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Results 58201-58250 of 184,431 sorted by date (ascending)
It is his Excellency’s the Commander in Chief’s directions that the Bearer of this Mr Winslow, be permitted to pass into the Enemy’s Lines agreable to the inclosed Permission. I am Sir Your most Obdt NN : Myers Collection.
In a Letter which I have this Day received from the Secretary at War, in the followg paragraph—"When our Troops retired from York Town in Virginia, a large Quantity of Ordnance & Ordnance Stores were left for the Use of the French Troops, who were to occupy that post—As the french Troops have left Virginia, I suppose our Artillery & Stores will be no longer wanted, if they are not, I think it...
The french corps having staid at Williamsburgh, untill the first of July, without any plan of campaign being received from France, and none of the officers who had been sent to take his majesty’s orders being returned, and the time fit for the operations being so much advanced, it has been necessary to put the french corps in motion, having beforehand consulted the conjectures and the greatest...
RC (Virginia State Library). Written by Arthur Lee except for Theodorick Bland’s signature. Docketed, “Virga Delegates Letter July July 16th 1782.” Although JM did not sign the letter, it clearly was written on his, as well as Bland’s and Lee’s behalf. The omission of his signature may be explained by the comment at the close of JM’s letter to Pendleton of this date ( q.v. ). We had the honor...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Undocketed and cover missing. Having occasion to go to Town I recd. your Letter of the 9th. and thank you for the trouble you have taken about a habitation for me and my family. Mr. Ross has this day put it in my power to go forward and if the health of Mrs. Jones and my little boy will permit and her inclination and the heat of the weather does not interfere to...
RC (New York Public Library). Unsigned and cover missing. Docketed by Pendleton, “James Madison, jr. Esqr. July 16th. 1782.” Your favor of the 8th. instant escaped the danger of late incident to the post; the robbers having removed to the Northward for the purpose of attacking the Eastern mail which fell into their hands near Trenton last week. It is said to have been the identical party. I am...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Docketed by Randolph, “July 16. 1782.” The cover is missing. What may have been a brief complimentary close and signature are too faded to be legible. The italicized words are those written by JM in cipher, except in the one instance mentioned in n. 10. For the passage which he encoded in the Lovell rather than the official cipher, see n. 27. Many years after writing...
DS : Musée de Blérancourt Etat des reconnoissances fournies au Trésor Royal par M. franklin, et relatives à l’emprunt d’hollande de dix millions. Savoir: l.t. 18 juillet 1781. 800,000 " " 29 octobre id 600,000 " " 4 xbre id 816,000. " " 8 fevrier 1782. 500,000 " " 12 mars id 500,000 " "
I have delayed writing till the vessel is near ready to Sail, that my Letters may not lay 3 weeks or a month after they are written, as is commonly the case. Mr. Rogers and Lady are going passengers in this vessel; and tho I have only a slight knowledge of them I shall commit my Letters to their care. I have not heard from you since the arrival of Capt. Deshon. Your last Letters were dated in...
5821017th. Wednesday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. Mr. D. went and took a walk in the afternoon. Very bad weather.
6 lb. best Hyson Tea 2 China Cooffee Pots 1 doz: handled Cups & Saucers—China 2 doz Soup Plates & a Tureen doz: flat do. doz small long dishes 2 pr Pudding do. 2 or 3 Brushes 3 or 4 house Brushs Mrs. Warren has left this memorandom with a request that she may have these articles and she will pay the money to me or send to her Son for any thing I may want from France, but at present I know of...
I am honoured with yours of the 14. You might well Smile at the Supposition that I know nothing about the Negotiations for Peace. I have no direct Information about it, Since the 2 of June, but I presume the Reason is, there is nothing to communicate. I am indirectly informed, that Greenville, after a long time recd a Commission to treat with all the belligerent Powers. But as our Ennemy dont...
Two LS : American Philosophical Society Je prends la liberté de vous adresser un memoire Relatif au Sr Penet. Linteret que je prends à ce jeune homme depuis sa plus tendre enfance et mon attachement pour son honnette famille me font ressentir l’amertume de son malheur. Instruit des Causes qui ÿ ont donné lieu, j’ose m’adresser à votre Excellence dans une pleine conviction de sa justice et de...
ALS : American Philosophical Society I had the honour of receiving your Excellencys of the 5th which I shoud have acknowledged by return of post, but I defer’d doing it for some days, in order to examine my situation and to endeavour to fill in some method of getting away the remainder of the public goods without being further troublesome to your Excellency. I have not hitherto made great...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania The inclosed Letter which I regret exceedingly not having in my power to deliver in person, I onely had the pleasure of receiving yesterday, its detention has been owing to a long and dangerous illness of the Gentleman to whose care the Paquet was adressed in which it was contained. The Friendship Mr Strahan has ever testified for our Family & that in...
LS : American Philosophical Society A La Gloire du grand Architecte de Lunivers. d’un lieu éclairé ou regnent le Silence, la paix et La Charité La Loge reguliere des Commandeurs du Temple Seante A Lorient de Carcassonne. Lan de La V∴ L∴ 5782 et Le. 17e. Jour du 5me. mois Au Trés Digne Tres Vertueux et Tres Respectable Frere Franklin Ministre des Etats unis de L’amerique au pres de La Cour de...
In Reply to your Letter of Yesterday respectg the Ordnance & Ordnance Stores in Virginia, I transmit to you Copy of a Letter from the Count Rochambeau, to whom I had submitted your Quere, & requested to know from him what future Service he expected from those Stores for the Use or Security of the French Troops. I think it will be well for you to take your Measures for the Removal of such as...
I have revolved in my mind the question you proposed yesterday morning Viz. whether the French troops should halt at Baltimore or more farther Northward I am fully in opinion, As they have left Virginia where I think they should have remained, that they should not Halt short of Trenton unless future information should require it. Because by coming Northward it will menace the enemy in New York...
I had the honor to write to your Excellency, that at my Departure from York in Virginia, I would Leave in that place a Detachment of 400 french Troops, which were to be joined by a corps of the Virginian Militia, to assure the possession of that harbour to the french navy now there, and that may arrive in future. At the moment of my Leaving that place, the American militia were just beginning...
The civilities I have been honour’d with, from your Excellency on former occassions, and being disapointed from other quarters turns my reflections to that of seeking redress of you on the present occassion, which I am induced to do, on the presumption of the assurances given to me by letter, that I should be reimburs’d for my services & what I advanced for public Service by your Excellency’s...
By the verbal answer received by my son, in answer to my letter to your Excellency of this day, I understand that it is your desire that I should send you for perusal such papers and letters necessary to satisfy yourself respecting my demands on the public in consequence of your employing me in the years of 1776 & 1777 &c., which I now have the honour to inclose to you, Numbered from N. 1 to...
5822218th. Thursday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. In the evening Mr. Hoogwerst came here. Mr. Artaud din’d at Mr. Rimbert’s. Cloudy weather, and a heavy shower of Rain in the evening.
Aya—Eliza —and is it thus you honour the bare resemblance, thus place round your Neck the Ideal Image, the unanimated form of one, whom if he were present would not be thus distinguished. Virgin Modesty and conscious honour would then forbid this publick mark of affection unless it were sanctified by choise.—But why Sir has the painter been so deficient—it is barely a likeness of you—he has...
I had a letter some days ago from Doctor Franklin desiring me not to draw on him for any more money, to which yesterday I wrote a reply, a Copy of which I send inclosed to your Excellency. If you shou’d ask why I trouble you with it, my answer is, that it is for the reason I have given Doctor Franklin for writing so long a letter to him, “because I wish you to know minutely my situation.” I...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I have recd yours of the 18th, but not that per Mr Young, I immediately set about procuring you the necessary Information Relative to the Marquis de Fayette & inclosed you have an Acc’t of the Wine & Salt as per Catalogue for Sale which I hope will be fully Satisfactory— if any thing further I mean Oath & Notarial Certificate shou’d be necessary, please...
Mr Lindsay handed me your favor of the 14th—the disposition of the Prisoners is not with me, but I have accompanied your request to the Secretary at War, and have no doubt of his acquiescence—If the Ladies should derive as much additional pleasure from the attainment of this Band, as I wish them, they will soon be at the summit of happiness. At present, we are inveloped in darkness; and no...
RC ( LC : Madison Papers). Unsigned but in Randolph’s hand. Undocketed and cover missing. In my letter of the last week but one, I anticipated the cause of my failure to write by saturday’s post. The trial of the flag-ship, whose defence I undertook, added to the debt, due from me to my connections by friendship and blood, detained me in Williamsburg until the afternoon of that day. The ship...
5822819th. Friday. (Adams Papers)
Stay’d at home all day. In the afternoon Mr. D. went to take a ride. Changeable weather.
Near the dusk of last Evening, I was Honored with your Favor, by the hand of the amiable Master Charles Adams, but was unhappy in not having a light ready to know the Contents. The Young Gentleman Seeming in hast, having Company in waiting, prevented my detaining Him. I regret my not having His Company to lodge and the Young Ladies who were with Him, as it would have greatly amusd me in my...
Under the 25th May last I did myself the honor of addressing you in behalfe of a Capt William Armstrong, late Comander of a vessel belonging to me—who, by the then last accounts, was suffering a severe confinement on board a Ship at Portsmo. I felt much on this account, both as he was a worthy young fellow—and as it appeared to me an insult upon a subject of these States—therefore on a public...
My arrival in this kingdom is a matter so trivial in itself, that I should not think of saying any thing to Your Excellency about it, if certain paragraphs in some of the Public Papers did not seem to render it proper at this Juncture. I cannot suppose that those paragraphs, suggesting that I am authorised by Congress to negotiate with the British Court, can at any rate make the least...
I have found it necessary to draw Bills on Mr. Swanwick in favor of different People and payable at various Periods. These are Bills of Exchange in the common Form and must be negotiated by Indorsements. You will always receive them in like Manner with my other Notes or Bank Notes and remit them which you can do without cutting them as they will be paid only to the Indorsee. I am Sir your most...
LS : American Philosophical Society Voila deux ans et demy d’Ecoulés depuis mon depart de l’amerique Septentrionale, sous le congé qui me fut acordé par le Congrés avec la faculté de venir rejoindre mes drapeaux lorsque Les Circonstances me le permetroient, et que ma Santé Epuisée par les fatigues du service penible que J’y avois fait pend’ 3 ans, et de la dure prison que J’y avois soufferte...
ALS : University of Pennsylvania Library Dr Shuttleworth informed me that he intended going to Paris in order to consult you upon some American business of his own, and desired an introduction from me. He attended Mr Hewson’s Lectures, and as he has dined several times at our table you probably may have seen him. He was in Maryland with Mr Eden. I am highly delighted with the importance I am...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I wrote you yesterday, in which I acquainted you that I shou’d go to the Secretary’s Office, in order to have the pacquet, which I had made up for you, forwarded by a Courier if any was going. I accordingly went & saw the Earl of Shelburne who entered into a Good deal of Conversation about you & Peace, protested & vowed in the fullest manner & in the...
ALS : American Philosophical Society If I was to permit my friend and nabour Mr. Green to visit Paris without convaying this to your excellency, I should think myself defecient in that friendship I have ever wished to shew him. He is an Artist of distinguished merrit in Mezzatinto engraving, and has done most of the esteemed prints in that manner from my paintings. He visits France in the line...
I writ to Your Excellency the 12th inst. I hope that Letter will be forwarded by the same conveyance with this. I am now called upon to address you by one of those very affecting instances of private distress which deeply wound the heart; and excite all our tenderness in favour of the unhappy Sufferers. This melancholy Case is occasioned by the confinement of Capt. Asgill as an Object of...
Having no certain data, upon which a plan of Campaign can be determined, I could only give opinions upon certain hypothesis—These his Excellency Count de Rochambeau has had an oppertunity of examing, fully. It is needless for me therefore to repeat them in this place. New York in my judgment, has ever been the primary object of our arms—Charles Town, for certain political considerations which...
FC (Virginia State Library). In the hand of Archibald Blair. I enclose you a copy of the direction of a Letter dated 14th. May which came to me from Winchr. three days ago which I shou’d not have open’d but for its being frank’d by Mr. Livingstone, I am really concernd that so little care should have been taken in Communicating the Birth of a Dauphine to me, it may perhaps induce a belief in...
5824020th. Saturday. (Adams Papers)
This forenoon Mr. Wolff came to see Mr. D. Mr. D. went and took a ride in the afternoon. I went with Mr. Artaud to the shops. Mr. Artaud went into the country. Clear weather, but windy.
The more I reflect upon the late Revolution in the British Ministry the more I am Struck, with the Conduct of Mr Fox. I am become, upon certain Conditions his Admirer, and almost wish to be his Friend! . The Conditions are two 1. That his Conduct has been the Result of Deliberation and Judgment, not of mere Jealousy Ambition, or Resentment. 2. That he has Patience and Fortitude enough to...
The Senate again resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, to take into Consideration the State of the Nation; and after some considerable Time spent therein, the President resumed the Chair, and Mr. Ten Broeck from the said Committee, delivered in a Report; which he read in his Place, and delivered in at the Table, where it was again read, considered by Paragraphs, and agreed to....
AL : American Philosophical Society Mr. D’amezaga, fait ses Plus Tendres Complimens à Monsieur de franklin, Il luy fait demander Sil dinne demain chés luy, dimanche et Sil veut bien que Mr. Damezaga aille L’embrasser. The only year during BF ’s stay in France that July 20 fell on a Saturday.
ALS : American Philosophical Society Jay lhonneur de joindre icy suivant vos desirs, l’Etat de Situation du Compte de Mr. Morris, dicy à la fin de l’année; Vous y verrés monsieur, que les Gros payements faits & à faire absorbent les fonds qu’il à en france, & qu’au lieu de pouvoir contracter de nouveaux Engagements, il faut S’occuper des actuellement des moyens de pourvoir aux anciens qui...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania I take the Liberty of recommending to your notice the bearer of this Mr. Philip Livingston a Gentleman with whom I have had a very great Intimacy for many Years Past both in this Country & on the other side the Atlantic & I will answer for it that you will find him in every respect worthy of your Acquaintance. My Wife & Family join me in our most...
ALS : Historical Society of Pennsylvania Altho.’ we are without any answer to the Letters we have had the honor of writing to your Excellency the 18 December and the 8 of last Month you will please to permit us to refer thereto. By Letter received the day before Yesterday from Philadelphia via Cadiz we have inclose a resolve of Congress authorising Joshua Johnson Esqe. to examine our account...
I am obliged by your Excelencys Favour of the 14th June to acnoledge your Excelencs, Goodness in offering your assistence in my Exchange. I think it proper to give a more particular account of my Situation, and have inclosed a Coppey of my Parole for your perusel. I think agreable to the parole they cannot refuse a man in my room alltho there is no Exchange agreed on; your Excelens, will...
I beg the Favour of your Excellencys excusing my taking up your time by interfereing with That multiplicity of Business of a higher nature and purpose. A Mr Kennedy left this town and joined the British at the beginning of those times from whom he received the Commission of Captn—he is nearly relatied to my wife on account of Which he Sent me out in the year 1777 a Deed of Gift wherein he...
5824921st. Sunday. (Adams Papers)
This morning I went to Mr. Rimbert’s to see if Mr. Montréal could go into the country with me. As he could not I went alone. Stay’d there all day and return’d with Mr. Artaud. We got home at about half past eleven o’clock. Fine weather.
LS : University of Pennsylvania Library Si nous devons, Monsieur, avoir l’honneur de vous voir après demain mardy, je vous prie de ne pas oublier d’apporter votre cachet, pour être apposé sur la convention signée le 16. du courant entre vous et M. le Cte. de Vergennes; Si au contraire vous ne deviez pas venir ici, je vous prierois en ce cas de vouloir bien m’adresser par une occasion sure le...