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Results 59041-59090 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
I have the Honor to acquaint your Excellency, that in a Flagg of Truce Granted a few days Since Mrs Johnson a Refugee Lady from New York & Resident of Monmouth County, was permitted to pass to the Enemy’s Guard Ship—She having a pass port from his Excellency Govr Livingston to go into New York, but it being not of her power to obtain permission for that purpose, She Return’d this day in a...
I had the pleasure to receive your Excellencys Letter of the 23d ulto at this place, where the American Army took their Encampment on the 31st. I am perfectly satisfied with the Route your Excellency has resolved to take in marchg your Army to the North River—and wish you to pursue it in the Mode that is most agreeable to yourself. I am glad to find you mention nothing of Your Fever & Ague—I...
I am just favored with your Letter of yesterday mentioning a certain Person you propose to be employing, in communicating intelligence from N. York; tho’ I cannot say I rely perfectly on any of the Class to which this person belongs—yet as you appear to be acquainted with him & his circumstances I shall submit the arrangement of the matter entirely to your discretion—Only remarking, that as we...
I am directed by His Excellency to reply to your Letter of Yesterday. The General is pleased with your Attention & Vigilence—Genl Hazens Permit is without the Mode presented in the Genl Instructions at your Post—& inadmissable on its own ground. You will please to pass Mr Taylor agreably to his Passport from Gnl Hazen—& suffer the packet of Letters to go in with him. The Horses are not to be...
The Necessities of the Writers employed under my Direction as well as my own, and the Poverty of the Q. Master Department had in great Measure anticipated the Relief afforded by the last Supply of Money transmitted to me by Mr Morris on the 3rd of June, on Account of pay. By that I was enabled to pay off the discharged Writers the Ballances of their respective Demands and to Messrs Sickels &...
The followg Information, is this Moment come to my Hand, from the best Authority. Viz. "On Friday Evening the 30th the Warwick of 50 Guns—with 5 large Transport Ships, with 1500, or 2000, Troops on Board sailed from N. York Harbour bound for Hallifax—And at ten oClock the next Day 6 Ships supposed to be the same were seen from Middletown standg near Sandy Hook to the Eastward with the Wind at...
Je m’attendois a tous momens a voir paroitre l’Escadre Angloise, c’est ce qui m’a fait retarder a répondre plutôt a la lettre que Votre Excellence m’a fait l’honneur de m’ecrire le 27 Août dernier; aussitôt que je l’ai recue j’ai fait rentres deux Vaisseaux qui étoient en croisiere depeuis qu’il fussent coupés. Sir sam: Hood n’a point été vû dans cette partie, puisquil n’a pas rèlâche a...
MS ( NA : PCC , No. 28, fol. 233). In JM’s hand. Docketed by Charles Thomson: “No. 13.—Report of Mr. Osgood Mr. Rutledge Mr. Madison appointed to confer with the Agent of marine Passed Sept 3. 1782.” While entering Boston Harbor on 10 August against a strong head wind and under the guidance of a local pilot, the “Magnifique” struck a submerged rock, partially capsized, and was wrecked beyond...
Printed extract (Parke-Bernet Galleries Catalogue No. 2124 [20 September 1962], p. 30). The letter is described as follows: “ Madison, James ; Theodoric Bland, and Arthur Lee. A.L.s. by Bland, signed also by Madison as ‘ J. Madison Jr .’ and by Lee as ‘ A. Lee ’; 2 pp. 4to, integral blank leaf docketed on verso; Philadelphia, 3 Sept. 1782; with an erroneous pencil note suggesting that the...
RC (New York Public Library). Unsigned letter in JM’s hand. JM franked the letter and addressed it to “The honble Edmund Pendleton Esqr. Caroline County Virginia.” Docketed by Pendleton, “James Madison jr. Esq. Sepr. 3d. 1782.” An unknown hand, seemingly contemporaneous, lightly sketched in ink in the center of the page an unhappy British lion courant being pursued by an Indian, probably...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). In JM’s hand. Cover missing. Letter is unsigned. Docketed by Randolph, “Sepr. 3. 1782.” He evidently showed the letter to the Reverend James Madison, who wrote above the docket, “Septr. 22. 1782 JMadison,” possibly the date when the clergyman received the letter. Apparently upon recovering the letter, Randolph crossed out the “22” and wrote “3” above it. The...
Yesterday’s Post arrived without any letter from your Excellency. We laid before Congress the resolution of the assembly, relating to the emission of the 18th. of March 1780, and the destruction of the old Continental money by Commissioners within the states, which was refer’d to the Superintendt. of finance to report generally upon—as the steps to be taken on the Resolution of our Assembly,...
Josias Franklin nè en Angleterre, etabli en Boston en 1680 , a eu sept Enfans d’une premiere femme, & dix d’une seconde. Benjamin est le 8me. des derniers. A l’age de douze Ans Benjamin est mis en apprentissage chez un de ses freres ainès age de vint deux ans , imprimeur a Boston, d’un caractere dur & imperieux. Benj. intelligent, adroit & actif est très utile a son Frere. Il se brouille avec...
Partial AL : Library of Congress … [sous] les yeux de M. le Cte. de Vergennes. Je desirerois fort, Monsieur, davoir un entretien avec vous et M. Jay, et vous m’obligeriez si vous vouliez me recevoir et me donner à diner avec lui jeudy prochain. J’attendrai votre réponse. J’ai l’honneur dêtre avec un On Oct. 24, a Thursday, Jay dined with BF at Passy and was surprised to find Rayneval there....
590554th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Coll. Vallentin arriv’d from Holland and brought us, letters from my Father. Mr. D took a ride, after dinner. Fine weather. Adams Family Correspondence Adams Family Correspondence , ed. L. H. Butterfield and others, Cambridge, 1963- . , 4:322–323 ; JA to Dana, 13 May ( MHi :Dana Papers).
Your Triplicate of March 5. No: 5. Triplicate 22d. May. No. 6 Duplicate. 29th. May No: 7 and Duplicate of 30th May No: 8. together with the dispatches for Mr: Dana came to hand yesterday. The judicious enquiries in that of March. 5th. are chiefly answd. in the enclosd: pamphlett, wh: I have caused to be printed, in order to be sent into England, Scotland and Ireland, as well as America. You...
Since my arrival here I received the packet which I inclose to you from M Livingston with particular instructions relative to it. I send it by the bearer Mr. Frazer of Boston under Cover to Mess: Ingraham & Bromfield who will take proper Care of it. Doctor Franklin has been a good deal indisposed with the Gout and gravel, he is somewhat better, and went abroad in a Carriage on sunday; I have...
ALS : Archives du Ministère des affaires étrangères With this you will receive the Boxes you desired of Mint Drops. They came by Mr Oswald’s Courier, who arrived this Morning. He has been with me, and tells me he has a Letter from Mr Secry. Townsend, acquainting him, that the King has consented to declare the Independence of America, authorizing him to make it the first Article in the Treaty,...
Reprinted from William Temple Franklin, ed., Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Benjamin Franklin … (3 vols., 4to, London, 1817–18), II , 396. Mr. Oswald’s courier being returned, with directions to him, to make the independence of America the first article in the treaty, I would wait on you if I could, to discourse on the subject: but as I cannot, I wish to see you here this evening, if not...
ALS : American Philosophical Society Je profite du départ de Mr. Brantsen, nomé Minre. Plenipo: de cette Rep., pour aller, dans un parfait Concert avec les Ministres de la Cour de Fce. & ceux des autres Puissances en guerre avec la Gde. Brete., traiter des Préliminaires d’une paix générale conjointement avec Mr. l’Ambr. de Berkenrode,— pour vous faire passer l’incluse, laquelle ayant lue, vous...
59061General Orders, 4 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the day tomorw Brigadier General Huntington Colonel Sheppard Lieutenant Colonel Sproat Brigade Major Converse At a general courtmartial held at Westpoint whereof Colonel Micheal Jackson is president the following prisoners were tried. Dennis Clemeshaw a soldier charged with Desertion from the regiment late Colonel Lee’s, also Job Ripley of the 3d Massachusetts regiment, Jason Makepeace of...
I have received your Letter of the 21st ulto accompanied with sundrye papers, tendg to shew the Impositions which are attempted on mustering Officers—that such Deceptions would be practised, I have ever been aware, and have viewed the circumstance as an argument which should induce the officers, to the greater vigilence and Attention. Such Impositions as are attempted by Subjects apparently...
Miss Delancey has this Day made pressing application to me to get into N. York—I have informed her, that no admission from me can be granted to any persons in civil Capacity, without the Approbation & permission of the Executive of the State to which they belong. Miss Delancey is therefore referred to your Excellency; if your permission is granted her, my Duty will be merely official. I have...
I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency that the whole Army, the Garrison of West Point and its dependencies, and two Regiments to the Northward excepted, assembled at this place on the 31st ulto—I have appointed Majr General Lord Stirling to the Command of the Continental & State Troops at the northward, and Majr Genll Knox to that of West Point, at which place most part of the Corps...
Yesterday Colo. Olney transmitted to me from Dobbs Ferry, a passport given from Gen. Hazen, admitting Mr Taylor, a British Commissary of Cloathg to pass from Lancaster into N. York with his Servants & Horses—mentiong in the passport that Liberty had been given by the Secty at War for this purpose. My Genl Instructions at that post mentiong that no passports are sufficient, but such as are...
I have been honored with your Excellency’s Letters on the field Commissary of military stores’ department. Enclosed are the resolves of Congress establishing the department. I am, with sincere esteem, my dear General, Your obedient servant DLC : Papers of George Washington.
A mind susceptible of disappointments, and pained by suspence, can readily enter into the feelings of others, under similar circumstances—Be assured then , that your Letters shall suffer no delay—no disappointment in my hands. Nor will I keep you one moment in suspence, with respect to the receipt, or delivery of them. Actuated by these motives, I have the honor to inform you, that the last...
I have recd yours inclosing a packet for the Honble Mr Morris, which I shall forward by the first safe conveyance. I have the honor to be Sir yr most obt Servt. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
When I had the honor of receiving your Excellency’s favor of yesterday by Colonel Bayliss, the fever was on me, which prevented my giving it a written answer: And therefore requested him to inform your Excellency, that under other Circumstances, than mine were at this time, I should be happy to execute your Excellency’s intentions, but that it was out of my power, for that I was unable to...
Previous to the meeting of our Commissioners, who will be Majors General Heath and Knox, I am under the necessity of applying to you to provide the means of their support while they are upon the Commission—I shall propose Orange town as the place of meeting—I should suppose five hundred Dollars, and that in Specie (as they will be in a part of the Country where paper will not be negotiable)...
I am under the necessity of enclosing you the Copy of a letter I have this day received from Mr Walter Livingston, with that of one from him to Mr Richardson Sands. From these you will perceive to how precarious a situation we are reduced in regard to the Article of Flour—the Quantity for which Mr Livingston calls upon Mr Richardson Sands is so very trifling, that it is scarcely worth...
The Commander in Chief commands me particularly at this time to repeat to you the directions formerly given that the utmost precaution & vigilance should be used to prevent surprize, & to announce instantaneously to him any sudden Movement of the Enemy. for this purpose you will give the most pointed Orders to the person commanding your guard Boats on duty, & will inform Col. Olney or the...
On the day after I left Head Quarters, I removed my Regt to Cantito, where with very great difficulty I procured forage and Water till this morning. The Drought has been so much more severe in this Quarter than in any other part I have been in, that there is no green herbage on the ground, the Brooks of Water cease to run, and the few Inhabitants can get but a scanty supply of Water for their...
I do myself the honor to inform you that Signals were yesterday made at New York for the appearance of more than ten ships of the Line off the Coast. I expect every moment to hear from the look out which I have established upon the Coast of New Jersey, by which I shall be able to ascertain the size of the Fleet—I will then instantly communicate the intelligence to you. I have the honor to be...
Immediately after your Excellency’s orders of the 21st of August organizeing the Battallions and Regts which composed the Corps of Light-Infantry, we assembled on the Heights of Peeks-kill, by the unanimous Voice of the Field officers then present, we posted the eldest Captain of a Battallion on the right, the Second on the Left, & so on agreeable to their Rank, haveing no referance to the...
I wrote to You on the 13 Ult. a Copy of that Letter enclosing one for your good mother, and one for M r Benson, was given last Week to M r Wright, who had appointed last Thursday for setting out to Nantes in order to embark there for America. He is still here, but leaves Paris Tomorrow. This gives me an Opportunity of writing you a few Lines more, for tho’ I daily gain Strength, yet the...
Je desirerois, Monsieur, d’avoir un entretien avec vous sur vos affaires de limites avec l’Espagne; mais il m’est de toute impossibileté de me rendre pour cet effet à Paris. Vous m’obligeriez donc beaucoup si vous vouliez avoir la bonté de vous transporter à Versailles demain dans la matinée; j’auroi grand plaisir à vous offrir à diner. En attendant l’honneur de vous voir j’ai celui d’etre...
590785th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
This afternoon I went with Mr. Artaud to the Shops and bought some things. Mr. Artaud went to the Clubb. Mr. D went and took a ride. Fine weather all day.
Your kind favours of May 14th and June 16th came to Hand last Evening; and tho I have only just time to acknowledge them, I would not omit a few lines; I have written before by this vessel; which is Bound to France. Mr. Allen your old fellow traveller is a passenger on Board, and promises to be attentive to the Letters. In my other Letter I mention a serious proposal made in a former; but do...
I have receivd Your Excellencys Letter of the 30th Ult., together with three Papers inclosed therewith. The last shall be sent as directed, and I trust they will give full Satisfaction. I informed your Excellency in my last, that Mr L. Proposed to return to America by the way of England, having Sollicitd a Passport for that purpose, which has been granted at the request of Lord Cornwallis. I...
Honoured with your Excellency’s Confidence, we think it our duty to inform you in our privy, that a motion is made to dispose our Regency, to subscribe for account of our City, a certain Sum at the Loan whch. is proposed to be made for the States of Maryland; whch. if succeeding, Should prove a mark of confidence, proper to encourage particular Subscriptions, whch. the Continental Loan doth...
Two LS and L : University of Pennsylvania Library; AL (draft): New-York Historical Society; transcript: National Archives Having written to you lately, I should not again trouble you so soon were it not necessary to remind you, that your last letter is dated in March, since which there have been frequent arrivals from France— and since which too we have reason to beleive, the most interesting...
Copies: Public Record Office (three), William L. Clements Library, Library of Congress In consequence of the Notice I have just now had from Mr Jay of Your Desire of an Extract from my last Letter from His Majesty’s Secretary of State, regarding the proposed Treaty on the Subject of American Affairs, & my Authority in relation thereto, I take the liberty to send the same inclosed, which...
59084General Orders, 5 September 1782 (Washington Papers)
For the Day tomorrow Major General Heath Colonel Cortlandt Major Woodbridge Brigade Major Cushing For duty tomorrow 3d Connecticut & 9th Massachusetts regiments The Quartermaster General will establish such regulations as he thinks proper respecting sutlers and persons who sell Liquors to the army_taking the Licences from such as do not conform to them; and surpressing all tipling houses in...
I enclose you Extracts of Observations made by the Clerks of Accounts &c. on the Accounts of the Contractors respecting Issues—You will be pleased to state the matter, so far as it relates to your Agency in the Departmt for the satisfaction of those concern’d properly, & in order to shew that no more provisions have be en drawn than were necessary for the intended purposes. I am Sir your Most...
In the absence of Doctor Cochran, Extracts from the Observations of the Auditors upon the Issues of provisions, respecting your Dept. as transmitted to me by the Secretary at War. I am &c. DLC : Papers of George Washington.
I do myself the honor to inform your Excellency, that since my Letter of yesterday, I have received intelligence, that seven British Ships of the Line & three Frigates arrived off the Hook, on the 3d instant, It is said they are part of 14 Sail under the Command of Admiral Hood. It should seem by a York Paper of the 4th, which I have transmitted to the Marquis de Vaudreuil, that Admiral Pigot...
The arms of the army are daily getting out of repair with out any possibility of remedying it there are no travelling forges here and if there were I am informed they could not be set at work for want of some Articles which are absolutely necessary such as Borax salt &c. can any of the Armourers and necessary materials be spared from West Point to come here with some travelling Forges and...
I do myself the Honor to transmit to your Excellency, the substance of Intelligence which I have lately sent to the Marquis de Vaudrieul—Vizt. On the 3d Septemr I informed him that "On Friday Evening the 30th of Augst the Warwick of 50 Guns, with 5 large Transport Ships, with 1500 or 2000 Troops on Board, sailed from N. York Harbour, bound for Halifax; and at 10 oClock the next day, six Ships,...
Since I had the Honor of addressing your Excellency on the 24th of last Month, nothing material has occur’d—The act pass’d last Session for recruiting the Line, has not yet produc’d any thing for as it was left to the option of each division to furnish a Man, or so much Money, allmost the whole have chosen to pay the Money—I have been in Town severall days, at the request of the Governor to...