est question entre l’Espagne et les Etats-unis de l’Amerique Septentrionale de régler les limites respectives vers l’Ohio et le Mississipi. Les Américains prétendent que leur Domaine s’étend jusqu’au Mississipi et l’Espagne soutient le contraire. Il est évident que les...
FC (Virginia State Library). In William Tatham’s hand and directed to “Virginia Delegates in Congress.” This just serves to acknowledge the receipt of your favor of the 27th ulto. We have as great a dearth of News or interesting occurrences as you have at Philadelphia. The taxes begin now to come in and I have my hopes you will be no more in the Hands of Usurers, I will take care to let the...
To the memory of Martha Jefferson daughter of John Wayles born Oct. 19. 1748. O.S. intermarried with Thomas Jefferson Jan. 1. 1772 torn from him by death Sep. 6. 1782. this monument of his love is inscribed. εἰ δὲ ϴανóντων πєρ καταλήϴοντ᾿ εἰν Ἀΐδαο αὐτὰρ ἐγὼ καὶ κεῖϴι φίλου μεμνήσομ᾽ ἑταίρου . [ on verso: ] to be engraved on a marble slab. MS (Thomas Jefferson Memorial Foundation, on deposit ViU
591217th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon I went with Mr. D to Mr. Rimberts but found no body at home. After dinner I went with Mr. Artaud to the Academy to give my name to be advertised, but could not, because on Saturdays in the afternoon they do not take names. Every body that goes away from hence must have his name advertised in the News-papers at three different times. This procedure was necessary, as JQA later...
I Yesterday received your long lookt favor being the Only One I have received for two Years. I dont know that I am intitled to any particular Notice, more than many of your friends but thought I might claim some share. I received a letter from Mdm. the Widow Chabenel incloseing some letters to be forwarded to her relations att the southward. Billey lately returnd from Philadelphia were he saw...
I have recd, your Letter with other Slips for which I thank you and another Since. I take constantly the Morning Post, Morning Chronicle London Courant and have taken the Evening Post, but Shall change it Soon for the General Advertiser. The Couriers de L’Europe and du Bas Rhin, the French Gazettes of Hague Leyden and Amsterdam and all the Dutch Gazettes. Is this to be a News Monger? I take em...
In answer to your letters demanding my Accots. I have the honor to enclose the three Numbers: 1. 2. 3. No. 1 is an Account of my Salary for two years and an half, and the payment of it by Dr: Franklin, in obedience to the orders of Congress, the whole amounting to £ 6250 . sterling. No. 2 is the account for the purchase of the Hotel des Etats-Unis de l’Amerique, wh. amounts to 15207 . florins,...
Account stated to be transmitted to Congress, in answer to Secretary Livingston’s Letter of 22d. May 1782. The United States to John Adams. Dr: To two Years & an half’s Salary, commencing, the 13th. November. 1779. & ending the 13th. May. 1782—p 2500 £. pr: Ann: £6250— Cr: By Cash &c: recd. of the United-States, from the House of Mr: Ferdinando Grand, at Paris, and the House of Fizeau, Grand &...
Further Acco’t: stated to be transmitted to Congress, in answer to Secretary Livingston’s Letter of 22d May. 1782. The United States to John Adams Dr: To an House on the Flewelle Burgwal, at the Hague: The Deed taken in the name of the United-States of America, according to Mr: Dumas’s Acco’t: settled . . . fifteen thousand, two hundred & seven Florins, and seven stivers & eight Duits . . . ....
The United States to John Adams Dr: To four hundred Dollars, stolen out of my Chest at Dr: Franklin’s at Passy. The bottom of the Box was broke out & the money taken away. . . . 1781. July To Expences of a Journey fm. Amsterdam to Paris began the 2d. July & returned to Amsterdam the 27th. Went thro’ Utrecht, Gorcum, Breda, Antwerp, Brussells, Valenciennes &c. The whole expense of Coach &...
Doivent 1782. Fevr. Payè ou Procureur Huygens, selon les conventions, de l’Achat de l’Hôtel, son compte de f 185. 11. — Au Domestique de Mad. de Wickrad, come temoin " 1. — Mars. 1. Payè à Mad. de Wickrad, selon le Contrat de Vente " 8000. — " 2. à un Chrocheteur, pour porter de l’argent, m’attendu & messages divers "
Last evening I heard that a vessel was arrived from Amsterdam. Was up early and went to Boston in the morning after letters, could meet with none, and returned home to dinner. Between four and five Deacon Mason called and brought me one from . My good old Friend, who I began to fear from his long silence, had nearly forgotten me, through the multitude of more capital European figures...
We take the liberty to inform your Excellency that about a Month ago, when Mr. Ridly, agent of the State of Maryland was here, we agreed with Said Gentleman, in virtue of his Powers and Commissions, which were certified by your Excellency, to open a Loan of Six hundred thousand Guilders, in behalf of the Said State for ten Years and at 5 pco. Interest, which shall be paid out of the Amount of...
Not having had the pleasure of hearing from you in answer to my letter of the 18th. of Augt. I now send you a duplicate. I wish at least to be able to let Morris know what prospect I have of fulfilling his views and I therefore shall be indebted to you to let me hear from you on the subject by the first opportunity. I am Sir    Your most Obed ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. A draft...
The fifteenth of this month is the period fixed for the payment of the tax imposed at the last meeting of the legislature for the use of The United States. The public exigencies and the reputation of the state require that every exertion should be made to collect this tax with punctuality and dispatch; and it is therefore my duty to urge you that you employ the powers vested in you, and all...
Persuaded my Dear Sir of your punctuality, of your disposition to oblige me and to promote public business, I am at a loss to explain to my self the reason of your silence on the letter of which the foregoing is a triplicate. I hope the ill state of your health has not been the cause of it. The Governor informed me that returns on the files of the Legislature would answer most of the inquiries...
I have had the inclosed ready for some time; but in hopes of receiving the returns of the certificates mentioned in memorandum B I delayed sending the present sketch. Having even received no answers from some of the parties who live at a distance from me, I suspect they have done their business in so disorderly a manner (to say nothing worse of it) that they are at a loss how to render the...
I this day received your letter of the 20th. of August. Mr. Morris has advised me of the Bills you desired and directed my purchasing them together with his notes and the bank notes with what money shall come in to my hands on public account. They are now beginning to collect the tax imposed for the use of the United States though I can as yet form no judgment with what success or expedition....
Copy: Archives de la Marine J’ay l’honneur de transmettre à V. E. la copie d’une lettre que je viens de recevoir de M. de Veimerange au sujet des avaries arrivées à un des Batiments de transports chargés des munitions destinées pour les Etats unis de l’amerique. Je pense qu’il est a propos que Votre Gouvernement ayant eté chargé jusqu’a present de ces sortes d’affaires, continue à les diriger,...
59137General Orders, 7 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigadier Genl Patterson Colonel Swift Lieutenant Colonel Sherman Brigade Majer Cushing Quarter Master of the Jersey brigade The appearance of the army to day afforded the Commander in cheif the most sensible pleasure—He cannot too often repeat his thanks to the officers of all ranks for their unremitted care and attention to their respective duties. Untill further orders...
I had the Honr to receive your Excly favr of the third Inst. yesterday—and am Exceedingly oblig’d by the notice your Excly has taken of my request relative to the unfortunate Capt. Huddy. Tewsday Evening 3d of Sepr I had the Honour of communicateing to your Excly the Arrival of a Fleete on this Coast &c. Immediately on forwarding the letter to Morris Town I mounted My Horse and that Night rode...
I received your Excellency’s favor of the 5th instant, respecting the repairs of arms in the Army. The respective brigades have hitherto executed by their own armourers the common repairs; and when the business was industriously pursued, they have been nearly able to keep the arms in order. This is still, under present circumstances, the only possible mode to be adopted, for there is not one...
I have the honor of presenting you with fifty copies of my last publication, for the amusement of the Army—and to repeat to you my acknowlegements of your friendship. I fully believe we have seen our worst days over. The Spirit of the war, on the part of the enemy, is certainly on the decline full as much as we think for; I draw this opinion not only from the difficulties we know they are in,...
I have the honor to send to your Excellency a Letter which the chevalier de la Luzerne begs you would send by the Dragoons established on the road to Boston for carrying on the correspondance. It contains a generous offer made by congress to the King of a 74. gun ship. The News which I have here of the British fleet, are that Admiral Pigot is got into Newyork with very few ships, himself in a...
I, a few days ago, reced your favor of the 28th of Augt from Pompton—You certainly cannot be deemed reprehensible for making use of this time of leisure to pay a visit to your family and friends—after so long an absence. When I mentioned you to the Commander of the combined Forces in the West Indies, in the terms to which you allude, I confess I did not imagine you had any intention of...
After experiencing a Variety of unnessesary delay’s from usual tricks in the Q.M.G.’s department, I found the only chance I had for a passage to this place, was to embark on board a pettiauger, which I accordingly did in the Afternoon of the 3d Inst. and arrived here yesterday Evening. I have this Morning given directions for the Return necessary fully to inform me, of the State and Scituation...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Lacks complimentary close and signature, but the text, in Randolph’s hand, seems to be complete. The cover was addressed by him to “The honble. James Madison jr. esq of congress Philadelphia.” Docketed by JM, “Sepr. 7. 1782.” I waited upon Mr. Ambler to shew him your letter by yesterday’s post, but he was too much indisposed to have communication with any person. Mr....
591458th. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. D went to Mr. Wolff’s. Mr. Artaud dined out. Fine weather.
I have been informed, that a Motion has been made in the Regency of Amsterdam, that a Sum should be subscribed in Behalf of the City to a Loan which is to be opened for the State of Mary land. I wish well to the state of Maryland and wish for the Persperity of her Loan: but I am apprehensive that you and I shall be all censured by Congress, if this Motion takes Place and We neglect to apply...
Copies: Public Record Office (three), William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress I have receivd the honour of yours dated the 5th. Instant, inclosing an Extract of a Letter to you from the Rt. Hon: Thos. Townshend, one of his Majesty’s principal Secretaries of State, wherein your Conduct in communicating to us the 4th Article of your Instructions appears to have been approved of by his...
LS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères Mr Barclay who will have the honour of delivering you this, will have that of laying before your Excellency his Commission from the Congress of the United States of America, appointing him their Consul General in France. Mr. Barclay being about to enter on his Consular Functions, I request your Excellency would in the usual manner,...
59149General Orders, 8 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorrow Brigr Genl Huntington Lieutenant Colonel Vose Major Trescot Brigade Major Cox Quartermaster York brigade For duty tomorrow 2d Jersey and 7th Massachusetts regiments The present mode of encampment, tho’ extremely ornamental and convenient, may, without the utmost care subject us to the loss of our tents by fire—the Boughs of which the Colonade is composed being so very dry,...
I have to acquaint your Excellency that a Boat from the enemy’s post at Lloyd’s Neck with seven men on board came into Norwalk a few days past and brought with them one Captain Quintard and his Boat’s Crew who were taken prisoners by the Enemy some time past and permitted to return on Parole, they were secured by some of the Inhabitants (after they came on shore) and brought to this place....