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General Orders, 3 May 1776

General Orders

Head Quarters, New York, May 3rd 1776

Parole Albany.Countersign Quebec.

A General Court Martial of the Line, consisting of one Colonel, one Lieut. Colonel, one Major, and ten Captains, to sit to morrow morning at Ten O’Clock, to try all such Prisoners as shall be brought before them—All Evidences, and Persons concerned, to attend the court.

Frederick Roach, a Matross in the Regiment of Artillery, tried at a late General Court Martial, whereof Col. Baldwin was President for “Insulting and striking Capt. Hull1 and for insulting some Inhabitants on Long-Island”—The Court finding the Prisoner guilty of the charge, do sentence him to be whipped Thirty nine Lashes, on his bare back.

Edward McCartney of Capt. Hardenburgh’s Company, in Col. Ritzema’s Regiment,2 tried at the above General Court Martial, for “Desertion”—is found guilty by the Court, and by them sentenced to receive thirty-nine Lashes, on his bare back.

John Maxfield of Capt. Tylers Company, in Colonel Huntington’s Regiment,3 tried by the above General Court Martial for “Desertion”—The Court finding the Prisoner guilty of the Charge, do sentence him to be whipped Thirty-nine Lashes on his naked back for said offence.

Charles Bowen of Capt. Potter’s Company, in Col. Dayton’s Regiment,4 tried by the above General Court Martial for “Desertion” is found guilty by the Court and sentenced to be whipp’d Therty Lashes5 on his bare back.

The General approves of each of the foregoing sentences, and orders them to be put in Execution to morrow morning at guard mounting.

Varick transcript, DLC:GW.

1William Hull (1753–1825) of Derby, Conn., was a captain in Col. Charles Webb’s 19th Continental Regiment. Although Hull had entered the army in July 1775 as a captain-lieutenant in Webb’s 7th Connecticut Regiment, he served in various Massachusetts regiments after 1776. GW appointed Hull major of the 8th Massachusetts Regiment in March 1777, and in August 1779 Hull became lieutenant colonel of the 3d Massachusetts Regiment (see GW to John Brooks, 11 Mar. 1777, DLC:GW, and GW to William Heath, 13–17 Dec. 1779, MHi: Heath Papers). His raid on a Loyalist corps at Morrisania, N.Y., on 22 Jan. 1781 was commended by GW in general orders eight days later. Hull served to the end of the war and remained on duty for several months more with the 1st American Regiment on the western frontier. During the War of 1812 Hull served as a brigadier general and was cashiered after he surrendered to the enemy at Detroit.

2Cornelius Hardenbergh was commissioned a captain in Col. Rudolphus Ritzema’s 3d New York Regiment on 12 April 1776. In October a court-martial found Hardenbergh guilty of defrauding his men, and he was cashiered (see General Orders, 8 Oct. 1776). Hardenbergh apparently served again later in the war in the 4th New York Regiment under Lt. Col. Frederick Weissenfels.

3Abraham Tyler (1733–1804) of Waterbury, Conn., commanded a company in Col. Jedediah Huntington’s 17th Continental Regiment until the end of 1776 when he left the army. Tyler later became a major and eventually a lieutenant colonel in the Connecticut militia.

4Samuel Potter (1727–1802) of Elizabeth, N.J., served as a captain in Col. Elias Dayton’s 3d New Jersey Regiment from March to November 1776 and subsequently became a colonel in the Essex County, N.J., militia.

5Col. William Henshaw’s orderly book reads “39 Lashes” (“Henshaw’s Orderly Book,” 118).

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