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Results 5901-5950 of 184,431 sorted by editorial placement
my Conscience really reprimands me for having so long omitted writing my Dear Brother, for...
I should have addressed your excellency sooner, but that my mind, which is the weakest —(or, as I...
In my Letter to M rs. Adams P r. Cap t. Scott, I mentioned to her, That M r. S. Q. was...
Substance of miss Palmer’s account of the University exhibition at Cambridge, the 10 th. of...
I have to congratulate you upon the safe arrival of your Little daughter, whom I have only a few...
I had the Honour of addressing you yesterday and informing you of the safe arrival of your...
I have sent one Letter on Board capt Cushing but it is so long since that unless I Write again...
I am at length released from the multiplicity of business which has employ’d so much of my time,...
I beg you to inform M rs. Smith, that I have forwarded to M r M c. Connell enclosed in a Letter...
On conversing with M r. Parsons relative to Your Sons entring into the Study of the Law, I found...
your two Letters of May 21 & 26 were yesterday deliverd. captain Scot has not yet got up. I hope...
A thousand thanks to you, my dear Madam, for your kind attention to my little daughter. her...
If I had thought you would so soon have Sent for your dear little Girl, I should have been...
When I wrote you last I did not know that petit had taken places in the Stage & paid for them....
This being the day on which, according to my calculation, my daughter would be crossing the...
I received your agreeable Letter with much pleasure: having only before heard of the arrival of...
most readily my Dear Lucy do I acknowledge the tittle of friend with which you address me—and am...
If as the poet says, expectation makes the blessing sweet, your last Letter was peculiarly so, as...
My dear sister will I am sure excuse me if I send her now but a short Letter—when she is inform’d...
I had the happiness of receiving yesterday my daughter in perfect health. among the first things...
I give you joy of the day, as I presume it is commencment with you at Cambridge, and as it is...
I will not plead in excuse that I have not by any of the late vessels received a Line from my...
to what Cause my Dear Eliza am I to attribute that Air of Mistery which reigns throughout your...
MS (M/AA/1, APM Reel 197). PRINTED: JA , D&A , 3:203–208 . AA ’s Diary of the family’s trip...
We Suppose, that you had your Degree last Wednesday, and upon that Supposition, I congratulate...
I have only the time to inform you, that this morning I am to Sett out, with My Wife and...
The Day—the mighty Day is over, & our Sons have perform’d their Parts—& receiv’d the Honour of...
The last Week has indeed been a Week of Joy to me— We have “eat our Bread with gladness, & drank...
At length the scene of my collegiate life is closed, and about a fortnight ago I made a public...
I wrote you a few hasty lines, from Boston the Monday before Commencement, inclosing two...
The vacancys of our Sons always produces a hurry in our business & although we endeavour to keep...
I wrote you, my love, the first thing I did after my landing here on the 20th; I then proposed...
You mention to M rs Adams a Piece of Land adjoining to me, of 56 Acres at 25 s an Acre: but are...
I have omitted writing sooner to you in expectation that Colõ Smith would have taken this in his...
your obliging favours of july and August came safe to Hand. the first was brought during my...
When I wrote you last, I was just going to Set out on a journey to the West of England. I...
Yours & M r. Adams of the 1 t. & Yours of the 4 th. of July I rec d. the 6 th. Inst. the former...
I thank my dear M rs Adams for M rs Montagues observation, on the writings of shakespear which I...
A Letter from my dear Aunt Adams recievd last July remains unanswered; I am almost ashamed to...
I wrote to you about three weeks since thinking clallahan would sail immediatly but he is not yet...
I went to Boston last Monday & there found that Barnard had arriv’d & brought me Letters both...
I am very sorry to find by your Mammas Letters that you are unwell. I wish you could have made an...
Not to acknowledge the many favours I have recieved from you, and the obligations they have laid...
I thank you my dear Lucy, for writing by mr Jenks tho only a few Lines, but that was very...
By mr̃ Cutting I have an opportunity of acknoleging the receipt of your favor of Sep. 10 th....
Your obliging favour by captain Folger came safe to Hand, and brought me the agreeable...
I inclose a pamphlet upon darying which when you have read, be so good as to give to Pheby...
I have just sent some Letters to go by Captain Folger, but find he does not sail so soon as...
I cannot begin my Letter by thanking you for yours. You write so seldom, that you, do not give me...
Your obliging Letter was handed me, on my return from a journey into Devonshire. it was one of...