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Results 58351-58400 of 184,431 sorted by recipient
the inclosed order is for the a ballance of due for Brick work done last year includeing the Resst of M rs Garner s house— I should be glad to get a further sum before you go to poplar forest otherwise I shall be left destitue of funds to Carry on the work I have on hand. RC ( ViU: TJP
Your Excellency will receive by this days mail Seventy one copies of “Proceedings &c” put up in 3 parcels and directed to you at Monticello . Those directed to be put up for P. Magruder Esq and M r Otis I expect to forward agreable to your excellency’s direction on tuesday next; a Gentleman of my acquaintance purposing going to the Southwar d on that day. Should I however be dissappointed of...
I have observed by a late American Gasette that in your reply to the General Assembly of Pensylvania you had absolutely declined to be considered as a Candidate for the Office of President of the U States at the ensuing Election having resolved to retire of all future Public Employ. On this occasion I beg leave to tender you the hommage of my highest respect & to convey to you my sincere...
On the evening of the 19 th Ins t I had the pleasure to receive your esteemed lines of the 16 th , inclosing a Df t on Brown & Hollins , which is accepted & forwarded to Gibson & Jefferson , it is my second Son who is the member of the house of B & H , he is now in
I have the honor to acknowledge your letter of the 28th Ulto, covering that of Mr. DuPont and Mr. Barbe-Marbois respecting the business of General LaFayette: The friends of this unfortunate Patriot will feel themselves indebted to your Excellency for your polite attention to this subject; it is certainly important, if any measure should be attempted in his behalf, that the proposition should...
The inclosed letter was sent to me with a request that I wd. forward it. The reason assigned was, that the one of which it is a duplicate, was presumed to have miscarried, no answer to it having been recd. An answer will of course be expected. I inclose a Paper containing the Declaration of war &c. merely to supply a possible miscarriage of others usually recd. by you. It is understood that...
As I go to Cairo in a few days from whence it will be difficult to write to you I must do it from here tho unprepared: I must also leave my Letter in the hands of the Capt. (who engages to deliver it to Mr. Cathalan at Marseilles) 4 or 5 weeks.—I am in good health and spirits, and the prospects before me respecting my enterprize flattering. This with wishes for your happiness and an eternal...
I have received your favor of the 9 th Ins t and am sorry to find that M r Dufief had not received the money you directed to be paid to him thro’ the agency I had directed, and more particularly so, as I apprehend that another small sum, which was to have been paid to the Collector is in the same situation—Not having myself any transactions with Philad a I applied, on the receipt of your...
Inclosed is the bill of leading for your goods which left this place a few days ago, M r Colels Coles wrote you of the accident which happned to the vessel, on which they were first ship d — I re-shiped them on board the dolphin of york . Capt n John Mager —Master— a dove colour silk in the form of a bed, I think filled with down—was got in your bed room—after you left the
Pray send me Mr Hammond’s communications to you on thursday & your letter to him in answer; and let me see you at Eight ’Oclock this Morng. Yrs ALS , DLC : Jefferson Papers. Jefferson’s docket indicates that this note was received on Saturday, 7 July 1792. For British minister George Hammond’s letter to Jefferson of Thursday, 5 July, see Jefferson to GW, 5 July, n.1 ; for Jefferson’s response...
j’aurois cru, Monsieur, manquer a la delicatesse dont vous offrés le modele dans votre obligeante lettre du 19 mars si je vous avois Rapellé mon souvenir entouré des crêpes de la Revolution et de tout ce que la foiblesse opprimée presente de penible et de Revoltant a la compassion d’une âme genereuse. aussitôt que je vous ai su a votre place et que je suis Rentrée a la mienne je vous ai...
Since my last I have recieved and had a copy taken of the declaration of the King of Prussia, which I have the honor of inclosing. The Imperial and Prussian ministers recieved here the night before last, that of the Duke of Brunswic dated at Coblence the 25th. inst. I had just recieved the loan of it and was having a copy of it also taken, when I recieved the supplement to the gazette of...
J G Jackson presents his best respects to the President of the US & has the pleasure to communicate the information he promised to furnish him some time since. the delay is attributable to the absence of Mr. Love who only returned to day—Upon conversing with Mr. Love he stated to me that Dr. Ware is the person to whom my friend Winston referred as eminent for his Surgical talents—that he is...
I enclose for your consideration, the case of the unfortunate Richard Berry, as Stated by Mr Rowan—& which Statement has been confirmed, by letters, I have received from individuals; particularly Rh: M: [Gario] a friend & acquaintance of mine, whose veracity cannot be doubted but which letter has been mislaid, or it Should be enclosed for your perusal—The Statement of this case, as to its...
I rec d your letter dated the 5 Aug: two posts past, and owe you an apology for not acknowledging it sooner.—The last eight days every moment of my time has been employ’d in placing my affairs in the best posture I can for my absence in the public service —The call upon me was entirely unexpected and found me unprepared.— I am sorry that you deem’d it necessary to trouble yourself upon the...
I take up my pen to answer your favor of the 2d.—It will be in time to go by the Tuesday’s mail from Washington. Your letter came to me from the post office—& must have gone there under cover to some one—as there was no postmark on it, nor your frank, and yet it came free—It contained Mr Madns. letter which I here return agreeably to your request. The concurrent disposition of you both in...
Yours of the 19 th Inst: I received last evening. I foresee nothing to prevent me from meeting you & Gen: Cocke , at M r Madison s, on friday the 26 th ; & nothing but necessity shall be permitted to prevent me. RC ( DLC ); addressed: “ Tho s Jefferson
North Carolina recomnds Laurence Mooney present surveyor of Winton has been absent, in Ireland, five years & his business done by deputy. he is returned and to be continued Frederick B. Sawyer present surveyor at Newbiggen Creek has removed 25 miles The above communicated by Mr. Johnson M.C. for N. Carolina who makes the enclosed recommendat[ions] MS ( DNA : RG 59 , LAR , 8:0397); undated; in...
I am a person under long confinement (even “from my youth up”) by pain and weakness of body, & unfortunate circumstances.— Emboldened, Sir, by your well known Candor and Benevolence! I presume to send you a broken Line: knowing that all things are possible with GOD, & all hearts are in His Hands;—tho’ my trials, troubles, & wants are great—He is able to send means for my relief I am, Hon. Sir,...
After a passage of five weeks, the four first of which were very tempestuous, I arrived in the Channel. In order to save time, and slip into London with the less probability of being noticed, I procured a boat from the shore to land me at Dover. From that place I took my passage in the Mail Coach, and arrived here at 6 O’Clock this morning. Having delivered the Dispatches to Mr. Johnson, and...
Your Letter of the 11 th inst t came to hand, a few hours after M r Dufief’s departure from Philadelphia . I have forwarded it to him, yesterday, by Ship Andrew, bound to Liverpool . According to your previous request, I have, at length, Succeeded in procuring, for you, a copy of Enfield’s History of Philosophy; the work is not to be had in any Bookstore, & it is only by accident that it has...
Mui sor. mio y de todo mi respecto: Suplico á V.E. me permita le moleste por ultima vez con la presente en que le manifiesto serme forzoso dexar el pais pues mi salud padece infinito y me espongo, segun los Medicos, á perderla totalmente si no lo dejo; á cuyo intento me preparo cortando mis asuntos por esta justa causa y por hallarme sin la proteccion que esperaba en los ramos de comercio...
I have this moment received your very interesting and welcome letter of the 11th. ult. and take this early opportunity of thanking you for it. I am extremely sorry to find that I have so little chance of going in the same vessel with you to America. It would have given me infinite pleasure upon every account, but as you seem not likely to sail until the Fall, I must give up the expectation of...
I am now favored with your letter of the 27 th ult: with the invoice of the books.—the invoice I now return, The amount of duties is $5 55/ I have paid freight $2 20 100 — The first good opportunity to Richmond I shall ship the books, and drop you a line at the time, and give you the name of the Vessel and the Captain.— paid duties  5.55
Your favour of 15th inst. have received some days past and shall pay attention to the contents, am concern’d to find one of the Hhds. tobacco shipt by Stratton was such, as you had describd in your former letter and exceptionable. This fault lays with the inspectors, as I had requested they would mark out those that had been fir’d. In future I shall attend to that circumstance and request them...
Although I am sensible that I may break in upon the settled course of military appointment, I cannot refrain from asking, (with a view as well to public service as my own gratification) your attention to a young man who in my opinion unites every requisite for an officer– Arthur W. Thornton, the son of Presley Thornton, formerly of Northumberland County Virga. was brought into this State when...
Your obliging letters of the 12th of may , and 21st of June, I have received; and have taken a step, by accepting the appointment to France, which it is difficult to justify to my family, under existing circumstances. Your information and opinion, which had great influence in this decission; the weighty considerations, that the appointment having been once declined, a second refusal might at...
I have the honor to propose the following persons for promotion in the Army of the U. States, Vizt., Richard S. Blackburn Capt. of Artillerists to be Major in the same Corps, vice Jackson resigned 30th. April 1803— John Saunders Lt. of Artillerist to be Captain vice Blackburn promoted. Howell Cobb Lt. of Artillerists to be Captain vice Izard resigned June the 1st. 1803. Horatio Stark 2d. Lt....
Uncertain whether this will still find you at Philadelphia or no, I shall write but a few lines; happy in the thought of it’s being the last Time I shall have it in my power to do so, before we embrace you. I have heard from Maria since the letter I recieved from you containing an account of her indisposition and recovery , and Mr Eppes mentioned that she had been again unwell, too much so to...
M. barclay, vis a vis duquel M. bettinger et moy avons fait notre soumission pour une fourniture de fusils a l’etat de virginie livrable a bordeaux, nous avoit promis de nous instruire a son passage dans cette derniere ville du correspondant dont il y auroit fait choix pour recevoir ces fusils, il l’a oubliée, et prets a faire une expedition assés considérable, nous sommes arrétés par cette...
The Proverbs of the old greek Poets, are as Short and pithy as any of Solomon or Franklin . Hesiod has Several. His Αθανατους μεν πρωτα θεους νομω, ως δiακeitai Τiμα. Honour the Gods established by Law. I know not how We can escape Martyrdom, without a discreet Attention to this præcept. you have Suffered, and I have Suffered more than you, for want of a Strict if not a due observance of this...
The Subscriber, altho’ a stranger to your person, takes the liberty of requesting your perusal of a few lines in the inclosed N. Paper respecting the state of your health—in order that you Dear Sir may percieve the change which, apparently so at least, has taken place in the opinions of some men who, if not at present were once your most bitter enemies and persecuters. The Editor of the...
Since I wrote your Excellency in answer to the resolutions of your Assembly relative to the conduct of the Cavalry Officers, and the measures pointed out to supply this Army in future with Horses, I have been considering more fully the tendency and consequences that would attend it. It is to be lamented that Officers will not exercise more discretion and prudence when entrusted with the...
I was some time ago favourd with a letter from you , with a pair of Spectacles. I think myself much obliged to you for endeavouring to assist my sight. the glasses you sent Magnify very much, at about one Inch from the Eye, but as the object is moved to a greater distance it becomes more imperfect I think it must be concave glasses that will assist me, I have got several pairs of them, that...
Mr. LeMaigre and Mr: L. Crousillat having determined to send a pilot boat to Jamaica with the proofs of their property in the Vessels belonging to them and which have been captured and sent into that Island by British privateers, they request the favour of You to furnish them with such Letters as you may think proper as well from yourself as from the British Minister to forward their Claims,...
M r Ware is absent from Philadelphia I find, in order to take the benefit of the Insolvent Law in Delaware State . A respectable looking Quaker, a M r James has been twice with me, and appears to be a relation much interested in Ware ’s welfare. The result of the conversations is as follows. Ware will thankfully accept the terms you propose as to prices, which he considers as liberal. There...
On the evening of the 16th. instant I was honoured with yours of the 13th. enclosing the petition of Benjamin Freeman in behalf of his son Clarkson Freeman , and signifying the Presidents instructions thereon. In complyance therewith I beg leave to inform That Doctor Clarkson Freeman was apprehended (with difficulty and danger to the officer, as I understood,) in the beginning of March 1791 on...
with referance to M r L. Leschuts 7 watches say 5 Single Capt a $40 is  200 } is 320 { say $2 Each for — 2 double d   60 120 of 14 regulating $306 n t in order then to try their real merit, and worth—I placed one of the five said to be N o
On Board Schooner Edward & Edmund. have Say 80 Bundles Nail 0.0.0 at 124$ $248 porterage 1.33 $249.33 the Schooner is to sail in three days from this and we hope will be at Richmond early we are Very Respectfully Your Friends RC ( DNA : RG 59 , Appointment Papers); mutilated; at head of text: “Thomas Jefferson Esq
I received your favor of Nov. 4. in Richmond. I had not then time to answer it, but now return you my most hearty thanks. The money for which you gave the order, was paid upon application, and all my wants on this score were soon satisfyed. If it was possible for me to believe that benevolent or malicious spirits presided over men, and conducted them to good or bad Fortune, I shoud certainly...
The terms of approbation with which you mention my Lecture and Museum , afford me much gratification; since I have scarcely a thought not devoted to the perfection of my scheme. From my knowledge of the Interest which you have always felt in whatever concerned the comfort of Man or the Benefits of Society, I am induced to think that even in the important Station to which our Nation has called...
I have been so much indisposed since my last of the 8th. inst. as to have been absolutely incapable of writing. I resume my pen at present merely to inform you by the English packet that the answer from the Emperor arrived here two days ago. The King’s council have had it under long and mature consideration and have communicated it to the diplomatic committee. The Minister goes to morrow to...
The Subscriber observing with surprise the want of a House of entertainment on Capitol Hill, for the reception and deliberation of the friends of administration, at a period when the only House is supported by the Minority with energy and Spirit, he proposes opening the National Coffee House & Hotel on Capitol Hill, to be in readiness on the day Congress Shall convene, and being inadequate to...
Since my letter of the 30th. Ulto. I have recieved your friendly and obliging letter of the 25th. Apl. covering a commission for me as Atty. for the Western District of Virginia. The Office being in the line of my profession, renders it more agreeable to me; I shall not therefore hesitate in my acceptance of it. I will not trouble you with thanks, or professions; But by a Strict attention to...
I received yours of the 28th. last evening. Your preceding one covering among other things your memorandums through France was acknowledged by a few lines put into the hands of a young gentleman bound to Philada. in the Stage of yesterday. The purpose of them was to apprize you that you had omitted Coxe’s answer to Sheffeild and to request the favor of you to send it by Monday’s mail. Should...
Your letter of 11 th Ins t I did not rec d till Saturday last, I have been endeavo r ing to day to get a boat, to send your Tob o to Richmond , but have not been able to Succeed, tho. I think there is but little doubt, but that I shall get it off this week, I will get it sent down as soon as possible to Capt Peyton , and write you as soon as it is on board— I have also made enqurry of the...
The honour of your letter dated the 31st. May last, directed to our Nicolas Guiraud along with the deliberation it Contained, we have with due acknowledgment received. This we are going to Publish, according to your desire. We Make no doubt it may in Time, induce Several marchants of this Place, to send out adventures, to Virginia, Maryland, and other parts of America, for returns in Tobaco,...
Your conjectures with regard to the tea & Coffee was correct as we just began upon the last stock with out making any sensible impression upon them. I have no doubt therefore but there will be enough of both of those articles as well as of chocolate. cooking wine will be wanting & the madeira gave out before you left us there was no white wine therefore but what was in the octagon cellars. I...
Agreable to your fav r 12 h I called at the Residence of M. Poleteca —and delivered the inclosier to his servants, who informed M r P. was then on a Visit—to Mount Vernon , and expected his Return in a day or two—I left my Name and withal—from whom the packet was recd— He Replied M r P.
Since my arrival in this place, I received from Messrs. Wm & John Peirce , of the Tombigbee settlement, a talk from three chiefs of the Creek nation, relative to the Island of Nannii Hubbá, which I have thought it proper to inclose to you. With sentiments of very great respect I am, Sir, Your Obt. Servant RC ( PHi : Daniel Parker Papers); at foot of text: “The President of the United States”;...