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Results 59101-59110 of 184,264 sorted by date (ascending)
Convention between the Lords the states general of the united Netherlands, and the United States of America concerning Vessells recaptured. The Lords the States General of the United Netherlands, and the united States of America, being inclined to establish some uniform Principles, with Relation, to Prizes made, by Vessells of War and commissioned by the two contracting Powers, upon their...
In your Letter of 5th. March, You ask “whether this Power has entered into any Treaty with France since the War, and whether any such thing is in Contemplation?” They have made no Treaty; but a Convention concerning Re-captures, which You must have seen in the Papers. The East India Company have concerted Operations with France in the East Indies; and the Prince, by the Resolution of the...
I am honoured with your Letter of the 24. of July and feel myself under Obligations to you for it, So much the greater as it contains freer Sentiments than most of my Friends ever write me, and as it is almost the only Letter, I received by that Conveyance, except from my Family. My Friends Sir have almost forgotten me, by Way of Retaliation I Suppose for my Apparent Neglect of them. I have...
I thank You for the Papers and your Card of 22d July. The Letters inclosed I shall send along. My Friends have all become as tender of me as You are; and to save me trouble send me no Letters: so I know nothing about You. I hope You have not been all sick as I have. I hope You have not all quite so much Business as I have to do; at least I hope it is to better effect, and to more profit, both...
I do not ask you to consider this as a letter to you. I have writen so much for several days that I am absolutely beat out; and my health besides begins to fail me. A most constant head ach hangs upon me, and almost stupifies me: Consider this therefore only as a cover of the enclosed letters. I shall probably trouble you more frequently in this way than I have ever done; but it must be upon...
I have received your Favor dated at Albany on the 25th. of last Month, with the Enclosures. I am much obliged by your attention in the Business you allude to, and knowing that your abilities and Zeal to promote the public Good are equal to the most arduous Undertakings I have no doubt but your Endeavours will be successful. I am Sir    Your most obedient Servant LS , Hamilton Papers, Library...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I am just requested to pass through your hands the inclosed to Mr Jay I therefore hope for your pardon for the liberty I take it goes round by Antwerp and Consequently its arrival will be later than by the Usual conveyance Which, I am informed, will not be material; will you do me the favour to present my most respectful compliments to that Gentleman,...
AL : American Philosophical Society In a Letter I wrote you a few Weeks past, giving some general Account of our Affairs, I mentioned my Kinsman William Cooper, and Mr Leverett, who I then thought were Prisoners in England, since which they with many others of our Countrymen have happily arrived here. I have been suspicious that our late severe Disappointment in the West Indies by the Defeat...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library En 1778. Vous eutes la bonté de Vous charger d’envoyer en Amerique cent exemplaires de l’ouvrage de Mr. de la faye, et de me promettre de m’en faire payer icy le prix, aprés que la Vente en seroit faitte. J’ai eu l’honneur de Vous en demander des nouvelles il y a environ 15 jours, et aujourdhui je prends la liberté de vous retourner vôtre propre lettre...
LS : American Philosophical Society; copy: Archives de la Marine Vôtre Excellence a été informé qu’il a été embarqué à Brest, dans le courant des mois d’Avril et May derniers, sur les Navires L’ Achille , Le Maurice et la Marie-Therèse , divers Effets et Marchandises pour le service des Etats unis de l’Amérique Septentrionnale, dont j’ai eû l’honneur de vous faire remettre les Etats détaillés....