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Results 5831-5840 of 184,431 sorted by author
I received to day, together, your Favours of the 31 st December 1796 and 1. Jan. 1797 Our H. of R. boasts that We are the most enlightened People in the World: but We behave like the most ignorant Babies, in a thousand Instances. We have been destroying all Terror of Crimes and are becoming the Victims of them. We have been destroying all Attachment and Obligation to Country and are Sold in...
Yesterday by Major Osgood I had the Pleasure of a Letter from Mr. Palmer, in which he kindly informed me of your and the Familys Welfare. This is the first Intelligence I have had from Braintree since I left it—not a Line from you. Am sorry to learn that Braintree People are alarmed—hope they will not be attacked. Want to know the Particulars—how they have been threatned &c. Thomas is made a...
At the commencement of this session of Congress, I proposed in course of it, to communicate to both Houses, further information, concerning the situation of our Affairs, in the territories of the United States, situated on the Missisipi River, and in its Neighbourhood; our Intercourse with the Indian Nations; our Relations with the Spanish government, and conduct of their officers and...
Mr. Adams fait mille Complimens sinceres a Monsieur Genet et Remerciamens pour les Gazettes Angloises. Monsieur Genet est prié de la part de M. A. de vouloir bien l’informer, quand, et a qui, le payment pour ces Gazettes doit etre faite. Au Surplus, M. A. souhaite de scavoir, si le Bruit qui etoit repandu hier, de quelque Changement dans le Ministere Anglois, ait quelque fondement. Et l’autre,...
I transmit you a letter from William Wetmore Esqr. of Castine in the District of Maine, to be filed & considered in time & in case. Mr. Whetmore is one of the remaining characters, whom I knew as a student in a Barristers office, when I was at the bar. What other applications may be presented I know not. With sincere regard MHi : Adams Family Papers, Letterbooks.
THUS accomplished were many of the first Planters of these Colonies. It may be thought polite and fashionable, by many modern fine Gentlemen perhaps, to deride the Characters of these Persons, as enthusiastical, superstitious and republican: But such ridicule is founded in nothing but foppery and affectation, and is grosly injurious and false. Religious to some degree of enthusiasm it may be...
Amsterdam, 1 February 1781. RC in John Thaxter’s hand PCC, Misc. Papers , Reel No. 1, f. 244–254. printed : Wharton, ed., Dipl. Corr. Amer. Rev. Francis Wharton, ed., The Revolutionary Diplomatic Correspondence of the United States , Washington, 1889; 6 vols. , 4:244–248. In this letter, read in Congress on 19 Nov., John Adams provided an English translation of the Convention for an Armed...
Yours of the 27th. June is received with pleasure, for the free air of it delights me. Your number of 1267. letters in a year, does not surprise me; I have no list of mine, and I could not make one without a weeks research, and I do not believe I ever received one quarter part of your number. And I very much doubt whether I received in the same year one twelfth part; There are reasons enough...
I thank you for your Address of the twenty second of october. Your sentiments of the late Conduct of the French, seem to be conformable to the general sense of the World at large as well as almost the Unanimous Opinion of all America at present. A Republic that is not bound by the Laws of the Majority, is an Aristocracy or an Oligarchy, and commonly more oppressive than Monarchy. Mixed...
In the Search for Something, in the History and Statutes of England, in any degree resembling this Monstrum horrondum ingens the Writt of Assistance, the following Examples were found. In the Statute of the first Year of King James the Second Chapter third “An Act for granting to his Majesty an imposition upon all Wines and Vinegar &c ” ; Section 8, it is enacted “That the Officers of his...