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Results 58201-58250 of 184,431 sorted by date (descending)
24 August 1801, Cap Français. No. 8. Encloses letter from Toussaint revealing plans to move seat of government to Port Républicain, to which Lear replied that he would ask for the president’s decision on his own place of permanent residence. Since Toussaint’s letter was the first indication of his having changed his determination to move to Gonaïves, Lear will take no steps until the seat of...
Since I had the honor of writing to you on the 17th. & 19th. inst. by Dr. Stevens, I have received a letter from the Governor (a Copy of which is enclosed) informing me that his residence would be established at Port Republican, and requesting that I would obtain instructions from my Government to fix myself near him. In my answer, I informed him that I would hasten to communicate his wishes...
Mr Andrews after two Messages—sent his Assistant to inform me, the ornaments were securely packed up. in one large Case & 3. middle size Boxes. I prevailed with him to go with them—that very Eveng. (Friday.) or early next morning from the point—to Alexandria in order—if possible—to meet Mr. Wanscher who perhaps had not yet left that port, or—in Case he had left it, to see them shipped on...
Your favor of the 17th. came to hand on the 20th. but as it’s contents required greater consideration and time than the stay of the post and pressure of other business permitted I have been obliged to take another post for it’s answer. the questions indeed which it proposes are so much blended with law that I should have been glad to have had the opinion of the Attorney general for my...
We should think an apology very necessary for intruding on your retirement, were we not convinced that your solicitude for the advancement of the City authorizes this Liberty.— In reviewing the objects you were pleased to recommend to our attention, and calculating what has been done, and what is yet to accomplish, we find our means will be inadequate to fulfil the whole of your intentions...
The letter I had the pleasure to write to you the other day , & intended to send by Dr Bache will accompany this. I have little to add & only enclose some papers vizt No. 1 is the answer of Presidt. Bank U.S. to mine enclosing a list of names proposed for Directors here, and the order of the board in relation to the intended establishment of a branch here. No. 2 is the answer of the Collector...
I now send you the book, which you were so good as to lend me; for which you will be pleased to accept my thanks. It would have been returned at an earlier day, had I not put it into the hands of Mr. Wythe. This book has been the occasion of my Committing three faults. I borrowed it without being authorised to ask such a favor: I lent it to a third person, ( sed, clarum et venerabile nomen !)...
I sent you a few days ago by Thomas Kindred the articles contained in the memorandum which I brought down with me—together with 4 dozen chairs which came from Philadelphia. I have received of the James River company on acct. of Mr. Short £76.9.1, of which I have informed Mr. Barnes as usual. The Gunpowder you mention shall be forwarded by the first opportunity. I am Dear Sir Your Very humble...
Le Consul General de S.A.R. Le Prince Regent de Portugal a eu l’honneur de se rendre chez le president des Etats Unis pour presenter ses hommages—Il se propose de se rendre a Lisbonne par congé dans le Cours du mois proxain—S’il peut être utile a quelque chose il será enchanté de recevoir les ordres du President à Philadelphie— The consul general of His Royal Highness the Prince Regent of...
As it is a rainy morning which of Cource prevents my going to Church—I feel a greater propensity to scold you first—then read my Bible— did you not Say you wou’d return in August— how then coud you let so favorable an Oppertunity pass, as Thomas Adams and not fulfill your engagement— when I heard his Name announcd I ran with eagar expectation to meet you—but to my great disappointment he told...
I have duly received your Letter of June 30. inclosing one to Mr. Williams which notifies him of his removal from Office. He assures me that his Accounts shall in a day or two be forwarded to the Department of the Treasury, and that the Balance of public money in his hands shall immediately be paid over agreeably to my directions to Messrs. Bird Savage & Bird. Should this Balance exceed the...
I have received your letter of the 3d. instant. At the date of mine of July 21. your letter of Apl. 23. 1800 with those which passed between you & Mr. King & the American Commissioner⟨s⟩ had not been seen by me. These documents will no doubt have their due weight in the settlement of your accounts; which as heretofore intimated, must be presented at the Treasury, and will probably be required...
Your’s of the 18th. is recieved, and I now return all the papers which accompanied it, (except those in Bingham’s case) and also the papers inclosed in that of the 16th. The case of the British Snow Windsor taken by the prisoners she was carrying & brought into Boston is new in some circumstances. Yet I think she must fairly be considered as a prize made on Great Britain, to which no shelter...
22 August 1801, Marseilles . Announces that Captain Bainbridge in the Essex arrived on 29 July. Since the ship had been at Gibraltar and had met vessels at sea, it would have been quarantined for fifteen days; consequently, Bainbridge left immediately for Barcelona, taking with him the Martha , the only vessel ready to sail under his convoy. They arrived at Barcelona on 1 Aug. and departed on...
22 August 1801, London. Expresses his veneration of Jefferson’s philosophical, moral, and political character and admiration for the quality of his appointees. Desires office of Lisbon consulate if found worthy. Believes that recent political changes in Portugal will require Bulkeley, who is connected with a British merchant house, to withdraw. Offers Dearborn as a reference. RC ( DNA : RG 59,...
Letter not found. Ca. 22 August 1801. Acknowledged in Wagner to JM, 31 Aug. 1801 , and mentioned in JM to Jefferson, 26 Aug. 1801 . Authorizes shipment of powder and ball to dey of Algiers and instructs Wagner to honor Eaton’s charter contract, to take no action on Eaton’s commissions for timber and cattle, and to send Jefferson copies of the State Department’s last letters to Eaton.
I have the honour of Confirming you my last respects of the 14th. June Last. On the 29. July last anchored in this Road The United States Freegate Essex Commander William Bambridge Esqre. at 10 o Clock in the Morning. As She had been at Gibraltar and had meeted with Some Vessels at sea, This Health–office could not Give her free pratik but after a quarantine of 15 days, which determined The...
I have delayed untill the present moment acknowledging the honor of your letter of the 12th Jan. last, from a conviction of the impropriety of all trivial intrusion upon your time, always precious, but now dedicated to duties of the highest importance. However anxious I may be to express a due sense of your condescension, I shall ever guard myself against so impardonable an error. I shall...
Your’s of the 18th. is recieved, and I now return all the papers which accompanied it, (except those in Bingham’s case ) and also the papers inclosed in that of the 16th.—The case of the British Snow Windsor taken by the prisoners she was carrying & brought into Boston is new in some circumstances. yet I think she must fairly be considered as a prize made on Great Britain, to which no shelter...
Your favor of the 14th I recd. yesterday afternoon, being unacquainted with a proper person to fill the place of Mr Kirby, I applyd to Capt. Robt. Baron , who informd me that mr David Brodie living there, Hampton was a man fitting for the place, mr Brodie I have often noticed as a serious steady man, & from Mr. Barons assurance believe him to be a good man for the purpose. Mr Chisman I know...
The post just going off and appearances of the seal being rather suspicious of having been opend I have inclosed it; this place at present is remarkably healthy, the frequent thunder & rains I believe in a great measure contributes to it. we have no late arivals therefore no news from Europe, the trade is dull & I think will continue for some time, freights are much falling & provisions not...
Our city has sustained a very great loss in the death of Dr. Bailey. As health officer, he was obliged to reside upon Staten Island, to which the sick from the vessels that came in were carried, and the hospitals have been crowded all summer with the Irish emigrants; he has taken the fever from them, and was only ill four or five days. He has not left his equal as a physician most certainly in...
A respect for great talents & virtues, under the direction of sound judgement, & long exemplified in times of danger & difficulty, induces me to request that you would do me the honour of accepting the two volumes of poems, illustrated with plates, which will be sent nearly at the time of the present letter, as a tribute due to them. Among the plates are representations of a spot in England,...
21 August 1801, Madrid. No. 284. Little has changed since his last dispatch. Great Britain, alarmed at Continental military maneuvers, has stopped all traffic to and from France. Chevalier Freire has arrived from Portugal, reportedly to renew treaty negotiations with the French ambassador and to act as minister plenipotentiary ad interim to Spain. Earlier report that two Tripolitan cruisers...
21 August 1801, Hamburg. Encloses list of American vessels in port between 1 Jan. and 30 June, which has been delayed to ascertain “the destination of the last commerce.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Hamburg, vol. 1). 1 p.; in a clerk’s hand, signed by Pitcairn; docketed by Wagner as received 27 Oct. Enclosure not found. A full transcription of this document has been added to the digital edition.
21 August 1801, Paramaribo. States that a newspaper extract of his last letter was sent by a British merchant to the person concerned [the port collector at Paramaribo] “in expectation that it would provoke the man to cramp our Intercourse still more.” Extract “caused great irritation [and] produced many threats,” compelling him to deny authorship, but the episode has resulted in better...
21 August 1801, London. Acknowledges JM’s letter of 29 June. Will close his public trusts with full statement of financial transactions and transmit accounts to secretary of treasury. Will pay Rufus King balance of public money. Hopes Erving will arrive when expected and “serve the United States & the Claimants as faithfully as I have served them.” RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , London, vol. 8); Tr (...
I have the honour to inclose you the list of American Vessels arriv’d in this port, between the 1rst. of January & 30th. of June inclusive. The delay necessary to know the destination of the last commerce, is the cause why this document has not been forwarded sooner. I hope otherwise it will be found sattisfactory & compleat. I have the honour to be Sir Your very obdt. Servt. The preceding is...
A Newspaper containing an Extract from my last Letter to you having been recd. here, it was immediately Sent to the Person whom it most concerned, by an English Merchant, in expectation that it would provoke the man to cramp our Intercourse still more. It indeed caused great irritation in the Office, Produced many threats, and every means were used to discover the writer. On account of my...
Yesterday I received your letter of the 29th. June. I will duly close my public trusts by a full & precise state of all my pecuniary transactions, & will in a few days transmit my accounts to the Secretary of the Treasury. I will pay over to Mr. King the balance of the public Money that may be in my hands. Mr. Erving will, I hope, arrive as early as you expected, and serve the United States &...
I think I once before sent you an application from the same person from whom the inclosed is, with some notes on the subject of his application to me before the 4th. of March. his recollection of a promise on my word & honour , is a proof that he recollects too much with those who know me. a much greater occasion would have been requisite to draw such a pledge from me. I do not recollect the...
Your favors of the 15th. & 17th. are recieved. you will find an approbation signed at the foot of mr Millar’s letter. all the papers inclosed to me, are re-inclosed except the list of warrants.—I do not with very great certainty recollect the particulars as to Genl. Herd . but I think we at first intended him the place afterwards given to Lynn: that it was after that suggested he would accept...
Your’s of the 17th came to hand yesterday. there being little prospect of recovering my cask of white sugar & coffee (which contained 15 loaves of sugar & 60. ℔ coffee) or at any rate in time for my use here, I must ask the favor of you to send me by the first boats 8. loaves of single refined sugar, and 30. ℔ coffee; to which be pleased to add a cask of about 50. ℔ of good gunpowder.—I am in...
I hope You’l Excuse me for thus intruedeing on You this Second Letter as it arises intirely from A Report that’s circulated in this place of Your beeing taken exstreemly ill on Your Way to Monticello, insomuch that You Where not abel to proseede at all on Your Way, in traceing the fabricated Report I found it Came from Docr. Wiemes of George town, Ive made frequent enquirey’s to find out the...
A collector for the port of Hampton is wanting in the room of a mr Kerby, removed for delinquency. a person of the name of Mount E. Chisman has been recommended. can you favor me with his character, or recommend any person more fit? you will much oblige me in doing so; fully & freely, under an assurance that no use shall be made of it which shall bring you into question. indeed I must even ask...
I had the pleasure of informing you on the 14th. inst. that I supposed the inoculation of the kine pox to have taken effect in two subjects. these were from the matter you were kind enough to send July 24. that of July 26. succeeded with 2. others. that of Aug. 1. with 4. on the 16th. inst. we inoculated from the 2. first subjects 15. others, 14. of whom very evidently have the infection, so...
I have recd your favor of the 5th of July with your Letter to Chanceller Livingston on Some Points of the natural History of Buffon and Jefferson, and your other Letter to Gerrit Boon. Col. Lincklain by whom you Sent them has not favoured me with a Visit—if he Should I Shall Shew him all the Civility in my Power. I have read the Letters with great pleasure. There are too many Subjects of...
Hermitage, August 20, 1801. Sends information for use in a case involving conflicting claims in the Staats Patent. ALS , Hamilton Papers, Library of Congress. Lucet (Lucett, Lucette) was the head of Lucet and Company, a countinghouse in New York City. For the Staats Patent, see David E. E. Mix, ed., Catalogue: Maps and Surveys, in the Office of the Secretary of State, State Engineer and...
20 August 1801, Treasury Department. Encloses copy of letter from collector at Boston in response to inquiries made at JM’s request concerning French armed schooner Beguine . RC and enclosures ( DNA : RG 59, ML ). RC 1 p. Enclosures (3 pp.) are copies of Benjamin Lincoln to Gallatin, 12 Aug. 1801, and appended lists (see n. 1). RC and first enclosure reproduced in Papers of Gallatin (microfilm...
20 August 1801, London. No. 30. Conveys word from Murray and Dawson that exchange of ratifications has been completed in Paris. Encloses letter from Eaton with latest information on situation at Tunis. Refers to previous statements of his reluctance to execute Eaton’s orders. RC ( DNA : RG 59, DD , Great Britain, vol. 9); letterbook copy ( NHi : Rufus King Papers, vol. 54). RC 1 p.; marked...
Letter not found. 20 August 1801. Acknowledged in Webster to JM, 30 Nov. 1801 . Discusses administration policy for appointments and removals in government in response to Webster’s letter of 18 July 1801 ( PJM-SS Robert J. Brugger et al., eds., The Papers of James Madison: Secretary of State Series (2 vols. to date; Charlottesville, Va., 1986—). , 1:436–41 ). For Jefferson’s suggestions on its...
I have the honor to inform you, that on Sunday last, the Spanish Consul presented & introduced to me, Citizen Simon Jude Chancognie ; as Agent of the Commissary General’s Department of Commercial Relations, on the part of the French Republic, to this State. The Citizen at the same time presented me, Credentials from Citizen Pichon; copies of which are enclosed, regularly certified under the...
Since the Receipt of your last favor I have delayed Mr: Hanse all I could in the finishing of your Carriage. as I prefered its being in his hands untill near the Time of your return, it may now however be sent for, as soon as you please—in Order that you may receive it spotless, & beautiful as it really now is, I shall direct the outside cover to be tacked under in a way to prevent the Eyes &...
19 August 1801, Tunis. Has a letter from Tripoli reporting that Dale appeared there on 26 July and rejected pasha’s proposed truce. Has learned also that Captain Jercovich was at Malta retailing merchandise in late June, thereby failing to abide by charter terms and forfeiting right to freight. Hopes this information will arrive in time to prevent captain from securing full freight. Encloses...
19 August 1801, Cap Français. No. 7. Takes advantage of Stevens’s delayed departure to relay word that two British frigates appeared off the harbor on 17 Aug. One frigate boarded, then released, American schooner Commerce as it entered port. Has not heard of their capturing any American vessels, although several left earlier. Encloses an order from Toussaint halting payments from the treasury...
19 August 1801, Paris. Repeats request to be allowed to continue as unsalaried commercial agent should someone else be appointed consul or agent general. Points out that Denmark and other powers keep three agents for trade at Paris, each salaried. Believes that importance of Paris requires more than one U.S. agent for the convenience of American citizens. RC ( DNA : RG 59, CD , Paris, vol. 1)....
Letter not found. 19 August 1801. Acknowledged in JM to Létombe, 25 Aug. 1801 . Expresses his sentiments about the U.S. and its government on preparing to depart for France.
By letter from our Chargè Des Affaires at Tripoli of 27th. ult. we are informed that the Commodore Dale appeared before Tripoli the 26. that the Bashaw proposed a truce, but that his proposition was rejected. By the Danish Commodore I learn that the Raguse Brig, Ben Venuto, Captain Gio. Jercovich, which I dispatched express to the United States on the twentieth of April last, was in Malta late...
Dr. Stevens’ departure being delayed two days beyond the time he expected to sail, gives me an opportunity of writing this, in addition to my letter of the 17th. Two British frigates appeared off this harbour on the 17th., and continued there until last evening. One was the Trent—the other not known. The latter boarded the Am. Schooner Commerce, Capt Ingersoll, from Salem, coming into this...
The late President, Mr. Adams, honored me with the appointment of Commercial Agent of the United States, at this Place. This nomination was confirmed by the Senate. Should the President be pleased to confer the Appointment of Consul General, or Agent General, or Commissary General of Commercial Relations to any other Person, I hope, Sir, that you will find no Inconveniency, in suffering that I...