Thomas Jefferson Papers

To Thomas Jefferson from Sally Geer, 1 January 1808

Lebanon, (N.H.) Jan. 1st. 1808.

Dear Sir,

I am a person under long confinement (even “from my youth up”) by pain and weakness of body, & unfortunate circumstances.—

Emboldened, Sir, by your well known Candor and Benevolence! I presume to send you a broken Line: knowing that all things are possible with GOD, & all hearts are in His Hands;—tho’ my trials, troubles, & wants are great—He is able to send means for my relief

I am, Hon. Sir, respectfully Yours,

Sally Geer.

I wish Your Excellency a happy New Year. Wish, Sir, you may be continued a blessing to us!

Jan. 16.

P.S. I meant to have sent this last fall, by a Representative, but they being Called sooner than usual (unbeknown to me) I was disappointed.—

DLC: Papers of Thomas Jefferson.

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