James Madison Papers

To James Madison from William Kirkpatrick, 25 August 1801

From William Kirkpatrick, 25 August 1801

Malaga 25 August 1801.


You will find annexed duplicate of what I had the honor of adressing you on the 2d. Inst. thro’ Lisbon. Yesterday morning the Frigate Essex Came safe into our Bay, with Twenty three Sail of Merchant Vessels principally loaded on the Coast of Catalonia for different Ports in America & the North of Europe. Capt. Bambridge proceeds the first moment of a favorable wind, to escort his Convoy thro’ the Gut.

By the last accounts from Gibraltar it appears the two Tripolitan Cruizers remain blocked up by the Frigate Philadelphia, and that the Crews were deserting fast in Consequence of having no provisions. Some had been furnished by the Emperor of Morocco, & probably more may be sent over to permit their attempting to get out. They are however so closly watched that it will be a very difficult Matter to escape the Vigilence of Capn. Barron.

The Sickness which last Season raged with Such violence at Cadiz, Seville & Adjacent Towns, has not returned this, thank God, and People in General seem to apprehend little danger that it will now, so advanced in th⟨e⟩ Year. I am with great respect, & Consideration, Sir, Your most Obedt. very Humble Servt:

Willm. Kirkpatrick

P. S. Since writing the foregoing I have Received a Letter from Mr. Gavino dated Gibraltar 14 Inst of which I enclose Copy for Your information.

W. K.

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