Adams Papers

John Adams to Abigail Adams, 25 December 1786

John Adams to Abigail Adams

Grosvenor Square Christmas Day

My dearest Friend

I hope you have had a Pleasant Journey and are happy in your tour. I am, in a state of Phylosophic Solitude, that has hitherto been very tolerable, because I know my Treasures are not far off. But, as soon as the Novelty of it, wears off, and my occupation shall cease it will grow tedious enough. Dont hurry yourself however nor your Friends, but improve the opportunity to see, whatever you have an Inclination to see. I shall receive the Benefit of your observations when We meet and with more Pleasure than I could have made them perhaps in Person. Love to the Coll and my Nabby Smith, and Compliments to all the Party.

A Letter from Squire Storer is in closed. Barnet is arrived some­where but I have no letter yet, but one from Storer in which this was in closed.1 Yours forever

John Adams

RC (Adams Papers); endorsed: “december 25 Mr A. 1786.”

1Probably Charles Storer to AA, 12 Sept., above, enclosed in Storer to JA, 16 Sept. (Adams Papers). The London Daily Universal Register, 25 Dec., announced the arrival of Captain Barnard at Plymouth on 21 December.

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